CrossFit is not just about physical strength but also mental strength. In the last few months I`ve seen Adele working really hard and overcoming her inner demons, that little voice that says you`re not good enough.
She clearly is an incredible athlete and I`m happy to say that she can finally see it with her own eyes.

Below his Adele`s journey in her own words

You moved from another box over a year ago now. Can you share a little about your time at Metal Therapy and how it has shaped your training? 

Yes, I have been with MT just over a year now. I only have one regret and it has been voiced so many times… Why didn’t I sign up with MT earlier? The culture at the box and support I receive from all the coaches can’t be match to any other gym I have ever been to. PB after PB, growing stronger, faster and fitter with all the people I love so dearly. It a pleasure to come back, every day! 

Your life is super busy, being a mum, a full time student, a personal trainer and also finding time for your own training. How do you manage all this task?

It is easy to manage if it is a priority. Even though my schedule is super busy, I always make time for the things that I have passion for, like my training. MT is my go-to place when I feel the pressure. I lift a few weights, sweat a bit and feel fantastic afterwards, ready to take on the world again. I can’t imagine not doing this for many years to come!

You have been crossfitting for a while now, how does CrossFit impact your coaching style?

Since starting with MT, I had to relearn the correct techniques and way of doing specific movements. I always thought I knew how to do everything, until I met someone with more knowledge and experience than me. Being able to coach and be coached was one of the things I have learnt at my time here at MT. It’s not always about the weight you push or the time on the clock, it’s about doing the movements correctly without risking injury. I have adapted that way of thinking too, and I teach my clients every day, the importance of quality movement over quantity. It comes easy when you have mentors like Gab and the rest of the team to look up to.

You have been hitting impressive numbers, most notably your 75kg Clean & Jerk PB during a competition. Tell us about what you have been doing to achieve this and what that achievement feels like?

When I decided to do that comp, I was very nervous as my component was the 1RM Clean and Jerk. I have hit 70kg a few months before, but have never really focused on improving on that number. I informed Gab of what needed to be done and with his help and encouragement, I managed to get more comfortable with the weights overhead, especially in the split. I practised a lot and the time, effort and consistency paid off in the end. I have to say that whilst I was warming up my clean and jerk at the comp, I couldn’t even hit 60 and I started doubting myself, what if I miss this lift in front of all these people, what if this and what if that… but I had Gab’s voice in my head, telling me that I need to go for a cry (yes, that is our thing) and come back with a clear mind. I walked over to the bar…. Looked at it, stroked it gently and said to it… “we are not going to hurt each other today, are we?” I took a deep breath, chest up and cleaned it. After hitting the first 70kg, I went 72 and after that the 75kg. I couldn’t believe it, was like a winning the lotto! I’m going to train harder to hit my ultimate 80kg goal this year.

You have been incredibly consistent and putting in the hard yards these past months. It is clear that you've got some goals and desires. What are they and what are you doing to reach them?  

So many people have asked me what I am wanting to achieve when it comes to CrossFit, but to be honest, I just want to be a better than I was the day before. I have had it in the back of my mind to become a CrossFit Coach and I aim to make this a reality in the next year. Furthermore, CrossFit helped me build confidence in who I am, what I am capable of and to trust that process. But if I can say this … if Amanda Allen can go to her 4th CrossFit Games at 47 years of age, I can surely qualify for the online qualifier (at the most) by the time I’m 47, that gives me 10 years to become better!! (only kidding!!!) 

Now it is time for the world to know a little more about Adele

Well, a little fun fact is that I am a massive gamer. I play World of Warcraft when I need time off from my studies. I play a fire mage, and her name is Infernus!  I love the colour yellow. I use to be a goth girl when I was younger, that lasted for about 15 years! I am a much happier person now!

...If your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit and why? 

My life started as the movie “Muriel’s Wedding” then progressed to all three squeals of “Bridget Jones’ Diary” and lately, it is more like “Groundhog Day…”
I was socially awkward when I was younger, (like Muriel), then went from one bad relationship to another before I met my prince, (Marcel) like in Bridget Jones’ Diary and now every day is a rinse repeat of the day before – like in Groundhog Day! Guess that is what happens if you are my age!

...If you could go back and redo any moment in your life, what would that moment be and why?

The things that happen to us in our lives are results of either poor or wise choices. I am who I am today, because of those and I had the courage and wisdom to move on and live with those consequences. If I had to undo one moment, it would be the moment I didn’t sign up with Metal Therapy first!

...If you could eliminate one thing you do each day, so you never have to do it again, what would it be and why?

Packing and unpacking the dishwasher! Do I need to say more? LoL 

...If you were invisible for a month, what would you do and why? 

Firstly, I would go to the airport, get on the next flight to South Africa and see my mum… No one will see me get on and off… It has been five years now since I last saw her. Secondly, I would like to eavesdrop on conversations and find out who my real friends are! 

...You are at the millionaire TV show, you on your way to a $million but you are stuck, you can use the phone call, whom would you call?

I would call my son’s father, Paul. He is very smart and intelligent and knows a lot about everything. I am very thankful that Jordan got his brain!

...If you could make a twenty-second phone call to yourself at any point in your life, past, present or future, when would you call and what would you say?

I would call past Adele circa ten years ago and tell her about CrossFit!

We have all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?

Running! I do not understand why people would want to run when they can just drive?

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Squat cleans – because I can go heavy on them. 

I do not mind Thrusters at all; I love the way they hurt!

Snatch has always been a favourite; there is nothing better than catching a ‘heavy, almost semi-decent’ snatch, dead centre!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

Well, if they existed, I would be a Phoenix, because I die mid-WOD, and rise again from the ashes in the last few minutes to finish strong, knowing I gave it my all.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 

We all know that CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity, but did you know its community, friendships, supportive and fun too? Combine all those aspects and you have a winning combination that will last you a lifetime. It’s never too late to be what you might have been! Try CrossFit today and be a better version of yourself now!

CrossFit Inc. decides to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Adele’ WOD be?

For Time:
1000m Row Buy-In
7 RFT:
12 Power Cleans 35kg/55kg
9  Hang Squat Cleans 35kg/55
6  Push Jerks  35kg/55kg
1000m Row Buy-Out