I am incredibly proud of Bec’s CrossFit Journey. She is dedicated, determined and 100% supportive of all other members. Her achievements so far are a reflection of her incredible commitment.

Below is Bec’s journey in her own words.

What's the most unexpected benefit you have gained from being a member of Metal Therapy?
Coming from another CrossFit box I have experienced many unexpected benefits such as improved lifting technics, developing a better mindset and the community that is super supportive and encouraging. I have develop some great friendships that I believe will be friends for life.

Can you tell us a little of what it is like to train with your daughter Hayley who recently turned 18?

Oh, training with my daughter Hayley is an absolute joy! It’s such a special experience to be able to share our fitness journey together. We encourage and support each other every step of the way. Wheather we’re lifting weights, running, or hitting our PB’s, it’s a wonderful bonding time for us too. We celebrate each other’s achievements and motivate each other through any challenges. Plus, it’s great opportunity to teach her the importance of a healthy lifestyle and staying active. I couldn’t be prouder of my little workout buddy!

You have recently competed at the Bayswater comp with Pav, Darryn and Omar, can you tell us a little about this experience and the choice of your team name F.O.L?

Earlier this year, I injured my back and was concerned about participating in this comp due to this injury. Having a supportive team took the pressure off with movements that aggravated this injury. Having a team like this made the experience so much more enjoyable, this has sparked the love of competing again. Thanks team F.O.L!

If you could compete with any CrossFit athlete who would that be and why?

We have our upcoming Double Dose comp which I have asked Lexi to be my partner. I chose her because she is a new member who hasn’t competed with us yet. I think she would be a great partner because she is encouraging and love to push herself, train hard but most of all is able to have fun.

If your life could be summed up in a movie, which one it would be and why?

Finding Dory! Because of my friendly nature and vague memory.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

OMG rope climb! Saying this word makes my stomach turn. I’m petrified of high heights. Reaching the top frightens the hell out of me. However, with the support and encouragement of the 6am crew, and the many tips given by Marc and Logan, I’ve been able to get in the right headspace, conquer my fear and reach the top multiple times.

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 

  1. Hand stand push ups - seeing the world from an upside-down perspective

  2. Snatch - who doesn’t like a good snatch

  3. Clean and Jerks - I’m obsessed with cleaning and jerking

  4. Double unders - two is better than one

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

Don’t settle for ordinary workouts, when you can experience the extraordinary. Take the leap into CrossFit today and discover the athlete within you.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Bec' WOD be?

For Time
50 Double Unders
15 P. Snatch 42.5/60
25 Handstand Push Ups
15 C&J
50 Double Unders
15 C&J
25 Handstand Push Ups 42.5/60
15 P. Snatch
50 Double Unders