EVENT 1 - The Loop

2 RFT: (10' CAP)
500m Run
40m Deadball Carry 35/55
320/400m Row
40m Deadball Carry 35/55
21/30 Cal Echo Bike
40m Deadball Carry 35/55

This workout will be completed as follow the leader style.
At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the Run. When Partner A comes back from the run they will move onto the deadball carry as partner B will begin their run. Partner B will keep following partner A but they can only progress to the next movement if the station is free.
A tiebreak will be recorder as soon as partner A will complete the last deadball carry.
The tiebreak will be used in the event of a tie for the final podium.


For Load: (6’ CAP)
Establish your 1RM Clean & Jerk

Athletes will have a 6’ combined to establish their 1RM C&J.

1’ Transition


6 Synchronised Thrusters 30/42.5
6 Synchronised Lateral Burpees Over Bar

At the end of the of the clean & jerk athletes have one minute to load the bar to the required for event 3.a

EVENT 3 - The Deadly Quartet

14 Min AMRAP
105 Wall Ball Shots 6/9
75 Box Jumps Over 20”/24”
45 Pull Ups
15 Wall Walks

This workout is performed as an emom. Athletes must alternate every minute for the entire workout
At the count 3-2-1 partner A will commence the wall ball shots .The following minute partner B will commence the wall ball shots. When the wall ball shots have been completed partners can then move onto the box jumps over.

Continue in this style for the entire workout.
* Athletes must step down in the box jumps over.


6 Intervals for reps
1’30” - Part A Cal Row - Part B Deadlift
30” Transition
1’30” - Part B Cal Row - Part A Deadlift
30” Transition
1’30” - Part A Cal Row - Part B Hang Power Clean
30” Transition
1’30” - Part B Cal Row - Part A Hang Power Clean
30” Transition
1’30” - Part A Cal Row - Part B Shoulder to Overhead
30” Transition
1’30” - Part B Cal Row - Part A Shoulder to Overhead

At the count 3-2-1 partner A will begin the row while partner B will begin the deadlifts.
Athletes will try to accumulate as many reps as possible during the 90” intervals. There will be a 30” transition before athletes will swap. Part B will begin the row while partner A will begin the deadlift.
Continue in this style for the entire workout.
This workouts is points based. Depending on the weight you will lift you`ll be awarded a certain amount of points. Athletes can change the load between movements if they like.

Male Female Points
42..5Kg 30Kg 1pts
50Kg 35Kg 3pts
60Kg 42.5Kg 5pts
70Kg 47.5Kg 7pts