Member of the month: Nik Kosutic

Member of the month: Nik Kosutic

I don`t think I've ever met someone so excited about CrossFit then Nik. Nik is a strong, driven individual. He constantly asks questions, always focuses on his technique and impeccably leaves the gym last after a few practice sets of ring muscle ups.

I`m excited to see what the future holds for this young crossfitter.

Below is Nik`s journey in his own words.

You are relatively new to CrossFit. Can you tell us how you came to find CrossFit and a little about your first months? 
It was October 2016 and I had just got back from a trip to Europe, I was sitting at home on the Saturday night jet lagged looking for something to watch on Netflix. I stumbled on a documentary called FroIVing... that was my first real look into CrossFit and I thought this looks insane. My first day back at work I looked up a few different CrossFit affiliates online and emailed the owners, Gab replied straight away and the rest is history. The first few months was just taking in a lot of info from both Gab and Matt, I feel I have a good grasp on the basics at the moment but there is still a lot to learn

Walking into Metal Therapy was your first experience with CrossFit and the community. Can you tell us what your first thoughts were when you came to Metal Therapy? 
Too be honest I was pretty nervous, I didn’t know what to expect and being on the quiet side makes it that little bit harder. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming, the box is not like your typical gym where people keep to themselves with headphones and cliques. Everyone gets along at MT. It’s a great atmosphere.

While you may be new to CrossFit, you are no stranger to fitness. You have a sports background playing soccer and lifting some weights at the gym. How did playing soccer and the gym work you had done prior help you slide into the CrossFit world, physically and mentally?  
I think playing soccer gave me the mobility to be able to do some movements without any issues, mentally it helps me grind out through some workouts. The gym just gave me a good strength base but it got very repetitive and boring.

It's pretty obvious that you are very much already addicted to CrossFit. What is it about the sport and community that made you so addicted so quickly? 
It has to be the diversity, we never seem to do the same thing twice. It’s not like going to the Gym and doing bench press or bicep curls all the time, there is always a new blend of movements mashed together to create a new WOD so it never gets boring. The thing that got me with the community is everyone is on the same page when it comes to encouragement, I saw this during the open. Doesn’t matter how well someone did or if they were just a beginner the same praise and encouragement was given and I think that is pretty awesome!

In the short time since you've started CrossFit, you have smashed out PB after PB and keep going from strength to strength at a rapid rate. For you, what has been the most rewarding and exciting achievement in your journey to date? 
There is no 1 thing, in general its just getting better every day and learning new things. I like to push myself to see how far I have come from day one. I think doing some of the hero WODS and being able to finish them is the most rewarding.

We've watched you tackle some epic WODs, designed for partners, completely on your own. That takes mental fortitude. Can you share a little about your mindset in approaching those WODs and making it to the other side alive? 
I really like to push myself to see where I am at. Its fun to just grind it out with the long WODs. For Double Grace I remember talking to Coach Matt before the session started and got some tips from him on how to tackle it, I followed his tips and managed to get through it alive. Also Gab and the rest of the class helped me through my last 15 or so reps by not letting me stop!

Nik performing Double Grace (60 C&J @60KG)

Nik performing Double Grace (60 C&J @60KG)

Not long into your journey, you snared your first muscle up. We have watched you ferociously continue to work on them since that moment. Can you capture the sweet feeling you felt when you got your first one in words? How did that moment push you toward your next goal? 
I cant explain it, think that was the only time I ever rang the bell at MT. I was so pumped I had trouble sleeping that night. Getting that first Muscle up just makes me hungrier to keep pushing through and learning new movements and getting better. It’s a never ending cycle.

What positive changes have you noticed in your mind and body since starting CrossFit? 
I think I’m a lot more focused that what I was before, iv seen a lot of changes in my body since I started. Iv leaned out a fair bit and lost some of the bulk that I had from going to the gym.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
Lunges, I hate Lunges

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
Ring Muscle ups have to be my favourite, it’s a great feeling when you lock out at the top. I also like squat cleans , squat snatches,  Handstand Push ups, Box jumps, BOB, Rowing the list goes on and on.

Now it's that time. Will the real 'Nick' please stand up....?

.... if money were no object, what would you do all day?
I would probably quit my job and travel the globe going to watch different sporting events. Maybe even buy the Chicago Bulls or Chicago Bears

.... if human beings came with a warning sign, what would yours say? 
Under construction

    .... if you could join any past or present music group, who would it be and why? 
NWA – just to be different

.... if you could change your name, what would you change it to and why? 
Don’t know, something crazy like Rainier Wolfcastle from the Simpsons  

.... if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why? 
Speed my metabolism up so I could eat junk all day and not gain weight

.... if you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 
Definitely be chicken schnitzel, it’s delicious

.... if you could live in one game or movie universe, what one would you live in and why? 
Marvel universe, they have better heroes

.... if people could only find out one thing about you, what would you want them to know about you and why? 
I love my sport. Soccer, NFL, NBA, CrossFit

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year?
I would like to compete in the open next year, this year I didn’t think I was ready for it as I still didn’t have all the movements mastered. Also get a good nutrition plan in place and get abs like Gab.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
I would be a happy Dog with my tail wagging, I’m always excited in doing a WOD no matter what it is and I have a small case of FOMO I never want to miss one!!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
I would just hand them Gab’s number, after speaking to him for 5 min you will be on board

15. Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Nik' WOD be?

For time:

200 Cal Row
100 Wall ball Shots 6/9
50 squat clean 40/60
25 Burpees Box Jump Overs





Member of the month: Yvonne Webster

Member of the month: Yvonne Webster

I have known Yvonne for a little while now, apart from the obvious physical change, Yvonne`s attitude towards training has completely changed since the early days.
She is focused, committed and absolutely in LOVE with CF to a point sometime is hard to shut her up during classes.

From marathon running to CrossFit fanatic.....

Below is Yvonne`s journey in her own words.

You're a long time member of Crossfit Metal Therapy. Can you tell us how you came to find CFMT and CrossFit itself? 
The first I heard of CrossFit was the day I visited Gab’s ‘new place’ in Brooklyn. Before I knew it, I was a signed up member of CFMT!

Metal Therapy has been your one and only 'box'. Tell us what you love about it and why it's been your second home for so long
You lot! (And the coaches are alright too!)

In the past few months, you've gone from strength to strength. You're faster and stronger than ever before. Tell us about your training of late. 
I’ve been challenging myself by lifting a little heavier than the percentiles advocated in most strength components. I’m also frequenting MT 4 to 5 times a week and running less.

Can you capture, in words, what it feels like right now to be growing so much? 
It’s exciting and so satisfying to load the bar with more than two 5kg plates! I’ve come a long way since I first joined!

You have come from a marathon running background. How has your CrossFit journey and running journey married?
Distance running certainly helps me endure our longer WODs and those with more cardio. Also, my old marathon mindset makes me push on.

You work as a nurse and often come to CrossFit on the backend of a long shift. How do you balance your role as a nurse and do you feel like CrossFit helps keep you focused in your important role? 
CrossFit is a priority as its good for me both physically and mentally. I’m generally calmer, confident and have a ‘can do’ attitude when achieving fitness goals.  As I’ve said post-6am WOD: “They can throw whatever shit at me they want, I’ve done my workout!”

We know how much you love the Snatch. You recently hit an effortless Snatch PB. What changes have you made to the way you approach the Olympic Lifting lately? 
Ha ha! By lifting heavier than the suggested percentiles and by just having a bloody go. What is there to lose?

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Double F*@#ing Unders!

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
Front Rack Lunges, Split Jerks and Push Jerks. Not sure why. Perhaps with the Lunges and Split Jerks it’s because they mimic a running action!

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?
The challenge and the chance to grow. CrossFit fosters that ‘can do’ attitude that marathon running did for me previously.

Now to dig a little deeper into 'Yvonne'.... 

.... if you had a theme song that played whenever you walked into a room full of people, what would it be and why?
Stand Up’ by The Prodigy as it’s bold, exhilarating and triumphant.

.... if you were to create a slogan for your life, what would it say? 
‘If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing properly’. Thanks Dad!

.... if you had your own talkshow, who would your first three guest speakers be and why? 
Quentin Tarantino for his genius and creativity; Dalai Lama for his compassion and wisdom; Ozzy Osbourne for his entertaining and humorous life story.

.... if you could be told one thing as a teenager that you weren't told, what would you like to have heard? 
Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated.

.... if you could live out one unfulfilled dream/fantasy, what would it be and why?
We’ve been halfway around Australia and would love to road trip the other half (or the lot)! How great would it be to take the time to see the landscape and those country towns?! Maybe in retirement… 

.... if you had to paint the whole world only one colour, what would it be and why?
That orange glow that bathes us as the sun begins to set. It’s warming and silhouettes the gums and pylons beautifully. 

.... if you had a magic lamp and a genie that granted you three wishes, what would your three wishes be and why?
That my family and friends have a healthy, happy and fulfilled life; To fly business class/first class long haul for free for the rest of my life; To be granted a wish each day (for those unforeseen wishes). 

.... if you could be a character in one TV show, what show and character would it be and why? 
Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones. What a strong Queen, and who wouldn’t want to be the Mother of Dragons?!

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year? 
To 60kg and beyond in my Squats; To attend one Saturday WOD per month; To link some Chin Ups again; Keep on Snatchin’!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
A Donkey! The original workhorse, stubborn in my quest to finish the WOD! And if you listen closely…! 

 You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 
I would have to pitch it as both, social and personally satisfying. We all push ourselves to lift heavier and finish the WODs faster and encourage each other in our quests. A good slogan would be ‘Together We Conquer’.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Yvonne' WOD be?
5 RFT  
10 S2OH 30/50
20 FRL 30/50
150m run.

Metal Therapy Throwdown 2017

Metal Therapy Throwdown 2017

Wod 1 – The Triathlon (10' Cap)

2 RFT:
500M Run
500m Row
50/35 Cal Airdyne

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the 500m. Parter B can begin the run only when partner A has returned to their working station. Partner A can then begin the 500m row, Partner B can begin the row when partner A move onto the airdyne.
Continue in this style for the entire workout.

At the end of the time cap for every meter or calorie not completed 1sec will be added to the time cap. 

Wod 2 – Stairway to Heaven  (7' Amrap)

Power Clean + S2OH + Front Squat Ladder

1 Power Clean + 2 S2OH + 3 Front Squats

At the count 3-2-1 partner A will clean the barbell and hold it in a front rack, only then partner B can begin the barbell complex. Athelte must perform the full complex before swapping roles.. This workouts is points based. Depending on the weight you will lift you`ll be awarded a certain amount of points.

Male – Female
40Kg – 25Kg – 1pts
50Kg – 35Kg – 3pts
60Kg – 40Kg – 5pts

Wod 3 - Find 3 RM S2OH (4’Cap)

Each team will have 4 Min total to establish their 3RM S2OH from the floor.
Teams are allowed as many attempt as they like, but once you increase your weight you are not able to go back.

Wod 4 – Ball Frenzy (12' Amrap)

100 Wall Ball Shots 6/9kg
80 Slam Ball Smash 6/10
20 Dead ball clean M45 – F25
20 Dead ball clean M55 – F35
Amrap Dead ball clean M65 – F45

In this workout timer will beep every minute on the minute.

At the count 3-2-1 PartnerA will sprint to the Med Ball and begin the wall ball shots trying to accumulate as many reps as possible within the minute, he will then sprint back behind the start line and Partner B can then sprint to the Med Ball and begin the wall ball shots.
Continue in this style for the entire workout. 

Slam Ball Smash: In order for the rep to count you must catch the ball on the bounce.

Dead Ball Clean: Must alternate the drop over each  shoulders

Wod 5 – One Mind, One Body, One Soul! (15'Cap)

1 RFT:
65 Synchronised Deadlift 50/70
55 Synchronised Box Jumps/Step Ups 20"/24"
45 Synchronised Burpees over Bar
35 Synchronised Pull Ups/T2B/K2E

In this workout partners will work at the same time and all movement have to be synchronised.

Deadlift: Both partners must lift the barbell and reach full extension at the same time.

Box Jumps/Step Ups: Both partners must leave the ground and reach full hip extension at the same time

Burpees Over Bar: Both partners must have their chest touch the ground, stand up and travel over the bar landing on the other side at the same time. If one partner touches their chest on the ground before the other, they must wait until their partner also touches their chest on the ground before another repetition can be started.

Pull ups/T2B/K2E: Both partners must move through the full movement from start to finish at the same time. Ie. the pull up will start in extension with feet off the ground and finish with the chin over the bar. T2B will start in extension with feet off the ground and finish with both partners touching their toes on the bar at the same time. K2E will start in extension with feet off the ground and finish with knees moving past 90' of hip flexion at the same time. 




I`m sure everyone has notice some big changes in Simone, physically, techically and mentally.

Everyone of us has a different driver, I feel Simone has found the right purpose to get the most out of her training, which clearly reflects her latest achievement.

Below is Simone`s journey in her own words.

How did you and CrossFit come to find each other? Tell us about your path to date.
I was introduced to CrossFit by my cousin and her partner at the time who owns CrossFit Westgate. I trained at Westgate for approximately 2 years where I first met Coach Gab and Coach Matt.  I took a 10 month break from Westgate and decided to join Metal Therapy to continue my CrossFit journey just under 2 years ago.

You've been a member at Metal Therapy for a while now. What keeps you coming back to the box?
I really enjoy the people I train with! I get the opportunity to keep fit and healthy as well as spend time with friends.  The workouts are always challenging which provides me with the motivation to keep improving and it suits my schedule which can become quite hectic thanks to work.

We've noticed that the past few weeks your attitude and determination to train has completely changed. What's shifted for you and what is your mindset like right now? 
I enjoyed a few weeks of uninterrupted annual leave earlier this year which provided me with the opportunity to do five workouts in a week, which I have never done before!  It reignited my passion for exercise and generally feeling fantastic.  My goal this year is to do at least three workouts per week, so far so good!

Your sister, Caitlin, also trains at the box. Have you two always trained together? What's it like training together? Is there any secret competition between you two sisters?
Caitlin and I trained together at Westgate a few years ago.  It is fun training with your sister as we catch up on “family” news as well as enjoy Dumplings in Flemington most Friday nights!  Caitlin and I have different strengths and weaknesses, however, during a WOD there is always friendly competition….

You have a high level job at Nestle. Do you feel that CrossFit helps keep you focused and mentally prepared in your job and other areas of your life and how?
If I allowed it, work would take over my days, as well as my nights thanks to Europe starting work when we are finishing.  Making the decision to put my health and wellbeing ahead of work ensures I work to my best ability and be 100% present and engaged whilst at work or with my family and friends on the weekends.  Once I’m at the gym I disconnect from the day and focus on the job that needs to be done during weightlifting and WODs….. this is my downtime / my “me” time.

Managing life and training can sometimes be tricky. Can you tell us about your routine and the importance of commitment to manage both?
Routine is extremely important to me.  If any activity, work or personal, is not scheduled in my diary it won’t get done!  I try and get to CrossFit on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights.  These days work for me as I manage my work and personal time around these sessions.  Having said that, preparation is key.  My week is planned and organised the weekend before which includes having all meals prepared for the week ahead and my gym gear ready to go.

We heard that you have recently signed up for a Horticulture course. Can you tell us a little about this other love of your life and how it drives you?
I have signed up for a Horticulture short course for six weeks.  I enjoy gardening and “pottering” around at home.  The satisfaction of growing a beautiful garden and having home grown fruit and great smelling flowers in your home is very rewarding!

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
Snatches! I sit at a desk all day which limits how I perform the movement….. my body just doesn’t want to move that way!

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
I like deadlifts and of late power cleans….practise makes perfect (slowly…).  I also really enjoy the body weight movements and running.  I spent many years as a competitive swimmer in the pool as well as the ocean.  A part of my training included running and body weight exercises to change the focus from the 30km per week spent in the pool.

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?
CrossFit allows variety between weightlifting and cardio workouts.  After years of global gym memberships, I have finally found an exercise routine that caters for my lifestyle and has a real social network that I look forward to every session.

We'd love to know even more about you. Here's a few questions to help spill the beans on 'Simone'. 
.... if you were invisible for a month, what would you do? 
I would spend the month travelling the world first class and ensure I visited the NASA space station for the launch of spacecraft.

.... if you were a chocolate bar, which one would you be and why?
I love m&m’s! I don’t eat much chocolate, however, m&m’s have the right amount of chocolate & shell.

.... if you were a season, what would you be - Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter -  and why
Definitely Spring….. perfect days balanced by cool nights.

.... if money was no object, what would you do all day?
I would go to CrossFit or for a run/swim in the morning followed by spending the day attending TED Talks / TEDx or volunteering my time in the community.

.... someone has written a book about you. What would the blurb on the back of the book say? This book is the story of a person who loves a challenge, great food and the pleasure of spending time with family and friends.

.... if you could shop for free at one store, what store would you choose and why? 
Jardan…. I love their furniture!

.... if you had your time again, what is one thing that you would do differently? 
I would tell my younger self to live in the moment and enjoy the adventures and the opportunities that come along….They are once in a lifetime! (this is now a motto I live by).

.... if you could name your proudest life moment, what would it be and why? 
Being handed the keys to my own home.  After years of living interstate and abroad, the feeling of having something that is solely yours is remarkable!

You're still CrossFitting in a year's time. What does CrossFit Simone look like then? 
CrossFit Simone would be stronger and more flexible so Snatches don’t hurt as much as they do now!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
The tortoise… it is not about coming first it is about trying as hard as I can to finish the WOD!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 
CrossFit… give it a go, you will love the challenge!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Simone' WOD be?
20 Deadlift 50/70
1 min Handstand Hold (Against the Wall)
50 Double Unders




What has impressed me the most is seen Brent at his best and after been struck down with illness, he rose through adversity and got straight back on the horse.

Brent is committed, dedicated and hard worker.

Below is Brent`s journey in his own words.

Can you tell us a little about how your CrossFit journey started? 
had a taste of crossfit at a large scale gym in the city but it was a very dimmed down version of what crossfit is. That exposure though was enough to plant the seed deep down so that a few years later after not getting any significant results at a regular gym I sought out an actual crossfit box to train at. Training at an actual crossfit box is something I had wanted to do for years and I regret that it took me so long to step foot inside Metal Therapy.

What drew you across to CrossFit Metal Therapy and what has kept you coming back?
After the first trial at Metal Therapy I knew I had found where I wanted to train. Location initially drew me to me to the box but the atmosphere and people are what made me want to stay; I had never experienced the positive attitude and helpfulness that I encountered at Metal Therapy before. Now it’s the challenge of wanting to get better at every aspect of crossfit along with that atmosphere that makes me keep coming back

Everyone at the box has noticed not just your numbers going up, but also the physical changes in you. Can you tell us a little about the changes you are noticing - physical, mental and inside of your training?
Physically I definitely don’t think I have been this fit since my early 20’s. Mentally I am in such a better headspace now than I have ever been, I am loving the extra drive that I have and the fact that I am not as stressed anymore about work as I have an outlet to burn off all that worked derived stress. 
ve been very happy with how the numbers have been stacking up lately and the pretty consistent gains are really spurring me on.

Last year you were struck with some ill health and had to stop CrossFit. You had to go back and start again. Can you tell us a little about this? How it impacted you? What mindset you've taken in returning to CrossFit and building your strength and skills back up? 
Yeah last year I was hospitalised a couple of times which was a shock for me and my family.  I had to have about 3 months off training and a couple of months off work. 
When I came back it was a struggle for another few months as I had lost a lot of strength, a lot of weight and had to take it very slow. 
Gab helped a lot here by ensuring I didn’t push myself too hard but still pushed enough to progress. 
he good thing is I knew where I could be as I had been there before so I had a target to aim for straight away, but now I know that is not where I want to be, I have a young family and want to be in the best physical condition I can be now for them and myself.

It's been noted that you've had a pretty intense and frustrating relationship with Double Unders. But now you're getting them. What's changed in your relationship?
Haha yeah double unders, that’s a battle that I still have a long way to go with. Happily, now I can say that I am moving forward and can string a few together; practise and listening to advice has helped me a lot here. Matt has invested a lot of time in making sure that I am getting better and that along with being extremely frustrated in myself every time we have a WOD with them in it is spurring me onwards.

Rumour has it that you've got this silent competition going with Matt Cooke. Please explain and share a little about how others motivate you to push harder.
I’ve found since my return to the box that having targets to aim towards is the best way to consistently move forwards with my training. With both strength and fitness, finding someone to train with or to compete against is great motivation. Matt does seem to be in my sights a lot to be that target so obviously I am aiming high but I think he is safe for now…

You're a father with a young family. How do you go juggling parenthood, work, family life and training? What's the key to making it all work?
Its tough at times but once again having those targets to aim towards is what keeps me going.  I know that I want to spend as much time as possible with my family so early morning training generally fits in the best there and I want to train at least 4-5 times a week but when work dictates that an early morning is out then flexible work conditions and an extremely understanding wife is the only way to make it happen.

Okay, so you've got the Double Unders down pat. What's your next most dreaded movement and why?
Definitely not a dreaded movement but I really want to improve my snatch and get that movement sorted and make some gains. Practise, practise practise is going to be the key there and listening to Gab.
readed movement would be thrusters just because of the pure pain that they bring L

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
My two favourite movements are the over head squat and rope climbs, the later I seem to have a good ability to perform at a respectable pace and the former is just a movement that I really enjoy, I would love to get a 100kg OH squat by the end of the year.

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?
Initially Crossfit is my release from the rest of my world and a way to improve myself mentally and physically but its also a great way to be part of a great movement and interact with a lot of like minded driven people. The people are such a massive part of Metal Therapy and I doubt there is a box anywhere else in Melbourne that has an atmosphere like it.

It's time for the real Brent to please stand up. We want to know a little more about you, so tell us your answers to these questions: 
.... if your life could be summarised in a song title, what would it be?
The Man – Aloe Blacc

.... if your life was turned into a movie, which actor would you choose to play you and why? Denzel Washington.  For no other reason than he is a cool mother f#$ker who gets s$#t done, not sure how that fits with my life or how well he resembles me but lets move on.

.... there's an entry for Brent Alford in the Oxford dictionary. What's the definition read? 
Quiet, well-spoken person who is slightly arrogant and doesn’t like to be touched.

.... if you could travel back in time, who would you want to spend a day with and why? 
My Grandfather in the early 1980’s.  the things I learned from that man have formed me and I think made me a better person.  The skills and life lessons he taught me only scratched the surface of what he knew and could offer so to go back to a time when he was in the prime would be amazing

.... if you could choose to remain one age forever, what age would you choose and why?
Initially I would say 23 as that year was a lot of fun but I think I would quickly change that to my age now (37) as I have the most amazing family and my daughter is a great age right now. 

.... if you were told you were about to eat your last meal, what would you choose to eat? 
Fresh venison steak with fried eggs – sounds strange but best meal I have ever had.

.... if you woke up one day and were Prime Minister, what would be the first thing you would do? 
I would change the equality laws that are currently ridiculously absurd. It would probably be too short a time to make any significant changes but that is one law that could be implemented immediately.

.... if you were a superhero, what would your super-name and super power be? 
already am for my daughter - Super Dad – being the best dad in the world.

You're still CrossFitting in a year's time. What does CrossFit Brent look like then? 
e will be able to complete multiple muscle ups, handstand walks and handstand push ups and obviously absolutely smash out the double unders!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
A Chimpanzee – just waiting for the rope climbs….

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
nly the Toughest of Mind need Apply!!!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Brent' WOD be?

For Time:
30 cal row
50 wall balls
10 rope climbs
50 wall balls
30 cal row

2017 MT Tees

2017 MT Tees

We are now taking orders for this year's t-shirts with options colour variations on a range of AS Colour shirts and tanks. Check out the designs below and let us know of your size, garment colour and print colour at the box. 

2016 Member Of The Year: Dianne Hillsley

2016 Member Of The Year: Dianne Hillsley

Dianne is by far one of the most genuine people I have met in my life. Always ready to sacrifice her time to help others.
Dianne was awarded 2016 member of the year based on several things.
Besides her obvious overall improvements the things that has captured me the most is her Spirit and attitude towards CrossFit and our community, something that everyone should take example from.

Below is Dianne`s journey in his own words.

Tell us about your CrossFit story from the beginning.
My fitness journey began right after returning from my honeymoon in May 2012. I was going through some kind of personal life crisis. I was newly married, I wasn't happy with me. I’d seen the proofs of the wedding. Things needed to change within. One Sunday I signed up to a year’s membership to a boxing gym close to my workplace.

After 6 months I had lost 3 dress sizes, and discovered a love of fitness, but I was quite skinny and not very strong. I started researching. I don't remember how I stumbled across Crossfit exactly, but I knew I wanted to try this thing out.

I found a month's unlimited trial membership at a box a drive away, but due to the distance and traffic, I found it quite difficult to commit to more than 2 days per week. But, I’d fallen in love. I remember the first time i stepped into the box, a group of girls were doing rope climbing drills, they looked badass and fierce. I too wanted to learn. I kept the group boxing training for another year after, but I wanted more.

Since my second year of boxing membership was up, I decided not to renew again and try someplace/something else. This was around the time I walked into Metal Therapy. Everyone was quite welcoming to me. After a month trial of “spying”, I’d signed up. Now the coaches cannot get rid of me!

What was it about CrossFit that got you hooked?
Definitely the community. Everyone is supportive and encouraging at Metal Therapy. It is essentially my fit family.

You have undergone a huge physical transformation. Can you tell us about it?
With any change, no one else can make you do something you do not want to.

I had already decided that it was too much pressure to do something about it prior to the wedding. On the return from our honeymoon I was motivated to keep to the promise to myself to do something about it. I signed up and the next day went to my first group 30 min training session. I’d eventually became fit enough to tackle a double class 6 days per week and on occasion 90 minutes. It seriously was a lot of cardio. I’d also found a free meal plan online with helped with the food side of things.

I ended up losing 3-4 dress sizes, probably around 20 kg, but I'd never weighed myself in the beginning. My husband has, and is very supportive of me and I definitely wouldn't be able to, and continue to achieve my goals without him by my side.

When you first started at Metal Therapy you were very quiet. Coach actually thought you were a spy. But not anymore. Tell us about the CrossFit community and how it has shaped you?
I’m generally quite reserved around new people and different environments, it takes some time for me to open up once I start getting to know you. Interestingly, my colleagues noticed a change in my confidence around the laboratory around the time I lost weight.

You were chosen as Member of the Year for your consistency, focus and determination. Can you tell us a little about your mindset and the way you approach your training?
Ever since I started my fitness journey I was quite consistent with my training. It was my 30 or 60 minutes of "me” time away from work pressures and an outlet for my work frustrations. I've always given myself mini goals towards a larger goal I set my mind to. I don't cherry pick wods, I just rock up, maybe have a small whinge, and then get on with the work set out for us.

You cried and made us all cry when you received your award. What does being Member of the Year mean to you?
How embarrassing!
Well, when listening to explanation of the traits of the member of the year, I had already discounted myself. Names of fellow athletes were running through my mind. Of course deep down I would love for it to be me. So it was a complete shock to hear my name called out! I am very humbled to receive this award in recognition of my efforts this past year.

You have some super strength inside of you and an engine too and have known to smash your previous benchmark scores out of the ball park. Tell us what you've been focusing on in 2016.
2016 was my year to focus on Olympic Lifting classes. Snatches have always been quite a strange movement to me, and I had attributed this to not doing them enough. So by giving me a goal to attend 75% of classes for the year would give me more exposure to this movement. I now feel more comfortable with snatches within a WOD. Over the winter months I was doing the pull up program, too, and had lots of gains.

We have so many quirky stories about you. From being pantless or appearing out of nowhere in bushes to serving up shots for breakfast at Regionals. What is your favourite memory from your CrossFit journey?
It would have to be Haley’s 30th birthday after party. It was the origins of “no pants” and probably where I ended up gaining most of my nicknames that night. We ended up listening to cool Sunday tunes at the local Hungry Jacks the next morning. Fun times.

What is your most loved movement and why?
It is a tossup between deadlifts and cleans. Deadlifts because I love picking up heavy shit. Cleans because they kind of come naturallyish to me. Oh! I also love rope climbs, because I feel badass doing them, I'm not fast at them and I tire easily, but I can do them. Running also, since I taught myself how to run some distance without stopping. Wall balls and burpees because I am semi sadistic.

What movement makes you groan at the thought of and why? What do you do to move toward loving it?
Toes-to-bar and handstands are two movements that fall in this category.
T2B Coach Gab has given me some accessory exercises to strengthen my core, got no abs.
andstands I think it is just more confidence kicking up into it. It is a struggle most definitely. Gymnastic movements I have to work very hard for. I wish I was more flexible. YAY for yoga in 2017!

What demons have you faced in your CrossFit journey? And how have you overcome them?
In the beginning, had a fear of box jumps. At my first Crossfit box we jumped onto tyres laying on their sides, I started on a smaller tyre and built myself up to 20” box height. Recently I had a small slip, definitely stunned me. I was back jumping up on boxes the next box jump wod.

We love you for your community spirit around the box. Organising KK, Christmas parties, Spartan races etc. How important is the community of CrossFit to you?
Well I understand the the coaches are busy coaching and family life and they have other things on their plates, sometimes it is nice to do something outside the box, like an obstacle race to challenge ourselves with the tricks we learn inside the gym applied to other situations. The community vibe is what you make of it. If you want to do something, chances are someone else would also like to do it, so create an event and they will come. That's my motto. The other person was probably afraid to do it.


You are undoubtedly our most stealth member. So, let's dig a little deeper into the mystery that is Di Hillsley.
.... what's the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Hahaha! So I don't like being stuck inside the house for extended periods of time, I get bored then get self destructive, but I also need a purpose of going out. Now most people know I’ve been playing Pokemon Go. (As much as Coach Gab does not want pokemon inside his gym, they are there!) But I also play Ingress which is another location based augmented reality multiplayer game you can play on your mobile device, and it is what PoGo is based on and it has been around for a few years now. Simplistically, it two factions, blue vs. green to capture portals (real life places of cultural significance like public art, statues and monuments) and linking them together virtually to create triangles or “control fields” to control the world. If you’re going to join me, pick blue! But before that it was Geocaching, which is a worldwide treasure hunt seeking containers hidden at marked coordinates all over the world. I still play this occasionally, generally when I visit new places on holidays.

.... you wouldn't be caught dead, where?
My past. I have already lived through it and it has shaped me into whom I am now.

.... if you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
1- World peace. Less fighting, more loving and acceptance;
2- to travel the world seeing the sights of nature, experiencing different cultures and tasting traditional foods;
3- To be able to eat anything and not put on weight.

.... if you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
I’m not sure, I have grown to love my name.

.... if you were told that in 24 hours the world would end, name 3 things you would do in those 24 hours?
24 hours is not a lot of time. It would have to be three extreme things, like skydive or bungee jump, deep sea dive, and hot air ballooning.

.... what do you want to be remembered for?
For being a good person.

.... would you rather wear pants or no pants?
Haha! Goes without saying, no pants!

.... if you were invisible where would you go?
Go sit in every Cirque Du Soleil show, gymnasts are amazing!

So, Di Hillsley in a year's time... tell us about her.

I would hope that she will be able to kick up into handstands first go, be able to link toes-to-bar with no scaling and have a 45kg snatch. Get abs, even if they are.. erm, a little padded. Lose some of the padding. Have realistic expectations, be kind to myself and express gratitude more. Generally keep progressing forward getting PBs in whatever form they arrive.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
A tortoise. I may not be the fastest, but I’ll get it done.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
Crossfit isn't as scary (and dangerous) as it is portrayed by the media. Everything is scaleable to a progression fit for YOU. Come down and have a play, experience the community for yourself.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Di' WOD be?

For Time:
Power Cleans 40/60
Wall Ball Shots 6/9
Burpees Over Bar


Member of the Month: David Weston

Member of the Month: David Weston

I have known Dave for several years now, the improvements he has made since are quite remarkable and along the way we have also built an amazing friendship.

Dave is committed, a hard worker, not to mention absolutely passionate!

Below is Dave`s journey in his own words.

You are one of the longest standing members of the box. Tell us about your CrossFit story from the beginning. 

I was a reluctant participant early.  I was quite happy and comfortable going through my own weights / body building routine at a different gym when I first meet coach Gab, who was a PT at said gym.  I couldn't help but notice that Gab stood out as a trainer for all the right reasons and he was certainly getting his clients to do things I hadn't seen.  Curiosity got the better of me, so I hired him as a trainer and we formed a great bond.  So when he left to open CFMT I felt a strong desire to support him and I have stuck to it since.  This has cliche written all over it, but its been a fantastic journey of self improvement and self discovery.  

Do you remember the first WOD you did and what your thoughts were about it? 

I can't remember my first WOD at all but I do remember being ridiculously cardio unfit when I joined CFMT and even the warm ups would leave me really struggling.    Easily the most memorable WOD from early on though was Open workout 14.5.  It took me to the deepest and darkest places of the hurt-locker I have been,  I quit the WOD and CF and almost my life 5 times.  But ultimately I finished it and it still provides motivation to me now.  I was shown up by just how one dimensional my training had been and how poor I was, and I hated that feeling.

CrossFit can be transformative. In what ways has it transformed you? 

Physically, my overall fitness has improved from posture, to cardio, to strength to even flexibility, albeit that still is my weakest point.  Mentally there is also a transformation but that is harder to articulate, but it does include increased confidence, mental toughness and fortitude.

You're an inspiration around the box for changing things in your life that no longer serve you - from career decisions to health choices. Tell us a little about this and what advice do you have for others who are in a place of wanting to change up their life? 

I feel embarrassed answering this one because each of those decisions was monumental to me and some were years in the making, so I don't feel like an inspiration.  
Talking of change and wanting change are two different things.  If you want it, then you will find ways to make it happen.  You may need advice on strategies and little tips along the way on the best method, but its the want that is paramount. If its lack of self belief holding a person back from change, and it usually is, then spill your guts to those closest to you, as you will need support. 

It's been a hard year (or more) for you with injuries to your shoulder and knee. But you've stayed focused on your CrossFit journey even in times when you've felt frustrated about it. Can you tell us a little about what kept you focused and your mindset in this time? 

It has been a frustrating time because just when you feel you are making solid progress, you get a reminder that basketball beat you up pretty good all those years ago and you need to be smarter.  So what I am learning, but still haven't mastered, is to pay much closer attention to how my body feels.  When to go hard, when to back off, when to stretch and recover etc...  Also, there is something deep in my DNA which refuses to quit or walk away until I feel like I have given it my best.    

You are by far the tallest guy in our box. We know CrossFit can favour smaller athletes, but being tall has some advantages. Tell us about the tall person's secret weapons in CrossFit! 

That is absolute bollocks.  Smaller athletes have all the advantages.  :-) Ok, maybe I don't have to jump at all to reach the bars which is favourable for stretching and I can turn on the fans without a stick and even untie the ropes without help.  And possibly rowing - I get more bang for my buck per stroke, for lack of a better choice of words, are we still talking about rowing???  

In spite of your injuries, you hit some epic overhead PBs in the last testing cycle. Describe that feeling and the work you've put in to get there. 

Every PB should be celebrated by that person because every single one of them comes on the back of hard work.  I don't deserve mine any more or any less than anyone else.  The work determines the results.  I was absolutely stoked, even though I don't outwardly show it.  I am not a fist pumper, a bell ringer or jumper.  I would be equally happy just doing it without anyone seeing it.  

What is your most loved movement and why? 

I love all the core strength movements - Squat's, Presses and Dead lifts.  They are relatively simple and it just feels awesome to move a lot of weight.  

What movement makes you groan at the thought of and why? What do you do to move toward loving it? 

Thrusters and burpees.  Scars left behind from 14.5.  For me personally, they are just so taxing.   I am sure the more I do them, the better I will get and therefore the closer I will get to liking them.

One of the things we love most about you, aside from your dry sense of humour, is the way you come to training sessions with your heart on your sleeve sometimes. Can you tell us about the struggles you face and the importance of "airing" these? 

I appreciate the kind words.  
First things first - I train with essentially the same people day in and day out and have done for a while, so you form a bond with those people.  I am also mindful that people come to Crossfit for a variety of reasons but the atmosphere at the box is sacrosanct, so I wouldn't say it should be a place where people come to unload their issues / struggles (and lets face it, we all have them in one guise or another) - or else you end up with a crappy environment.  That said, I feel its mentally unhealthy to keep everything to yourself especially over a long period of time. but I was very concious of hand picking just a few people to lean on.  And that has been a very important step for me.    

You are our favourite music man in the box. Always making the perfect music choices. If you could choose your top ten songs of all time to WOD to, what would they be? 

Honestly there is just too many,  I love most genre's but for WOD'ing, I like a combo of club, bass, rap 

So.... can the real Dave Weston please stand up and answer these questions.....

.... if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why?  

An improved re-distribution of wealth.  It makes me utterly sick to my core that basic human rights aren't afforded to all while a CEO of a company that essentially extort's the public, can receive a $100m plus bonus as a congratulations for that extortion.  

.... what are your greatest fears? 

Knowing that I haven't always been the best person I can be. 

.... what is the most valuable lesson you have ever learned? 

 To be kind in thought, deed and word.

.... if you could trade lives with one person for an entire day, who would it be and why?

I am tempted to say President, but you couldn't achieve anything in one day, so Michael Jordan - in his hey day.  

.... what are 3 music albums that defined who you are? 

Appetite for Destruction from GnR, Abba Gold, 90's Club Music 

.... if you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would that be? 

The Bible.   

It's important for us to have some things to work toward. What have you got mapped out for yourself over the next year of your CrossFit journey?  

Stay injury free and just keep plugging away at PB's.  A bar muscle up would be nice.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 

A feral tom cat that's been beaten from pillar to post by the bigger fitter cats, but is still just hanging in there, refusing to go away and hoping to land a blow or two.    

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

CrossFit is an excellent community based way to get functionally fit. Why go it alone, when you can do it in a class environment under the watchful eye of a great coach and surrounded by others who are just there to do their best.  It's legitimately fun which is like an oxymoron given you will be challenged, but therein lies where the personal growth occurs and that's the part that is fun.  

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Dave' WOD be?

10 Deadlifts @ 100/60
10 Chin ups
10 Front Squats @ 70/45
10 T2B
10 Power Cleans @ 70/45
10 S2OH @ 50/35
1 Rope Climb
10 S2OH @ 50/35
10 Power Cleans @ 70/45
10 TTB
10 Front Squats @ 70/45
10 Chin ups
10 Deadlifts @ 100/60

Member of the Month: Bec Cooke

Member of the Month: Bec Cooke

What has always struck me about Bec is her commitment but more importantly her passion and love for life in general.
With the greatest smile and contagious laugh she makes the perfect individual for our awesome community.

Below is Bec`s Journey in her own words. 

Can you tell us a little about your CrossFit journey to date? 
I started CrossFit in 2012 after being encouraged by my brother to try something different.  I’d always been an active person, however, the boredom of pump classes and spin classes was not producing many results.

What changes have you seen in yourself, physically and mentally, from the beginning of your journey to now? 
I am a hell of a lot stronger than I thought I could ever be and have worked hard most of my life to maintain a healthy body weight.  CrossFit has allowed me to appreciate my body for what it is and not compare it constantly to others.  I found it difficult in the beginning not to compare my PBs with others and was wondering why I could not lift the weight but I understand now CrossFit is an individual journey.  You have good weeks and bad weeks, you just have to go with the ebbs and flow of how your body wants to work. 

Tell us your five most addictive things about CrossFit that you can't live without and keep you coming back for more?
It has to be the people and the release of endorphins after finishing a workout.  Knowing when I get to the box at 5.30am I can have a laugh (and a hug from Gab) is the main thing that gets me up that early.  Whether it’s Steve letting some rip during back squats, or Wil turning up at 6.02am and doing some bicep curls, there is never a shortage of laughs.  Also knowing that I am doing something in my life now that will help me later in life is a great feeling. 

You're a school teacher with a busy schedule. How does CrossFit help keep your life balanced? Training early in the morning is a great way to start the day.
Gab has been great in accommodating my new job hours and I could just never use the excuse I cannot find the time to train.  Most of my students cannot understand why I am so happy in the morning.  I also love that I can educate my students as to the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  Also when I worked at an all boys school, being able to deadlift 90kg gave me some street cred! They knew they couldn't mess with me.

You've got a mean overhead squat in you. Can you tell us how that came to be "your" power movement?
mm…you have to be good at one movement and overhead squat is it for me.  It is something I have always felt strong with.  I think maybe having strong shoulders has allowed be to feel like I can lock out the bar and feel steady in my squat.

You are known around the box for your beautifully bubbly and bright nature, great sense of humour and infectious laugh. How important is it to step into the box and be yourself?
It is so important.  As many of us know it is so hard not to compare yourself to others, but to let that go is the best feeling in the world.  I also think when people in the box are seeing you at 6am, hair all over the place, no make-up and some sleep in your eyes you really have no option but to be yourself.

You've been hit with some injuries over the past few months, but one of the most admiring things about that is that you just kept showing up. Tell us a little about that.... what you did and what advice you have for other athletes who have an injury. 
I have had to manage many injuries, the biggest being two prolapsed discs, and with the support of Gab and friends at the box I have learned to manage it.  I used to beat myself up for not being able to train at my best, but realise now as long as I get there and move that is better than nothing.  

Okay, we've all got those movements we hate, so..... what are the movements you dread and why?
Thrusters. It’s the breathing, I just can’t seem to get it right.

OHS aside, what are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
I actually don’t mind burpees because it feels like every muscle is working.  I have also come to love the rower after not being able to run.  

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is Crossfit for you?
I remember taking 3 months off CrossFit a few years ago because of my back injury, but I couldn’t find anything that really motivated me to get out of bed in the morning.  The functional, high intensity workouts are the best form of exercise.  I have never felt as strong and healthy in my life.  

You train with your brother, Matt. Can you tell us a little bit about how training together strengthens your bond as brother and sister?  
Thank goodness for my brother!  As many have you know, he is not only my brother but my personal masseuse.  He has been through the good times and the bad, helped me with my injuries and supported me 100%.  He motivates me, inspires me and makes me laugh every day.

We know you, but we want to know more. So..... here's a few questions about you.... 
.... if you had to sum you up in a song, what song would you be and why? Girls Just Want to Have Fun – we all should have more fun in our lives.

.... you've been immortalised with your very own 'St Bec' day. What would the annual celebrations look like on that day? Red wine and cheese for everyone!

.... you win tattslotto and become an instant millionaire. What would you do? Travel around the world.  I love kids so volunteer with children that cannot afford an education.

.... if you had one day to live over again, what would you pick? Reaching Mt Everest base camp…best feeling in the world.  It was the hardest thing I have ever done.

.... what is your motto in life? Don’t take life to seriously.

.... be invisible or be able to read people's minds? Invisible

You're still Crossfitting in a year's time. What will CrossFit Bec be doing then? What will she look like? 
Hopefully injury free and still having a laugh, enjoying training and have more of a tan.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
Tortoise…slow and steady wins the race.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 
Will change your life!  You will make some great friends, challenge yourself and be able to do things you never thought your body was capable of.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Bec' WOD be?Bec's WOD

1 Rounds for time:
33 Cal Row
22 Over-head squats 30/50
11 Pull-ups
33 Cal Row
22 Burpees over bar
11 Pull-ups
33 Cal Row
22 Shoulder-to-overhead 30/50
11 Pull-ups


Member of the Month: Doug Tonks

Member of the Month: Doug Tonks

If I had to describe Doug`s training in three words they would definitely be, committed, focused and relaxed.
He knows when to push but he also knows when it`s time to take it a knot back and have a laugh.

Below is Doug`s journey in his own words.

What was it that made you want to start Crossfit? And how long have you been Crossfitting for?
I have been Crossfitting for 1 year and 8 months now. I needed to change my exercise regime, my gym visits were getting less and less frequent and I was achieving very little. I had done a couple of Crossfit type workouts and enjoyed them so I decided to give it a go.

If you could sum up your first session of Crossfit in a sentence, what would you say?
What do you mean that was only the warm up?

Since starting Crossfit, you've hit some epic PBs and shown so much growth in your form. Can you tell us a little about the Doug that first walked into Metal Therapy at the beginning and the Doug we see now? What has changed? How have you grown?
 When I first came to Crossfit I thought I was reasonably fit but very early on in that first session I realised I was kidding myself. Since then I have made improvements beyond anything I could have imagined. Now, in my forties, I am fitter, stronger and more flexible than I was in my twenties.  

You're known around the box for your big and powerful deadlift, amongst other things. We've seen you really push through the fight (and shakes) of some heavy lifts. Can you shed some light on your mindset when you're lifting? What helps you push through the fight to hit the lift?
For me it is all about seeing an improvement. We put in a lot of work during the 12 week cycle which all leads up to testing week, where you get to see the results of that work with (hopefully) new PB's.  

Crossfit is often described as functional fitness that impacts on our daily lives. As a firefighter, can you tell us how Crossfit has changed, impacted or affected you in your role as a firefighter and day to day life? 
Firefighting involves working at a very high intensity for short periods of time often with heavy loads, very much like a Crossfit workout. I have found the improvements that have been made in my strength, flexibility and fitness since starting Crossfit have made the physical demands of my job a lot easier to manage. I also find that being physically active helps a lot with managing stress.

What is your driving force in your Crossfit path? What keeps you coming back for more? 
 The people at Metal Therapy and the positive, fun atmosphere in the box make it easy to come in on days when you are feeling tired or sore. And of course making GAINZ.

Pass on your top 10 most important wisdom nuggets for staying on your Crossfit journey. 
1. Have fun and enjoy it.
2. Listen to Gab.
3. When you are hurting after your first couple of sessions get back to the box and do some more. You will feel a lot better for it.
4. Trust Gab.
5. Be consistent, get to the box regularly.
6. Gab knows best.
7. Set goals.
8. Don't worry when you plateau with one movement, you will be improving other movements.
9. Don't measure yourself against others, only judge yourself against your own performance.
10. Most importantly always listen to Gab.   

What's your favourite movement and why? What do you like about the movement?
Deadlift. I like that it is a simple movement, it suits me because I only have to think about one thing at a time.

What's your least favourite movement and why? What do you dislike about the movement?
Thrusters, they hurt. I hate everything about them

Now to get to know you, tell us at which store would you max out your credit card?
Purvis Beer in Richmond.

Choose a movie title to capture the story of your life. 
 The Hangover.

What's the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? 
Study the share market. 

What's the strangest talent you have?
That would have to be my ability to power nap for exactly 40 minutes.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
It's too soon for a bucket list. I hope. 

If you could have a superpower what would it be? 
The ability to do pain free Thrusters.

You're still Crossfitting in a year's time. What will crossfit Doug be doing then? What will he look like? 
Hopefully doing some new PB's but otherwise I'll be much the same just with more more grey hair.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
An asthmatic bulldog. All wheeze and slobber. 

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Don't knock until you've tried it. Come along and give it a go. 

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Doug' WOD be?
It would certainly have my favourite movements, let me introduce you to... "Doug`s WOD"

15 RFT:
5 Box Jumps 20"/24"
3 Deadlift 80/120
1 Rope Climb

Too Fat, Too Thin, Too Muscly.

Too Fat, Too Thin, Too Muscly.

On the 28th June, American Games-bound athlete, Jamie Hagiya, posted a pretty powerful message to her Instagram page. Dressed in a bikini, Jamie sported a healthy, fit and powerful body yet here she was sharing the story of her personal struggle with body image because, unlike many of the other Games athletes, she did not have a ripped six-pack and zero body fat, nor was she completely shredded. And yet her body did incredibly amazing things. She had achieved what many of us can only wish for – to be a Games level athlete. It saddened me to think that not even working at such a high level was she immune to what I call social conditioning.

I can’t worry about trying to look like a “Games” athlete because having a six pack doesn’t always make for the best athlete – Jamie Hagiya. (Facebook)

I can’t worry about trying to look like a “Games” athlete because having a six pack doesn’t always make for the best athlete – Jamie Hagiya. (Facebook)

The post provoked a lot of thought about the social conditioning and expectations we regularly face that greatly impact not only on our relationships with our bodies but our ability to achieve or to take risks or to flip the finger at external expectations and do the stuff that makes us happy.

At one point or other in my life, I’ve been at either end of the body weight spectrum. And at both ends, I have been sucker punched and bound by what everyone else perceived I should look like. In my teenage years, I was what you would call obese. And as some of you, too, may have experienced, being a fat teenager isn’t really all that much chop. I remember the taunting bus rides and ‘hoochie mama’ jokes from the school jocks like they were fresh wounds from yesterday. I learned very early on in life to hate my body on the deepest level because in everyone else’s eyes I was fat, and fat in our society was considered ugly.

In the many years that followed, I did what everyone expected me to. I tried not to be ‘too fat’ and did my darn hardest to look like everyone else. I obsessed over my weight. Constantly and painfully. I did every crash diet and fitness regime you could imagine. I did every low-carb diet, low-eating diet and even the party-for-four-nights-a-week-and-not-eat-diet. I would agonise over the scales every morning and every night, only happy if the number had shifted. Over the years, in between unmotivated fluctuations, the weight slowly melted away until I finally arrived at half of the body weight I had started.

I remember thinking about that moment for ages, that moment when I would finally be skinny. I would obsess as much about this as I would over the scales, wasted hours thinking about how happy I would be when I could just be skinny. And I was, fleetingly. I stepped on the scales and weighed in at 58kg. And for the first time in my life I finally thought I was not too much of anything. I was skinny and my clothes hung off me and this is what I was told pretty was. This was what pretty and skinny was meant to feel like. For the briefest moment I felt happy.

But getting there, to that place I had longed for, was not a journey undertaken out of happiness. I had arrived there in my darkest hour. And I had hit a weight that was not just skinny, but now underneath the lowest end of a healthy weight range for my height. People around me noticed. On the night of my 29th birthday, a friend took hold of my arm and gave me a pained, worried look. “Is everything okay? You’re looking a bit too skinny. Are you eating? Healthy?” There was that word again, the word I never thought I would hear again in my life, gnawing at my ears like a monster I’d never escape.

I had gone from too fat to too skinny and all the happiness I had harvested in my desperate focus on what I looked like, burst. 

I had nowhere to go from that place. And in the years that followed, I continued to run down the painful road of trying to find a love for my body that didn’t exist within these prescribed dialogues that whispered to me that I was always "too" something.

Three years later, I discovered Crossfit. It was an instant and deep love. But it was a love that turned my perceptions upside down and made me confront everything I had perceived about my body. The diverse representation of strength and beauty was a stark contrast to what I had grown up believing. I trained with women from all walks of life, with all different body types and with all different goals. Every single one of them redefined the mono perspective and horseshit we are fed about what it means to be beautiful. The more I immersed myself in the world of Crossfit, the more I started to see my body as something that I, alone, owned. Nobody else. Just me. I started to see it more as an incredible beast that could do things I never would’ve dreamed of; something that worked for me and not just some ghastly lump that was always against me in my fight to be what everyone else thought was beautiful.

But social conditioning lurks in the waters. From the outside looking in, many perceive the world of Crossfit to be filled with bulky women who have too much muscle. We’ve all, against our better judgment, stupidly read the comments below the line on social media, the ones that audaciously and unwelcomingly tell Crossfit women that they look too manly or that their body isn’t right in some way or another. These comments from other people, who are socially conditioned themselves - about what our bodies should look like, do very little to quell the demons many of us may face.

The monsters in my head certainly haven’t been put to sleep. And I’m sure I’m not alone in the shitty conversations I’ve had with this body of mine. Over the past two years, watching my body change as I grow stronger, I hear that voice sneak in at any opportunity I give it. I listen to its nasty voice as I put on a skirt that bares my thicker thighs and visibly bulgier bum and self-consciousness creeps in. Or when some guy makes a point of saying something about my more muscular arms when we are out and I start to question the way I look.  Or when I put on a shirt and feel it pull a little tighter across my back. Or even simply when I look around at other athletes and feel painful pangs because I probably won’t ever be that girl who wears booty shorts and bares a six-pack in a crop top because my stomach is etched with stretch marks and wounds of this life-long battle with my body. 

I have to take a big breath and remind myself that this is all part of the same, complex problem. Social conditioning.
And you know what, I’m done with it!

Because no matter what my body or yours looks like, there’s always going to be someway that we are too much of this or too little of that. And if we are ever going to find that love with our bodies and let them work for us, or if we ever truly want to taste that slice of real happiness, we’re going to have to let go of it all at some point. And we are going to have to give ourselves the permission that no one else will or can –  to let our bodies be exactly as they need to be. If we don’t, we are letting social conditioning win, and we are boxing ourselves into a limited life where fear of what others think or of what society expects will control what we do and how we live.

We will forever be the too much of this or too little of that women.

So, if you’re the woman who has wanted to try Crossfit but never do because you’re worried you’ll bulk up (because it’s been put in your head that women shouldn’t have too much muscle)…flip it the bird and get down to your local box. Aside from there being physiological reasons as to why you’re more likely to tone than bulk up, don’t let anyone dictate to you that there’s anything wrong with having muscle.

Or if you’re the woman that sees all the elite athletes and freaks out because you’re worried your body is too far away from that to try Crossfit... flip it the bird and get down to your local box. In the heart of the Crossfit community you’ll find a bunch of strong, amazing women who look nothing like the elite athletes either. Just like all of these women you’ll find your body will do exactly what it needs to do to not only cope, but to grow.

Or if you find yourself reading this and already prefacing your ability to do something with that little sucker of a word – too – then flip the bird at it and go out there and see what you’re really capable of if you do away with the conditioning and expectations.

It’s time to reclaim our bodies and our minds. Now is the time to be you without the "too".

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Nutritional Analysis and Education

Nutritional Analysis and Education

Hi Metal Therapist,

Everything has been finalised and we are ready to get the ball rolling with the nutrition program.
As we have discussed in our recent video the program is for everyone, regardless of your goal.
Nutrition and Performance are two sides of the same coin! 
A balanced diet is fundamental to your athletic performance, it will optimise your energy levels and help your body recover more effectively.
So if you are looking to lose some weight, gain lean muscle mass and improve your overall athletic performance, "This Is for You".

Program 1 ($199pp)

• 2 x Dexa Scan. First one will be done to establish a baseline and have an accurate determination of your lean muscle mass and body fat. Second one will be at after 3/6 months to check your progress.
• Analysis of your current caloric and nutritional intake.
• Based on your short term and long term goals (weight loss or weight gain), we will provide education on how many calories you should be eating, what percentage of calories should come from carbs, proteins, fats, etc. We will also help guide you as far as what are the appropriate carbs to eat (complex vs. simple), what types of fats (mono vs. poly vs. trans vs. sat), etc. With specific focus on what you should be eating within the metabolic window (just after exercise) and outside the metabolic window.

Program 2 ($299 - 3mths)

Program 2 will include everything in the first program, however we will also offer monthly support meetings (this will be a 40 min webinar) for 3 months to discuss your results and modify your eating plan if necessary.

To get started, please send us and email or talk to the coach at the box  

Gab & Matt

Member of the Month: Sheree Reid

Member of the Month: Sheree Reid

I don`t ever remember Sheree coming to the box without a big smile stamped on her face.
Always very attentive, takes on board every single cue and she always tries her best regardless of  the outcome.

Below is Sheree`s journey in her own words.

You're in the beginnings of your CrossFit journey. Tell us exactly when you started and how you came to try CrossFit?

I started CrossFit at the end of August last year. My boyfriend Scott persuaded me to give it a go and I haven't looked back since.

When you first walked into the box what did you think? And have any of those thoughts changed since you first started?

I was so nervous! Everyone looked so fit! I thought I will never be able to do this, especially as I had never lifted a barbell before. Most definitely those thoughts have changed now, I've realised its all about progression and not to compare myself to others.
Those fit people are actually a great bunch and are not as intimidating as they look ;-)

Since you started CrossFit, what would you say have been the biggest changes you've noticed in yourself - both physically and mentally? What would you say you are most proud of?

I've shockingly discovered I don't actually hate exercise - it really does clear your head and keeps you positive, it truly is great therapy! Ive also realised that my body is a lot stronger than I ever thought it could be and is capable of more than I ever gave it credit for. I'm most proud that I stuck it out especially after the pain of those first few sessions! I'd never wished to be able to pee standing up more in my life than those first few weeks!! Squats

Lately, you've been hitting some massive PBs and have grown so much. Can you tell us a little about how it feels to hit such big PBs in the early stages of your CrossFit journey? What would you say is your key ingredients for achieving such growth?

It feels amazing! I could barely overhead squat with the stick when I first joined a few months ago and just recently I made 45kg overhead squat! Seeing the improvement that can be made really pushes you to want to do better and better! I'd say consistency has been my key to getting better Getting my ass to class as much as possible (although I do slack some weeks!) Olympic lifting has really helped me grasp movements too and of course having a great coach keeping a beady eye on me

What has been something you have faced in CrossFit that you never thought you'd be able to do, but you are now hitting it?

Toes to bar! I could barely get my knees to my chest when I first started, now I can string toes to bar together! Felt such a sense of achievement when I got that!

It can be easy to give up on things that challenge us. For you, what has kept you coming back to the box? What inspires you?

The results and improvement that can be achieved! It's amazing the improvement that you can make in a relatively short amount of time! As well as the community of the box, the people are so great and encouraging! I would say my inspiration is my CrossFit buddies. Watching them hit PBs and improve makes me want to do the same!

If you were to give advice to another person in the early stages of their CrossFit journey, what would that advice be?

Stick it out! And don't try to rush to keep up with other people, it will come to you!

What's your favourite movement and why? What do you like about the movement?

Squats in any form. I like it because it makes me feel strong! I will eventually get that booty!

What's your least favourite movement and why? What do you dislike about the movement?

Pull ups!! Because I haven't got them, yet!

Complete these phrases:
Three words to describe yourself:

I am... pondering this question
I wonder... what's ahead of me..
I want... a Beyoncé booty
I love... chocolate a lot!
I hate... cucumber, pointless vegetable!
I dream... of warmer days!
I hope... to get fitter
I try... achieve my best!

What's next for you on your CrossFit bucketlist? What do you hope to achieve in the coming year?

Pull ups! Handstand/ handstand push-ups! And to improve all round

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

A dying swan!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it?

It's not a cult! (I thought so too!) It's a great diverse community of people. 
Workouts that are designed not just for "super fit" people but are tailored to all ages, sex and fitness levels!
Try it, You'll be hooked!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Sheree' WOD be?

3/8/52 is a very significant date in my life! So here is "Sheree`s WOD".

3 RFT:
8 Clusters 40/60
52 DU

Scaled 30/45
Rx+ 50/70

Member of The Month: Haley Debono

Member of The Month: Haley Debono

Haley has been a member of Metal Therapy since 2014.
Since than I have seen her evolve in many levels, with her highly contagious smile she has proven to be confident, determined and extremely dedicated.

Below is Haley`s journey in her own words

Tell us about your CrossFit journey. When and why did you start? What were your first thoughts about CrossFit? 

I started back in 2013 because my brother told me to… it took 4 months of daily nagging from him before I finally gave in!
My first thoughts on CrossFit – ‘you expect me to do what?!’ ‘These people are crazy. Look how they’re throwing these weights around!’
Walking into the box for the first time was a daunting experience… loud music. Lots of black Rubber flooring. Very strong looking people!
month into it, I was hooked!

Many people undergo some big transformations throughout their Crossfit journey. What has been your transformation - mentally and physically - since your journey first started to now? 
Biggest transformation for me so far would be body fat loss and improved overall shape of my body. With this came an increase in my self confidence, which then has helped me to have more faith in my own abilities.

For you, what is the key to success in CrossFit? What has helped you to grow and get stronger?
Listen to your coach. Listen to your body.
Both are very important in your growth and strength journey.
Always remain positive and consistent with your training. Do not make excuses!
ll of these points have helped me get to where I am today.

What's your favourite movement and why? What do you like about the movement?
SQUATS!! (you all  knew that already)
Why?! Because they make me feel pretty damn strong! I love the feel of activating all those muscles to drive out of a squat. After a heavy set I always feel very accomplished!

What's your least favourite movement and why? What do you dislike about the movement?
The dreaded box jump! They are a huge psych out for me… the thought of jumping onto a solid object messes with my head.

What keeps you coming back to the box everyday? 
The people I train with & my coach!
The constant variety and challenges of the workouts.
Simply my drive and determination to get better every day!

In a sentence, summarise yourself. 
Young motivated individual with a passion for CrossFit!

What's your proudest moment in your journey thus far? 
Anytime I hit a PB.
Experiencing a successful movement for the first time is awesome!
- Kicking up into a handstand and holding it for 3 seconds (off the wall)
- Being able to do ring dips
- Getting my first rope climb
- Stringing together multiple pull ups

In a year's time, what will you be like as an athlete? 
Hopefully doing muscle ups and snatching 50kgs!!

What's your favorite cheat meal? 
Pizza & maltese pastizzi.

If you could be one CrossFit athlete, who would you be and why? 
Justine Beath. She is fantastic all round athlete.
Making it to the Games this year for the first time in 7 years. Her determination is so inspiring. And she is constantly smiling, even mid wod!! 

If you were someone else's idol? What would they learn from you? 
That giving up is not an option.
Set yourself a goal, never lose sight of it and get out there and achieve it!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
A sloth! Haha
Well maybe on my bad days. On good day, I like to think of myself like a tiger… aggressive and determined.

If your task was to sell CrossFit to someone, what would your sales pitch be? 
It’s not just a gym, it’s a community. Peer support encourages consistency in participation. CrossFit does a good job in building community and making everyone feel welcome – all levels of fitness and ages.
It’s fun, competitive and addictive. The workouts are constantly varied and challenging. Yu will never be bored with the ‘same old routine’. 
If you’re ready for something different then you’ve come to the right place! Welcome to CrossFit!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in honour of you. What would the 'Haley' WOD be? 
20 Power cleans 35/60kg    
30 Pull Ups/Chest to Bar
40 Front Rack Lunges
50 KB swings 16/24kg
40 Front Rack Lunges
30 Pull Ups/Chest to Bar
20 Power Cleans 35/60kg    





Darren Collins

Darren  is a coach and motivational speaker originating from Southampton, England and now residing in Melbourne, Australia where he has lived since 2006.
He is a below-knee amputee who enjoys sharing his own experiences to help others overcome adversity, eliminate self-limiting beliefs and to challenge themselves to develop a mindset for success.
By his own admission, his life since his amputation in 1999, deteriorated for a while and he began to get stuck in his self-defeating behaviours whilst endeavouring to counter this with hard core fitness activities. Including boxing and rowing.
However, when he began to develop a meditation and mindfulness practice several years ago, and had his 2 children, he was able to begin to make the change he needed by aligning with his core values and getting in touch with his true purpose.
Darren is now pushing his fitness hard, has changed careers and is advocating for amputee rights through his talks, activities and social groups.
Darren has competed in the Spartan Super at lake Dewar, is running the Melbourne Half marathon in October and hopes to complete his Spartan Trifecta in Bright in November this year.

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Member of The Month: Adrian Morgan

Member of The Month: Adrian Morgan

Adrian has been a member of CrossFit Metal Therapy since 2013. He has always shown great commitment and attitude towards his training, which reflects his improvement and achievements so far.

Below is Adrian`s journey in his own words.

How long have you been crossfitting for?
Started in December 2013 after this crazy Italian (Gab)who I had known through Taekwondo started his own box!   

And how did you get into it?
I never actually intended to give CrossFit a go as I thought it was a bit crazy and dangerous.  I came along to see Gab to get some kettle-bell lessons and decided that I would give it a go under his careful eye. Now I've been coming for 2.5 years!

Tell us what you thought when you first started CrossFit? 
I think my first thought was I will never get my double unders! The next thought was here is something that will get me fit, as well as continually challenges me - more than what I do in the gym. What I didn't realise was how that fitness would translate to everything I do.

What's your favourite movement and why? What do you like about the movement?
Favourite movement is the Clean and Jerk. I love olympic lifting and this lift in particular. There is something joyful about the combination of brute strength, and the power that comes from it.   The power generated in this movement translates into so many other aspects of life - sprinting, jumping, lifting up the kids! I particularly like it when I see an EMOM C&J workout :-)

What's your least favourite movement and why? What do you dislike about the movement?
Wall balls! One of my friends (you know who you are) is constantly sending me images of wall balls with backflips and wall balls in partners with burpees, and wall ball sucks. They gas me out too much and I just hate them.  

Has CrossFit changed you in anyway and if so, how?
I'm certainly fitter than I have ever been - and the fitness is overall, not just stronger, or faster.

Thinking back to when you first started CrossFit, how have you grown/developed and what have you learned about yourself?
I've learnt pain is temporary :-)   I've also learnt that suffering together bonds people!   Metal Therapy has a great culture - one that Gab should be proud of.

Tell us why you love CrossFit?
Constantly varied - always changing and always challenging!  You can't escape what you hate doing - for example wall balls. I would never do them unless Gab put them in a workout, but when he does, I do them and try not to die.

What motivates you when you come to the box? 
Firstly, my wife, who also does CrossFit motivates me - she reminds me of how much better i feel after going, and how grumpy I am to be around when I don't!   Secondly, everyone is so friendly and encouraging at the box.  The people are awesome and it's a great feeling to see the first person to the last!

If you could choose five words to describe yourself what would they be?
'He looks like Brad Pitt'   (You said I could choose!)

Tell us something we don't know about you?
I first moved out of home when I was 7 years old and lived with friends about 350km from my parents

What's been your proudest moment in your CrossFit journey thus far?
I've been working on my mobility and snatch for 2 years.  Finally I can get under the bar and the other day i got my first legitimate 65kg snatch :-)   

What's your next goal? 
100kg clean and jerk - only a small 5kg away :-)

If you could give one piece of advice to someone beginning their CrossFit journey, what would it be?
Recovery is important, consistency is important, mobility is important, and only compare your journey to you. 

If you could design a WOD, what would it look like?
Easy - power clean ladder - starting with 20 reps @50kg - 10@60kg - 5@70Kg - 2@80Kg - 1@ 90Kg





Metal Therapy Throwdown

Metal Therapy Throwdown


WOD1 (9Min Cap)

70 Deadlift 70/50
30 BOB
50 Deadlift 70/50
30 BOB
30 Deadlift 70/50
30 BOB

At the count 3-2-1 go Partner 1 will deadlift the bar and hold it in position with knees and hips fully extended and shoulders behind the bar, partner 2 can then start on deadlift until 35 reps are completed. At the completion of the 35th rep partner 2 will hold the bar while partner 1 can complete the remaining deadlifts. Once all 70 deadlifts have been completed both partner will perform 15 synchronized BOB each.

Continue in this style for the entire workout. At the end of the time cap for every rep not completed 1sec will be added to your time. 

Note: no mixed grip is allowed for this workout.

WOD 2 (8 Min Amrap)

Act1 (0 to 6)
Max Power Cleans
Act2 (6 to 8)
Max S2OH

In this workout timer will beep every minute on the minute. In the first act partner 1 will hold barbell in the front squat position while partner 2 will complete as many power cleans as possible within the minute. At the end of minute 1 part 2 will hold barbell in the front squat position while partner 1 will do power cleans. Power cleans can only be performed if your partner is holding barbell in the front rack position. In the act number 2 you are allowed to swap as many times as you like as long as while you doing shoulder to overhead your partner is holding the barbell above the head. This workouts is points based. Depending on the weight you will lift you`ll be awarded a certain amount of points.

Male – Female
40Kg – 30Kg – 1pts
50Kg – 35Kg – 3pts
60Kg – 40Kg – 5pts

WOD 3 (11 Min Cap)

Cal Air Dyne
Thrusters 30/42.5

At the count 3-2-1 go Partner 1 will complete 21Cal on the airdyne, once completed Partner 2 can then begin their 21Cal and partner 1 can move onto Barbell Thrusters. As this is an Indian file workout you will not be able to move forward if your partner hasn't completed their reps.

Note: In this event every team is awarded a “Tap Out” card. This card will give you the option to allow your partner to complete your reps when you cannot.

This card is for a single use only!!!
At the end of the time cap for every rep not completed 1sec will be added to your time.

1 Min Transition into WOD4

WOD 4 (4 Min Cap)

Find 1 RM Thruster

Each team will have 4 Min total to establish their 1RM thruster from the floor.
Teams are allowed as many attempt as they like, but once you increase your weight you are not able to go back.

WOD 5 (13 Min Cap)

500m Row
30 FRL 30/50

400m Row
40 Box Jumps 20”/24”

300m Row
50 Wall Ball Shots 6/9

At the count 3-2-1 go partner 1 will begin on the row while partner 2 will begin on the front rack lunges. When both partners have completed their reps, they can then swap station. Partner 1 will now complete 30 Front Rack Lunges while partner 2 will complete 500m row. Continue in this style for the remaining part of the workout. At the completions of each row it will be your responsibility to reset the monitor back to zero. (press menu/just row).
At the end of the time cap for every rep not completed 1sec will be added to your time.

The Open 2016

The Open 2016

Ready or Not, Here I Come.

I remember this time last year. I was only six months into my Crossfit journey. The box was alight with talk of the much-awaited ‘Crossfit Games Open’. The anticipation and predictions of movements and WODS burned with intensity. I wanted to be a part of the excitement, but the truth was, the Open scared the shit out of me. 

The thought of bearing my weaknesses on a public scoreboard, up next to thousands and thousands of Crossfitters, all of whom were a hundred times better than me, well, it made me want to vomit (and at least get a mark on the pukie board for something!). I was never going to be regionals material, so why bother, right? So I bowed out, instead choosing to stay put in my comfort zone, unchallenged and with a fixed mindset. 

It took me twelve months to realise how very wrong I was. I had missed the point completely. And in doing so, had missed an opportunity to learn. Sure, there were people competing in the Open, desperately wanting to make regionals or be up there with la creme de la creme. While that’s an element of it, the Open isn’t just about that. It’s about showing up. It’s about seeing the improvements in your own individual journey from whenever and wherever you started. It’s about putting yourself outside of your comfort zone and learning about yourself. It’s about surprising yourself and celebrating all the things you have achieved and an opportunity to work on those skills you’re yet to master. And it’s about growth.

So I signed up this year. There is still a gamut of things I cannot do. There’ll be some workouts, maybe all, that I’ll undoubtedly need to scale. And there’ll be moments where I wished I hadn’t signed up. I won’t be top of the leaderboard, nor will I make regionals. But I will be better than I was yesterday just for showing up. I’ll have a benchmark for improvement when February comes around next year. And, at the end of the day, like so many things in Crossfit, the Open will be just another thing that I once told myself I couldn’t do, but in the end I did and proved my head wrong.

So go ahead, sign up. Set your own benchmark. Learn a little about yourself. And be proud that you did something you never thought you could do.