Wod 1 – The Triathlon (10' Cap)

Repeat from MT Throwdown 2017

2 RFT:
500M Run
500m Row
50/35 Cal Airdyne

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the 500m. Parter B can begin the run only when partner A has returned to their working station. Partner A can then begin the 500m row, Partner B can begin the row when partner A move onto the airdyne.
Continue in this style for the entire workout.

If unable to run 500m complete same distance on the skierg

At the end of the time cap for every meter or calorie not completed 1sec will be added to the time cap.

Wod 2 – Together we fall (9’ Amrap)

Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Dumbbell Burpees

F(2x10Kg) - M(2x15Kg)

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A and partner B can begin the set of three dumbbell thrusters simultaneously, once completed they can both begin the set of five Dumbbell burpees. Increase the repetitions by three each round until the end of the amrap.

Note: Dumbell thrusters and dumbbell burpees are synchronised movements.

On the DB Thrusters both athletes have to be in full extension with DB overhead before continuing to the next repetition.
On the DB burpees both athletes have to be on the ground before standing and both have to be fully extended before going to the ground.

Wod 3 – For Load (11’ Cap)

3 ATTEMPT 1 RM Snatch and 1 RM C&J

Athletes will have the choice of performing either snatch or clean & jerk.

Athletes performing the snatch will begin first. Athletes will have 20” to complete each lift.

Only 1 athlete will complete the lift within the 20” window. The next 20’’ the athlete in the next lane will complete their lift.
When all athletes have completed the snatch there will be 1’ transition onto clean & jerk.

Wod 4 - Pick me up…before you go go! (10’ Cap)

For Time:

10 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

8 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

6 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

4 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

2 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

F 35Kg - M 55Kg

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the Deadball cleans. Partners can break up the repetition as they like.
Once all 10 DB cleans have been completed both athletes have to carry the deadball over 50ft.
Partner A once completed the carry can begin the set of T2B.
Partners can break up the repetition as they like. Continue in this style for the entire workout.

At the end of the time cap for every rep not completed 1sec will be added to the time cap.
50ft= 2 Reps


Top 5 teams will battle it out for the top spot.
This workout will be released on the day!