Logan is by far one of the most driven teenagers I`ve ever seen.
He's dedicated, passionate and hard working. Every time I see him working out it reminds why I have fallen in love with CrossFit, the biggest fun with the greatest sense of achievement.

Below his Logan`s journey in his own words

You've been CrossFitting for a few years now, starting out real young with your Mum. Can you tell us about the beginning of your CrossFit journey?
My Mum started CrossFit a few months before I had even tried it out. She would come home from CrossFit exhausted but satisfied with how hard she had worked. I wasn't sure about starting CrossFit but mum finally convinced me to come on a Saturday, from then on I was hooked. I starting 5 days a week.

Your average teenager isn’t out doing CrossFit at such a young age. What did your friends think about you and your CrossFitting?
My friends dont even know what CrossFit is, so we dont really talk about it because they aren't really interested in going to the gym at the moment.

When you first started, what was your ‘why’ or purpose for doing CrossFit and has that why/purpose changed since?
When I first started CrossFit I enjoyed it a lot but now my real purpose for CrossFit is I love it and I always want to be improving my mental and physical strength and maybe also to look a little better.

You’ve been training at CrossFit Metal Therapy for nearly a year now. What have you been working on with the coaches?
Me and my coaches have been working on my technique for weightlifting and getting stronger.

You have been kicking some serious goals lately & hitting impressive numbers, most notably your 70kg snatch PB. Tell us about what you have been doing to achieve this and what that achievement feels like?
To get to my goal I have been doing the weightlifting classes to work on technique and I've been focusing on getting stronger by eating more and listening to all of coach Gab's advise. He has impacted my life so much. He told me not allow the negative thoughts in and this aspect has made me happier. When I achieved my goals I feel really satisfied with all the hard work I have put in, looking from where I started to where I am now, I’ve been improving everyday even when it seems that I’m not going anywhere

You’re a quiet achiever and Metal Therapy’s youngest member. Tell us about the support you get from other members?
The support I get from CrossFit Metal Therapy just make all the pain in the workouts bearable and make the weight feel lighter than it is. I remember in last years open, workout 17.4, I struggled with the heavy deadlifts and people like Shannon motivating me every lift.

Given how young you are, you’re a serious contender for the teenage division at the Games. Have you thought about your future as a CrossFitter? What are your thoughts? 
I have thought about my future as a crossfitter. Recently, I thought yep I can make it to the games but I need to work on my weaknesses in order to do it.So I have started coming in earlier and working on those weaknesses.

Now, CrossFitting as a teen may not be common but there must be other typical teenager things you do? What are they?
Well I like to go out with my mates and play basketball and when I’m free and just hanging out with my mates

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
The movement I struggle the most on at the moment is probably thrusters or even rowing

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
I love handstand push-ups probably because I’m good at them and ring muscle-ups because they are a hard movement but I also like running and air assault bike because it is so painful.

Now let’s see if we can crack the quiet Logan shell with a little get to know you.... 

 .... if you had to choose one thing to do everyday for the rest of your life, what would that be and why?
if I had to choose one thing to do every day for the rest of my life it would be CrossFit but besides that it would probably be basketball, because I enjoy playing basketball with my mates.

 .... if you were a cartoon character, which one would you be and why? 
I don’t know to be honest because I don’t really watch cartoons

.... if you had to choose between having a photographic memory or an extra 40 IQ points, which would you choose and why?
I would choose photographic memory because I feel like memories are more important than having a high IQ and having a high IQ doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to be successful.

 .... if you were given the opportunity to cook dinner for your idol, who would that idol be and what would you cook for them?
My Idol would be most likely be Matt Fraser and I would cook a steak because that’s just about everything I know how to cook.

 .... if you were given a guaranteed wish for one of your dream’s to become a reality, what dream would you make a reality and why?
My dream would be to win the CrossFit games because I want to be the fittest person in the world.

 .... if you had an opportunity to meet your future self, what would you want to tell him about this phase of your life and why?
I would tell my future self that I need to work hard for what I want and to keep trying my best at everything I do.

 .... if you were given a million dollars to spend on anything you like, what would you spend it on and why?
I would by a house and rent it out until I need my own house to live in and I would like to support my family.

Looking ahead, how would you describe the Logan you are going to be in a year's time? 
In a year’s time I want to be a lot more confident and a lot stronger then I am now. By the end of the year I would like to weigh 75kgs.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
I would be a tiger because tigers stalk and chase what they want. I like to have someone to chase, that motivates me to go faster.

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Logan' WOD be?

1000m run
90 double unders
80 air squats
70 sit-ups
60 KB swings 16/24kg
50 box jumps 20/24
40 toes to bar
30 hand stand push-ups
20 cal assault bike/row
10 ring muscle ups