Hard work always pays off..and Sammy is the living proof of it.

She has always a positive attitude and she never shies away from a new challenge.

A great addition to our awesome community!

Below his Samantha`s journey in her own words

You have been a member at Metal Therapy for a little while now. Can you share a little about your training during this time? and what is your proudest moment since the beginning of your CrossFit journey ?

I started at Metal Therapy in August of 2017 when my daughter was 8 weeks old. I was a regular at the 9.15am classes and honestly I think I may have lost my sanity if I didn’t have something to do for myself each day. Becoming a parent is very challenging and CrossFit gave me that balance I needed! After pregnancy it was all about just getting moving but then I started getting some real PB’s (pre-baby PB’s) and that was very motivating. I wasn’t ever able to do a T2B before I had Emilia but I can manage them now, just need to get better at linking them.

You always come to training with a smile on your face, even when thrusters and Burpees are in the program. Could you tell us what`s your secret of happiness? That’s because I love burpees! I can’t say the same about thrusters though! I’m a pretty positive person overall, life is what you make it and there is no point in dwelling over negativity.

When you first started, what was your ‘why’ or purpose for doing CrossFit and has that why/purpose changed since?
I started CrossFit back in mid 2015 at Riseup. At that point in my life I had been a regular gym junkie for years and it just wasn’t cutting it for me anymore. I need more of a challenge! I was so reluctant to try CrossFit, but finally gave in after going to watch a friend compete at the Western Weight Warriers comp. It was very inspiring! The same is true to this day, I always want and need a challenge and in CrossFit there is so many things to master.

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?
CrossFit is my outlet from a stressful job (thankfully I am in a much less stressful role now), time away from the craziness of day-to-day life and time for myself!

You have been incredibly consistent and putting in the hard yards these past months. It is clear that you've got some goals and desires. What are they and what are you doing to reach them?
I don’t know about consistent! Some days I don’t feel like coming but I force myself to because I always get that endorphin hit afterwards and feel so much better! I need to be more goal driven – I don’t have anything on the board at Metal Therapy, however a few days ago I would have said my goal would be to do a strict pull-up, but at the Double Dose comp I managed a strict pull-up and then a weighted pull-up. I would also like to get more muscles so I can get stronger haha!

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Sammy

....you have just found the genie lamp, what would your 3 wishes be?
Hmm… cure for cancer, a self-cleaning house and to be able to spend one day with my Nana who is no longer here so that she could meet Emilia.

.... if you could were a superhero, what would your name and ability be?
I’m not much into superhero’s but who wouldn’t love to be able to mind-read? I’d use it for the greater good of the community and solve crimes.

.... if you had to choose between savoury and sweet what would that be? Also tell us your 3 must try dishes
Ooh that’s a difficult one, I was all savoury before I had Emilia, but being pregnant changed me to a sweet person, still to this day I need to have something sweet every night after dinner! 3 must try dishes that I make? I love cooking! Unfortunately Emilia doesn’t allow me to spend as much time in the kitchen, but I would give anything a go! I make a soy and ginger glazed salmon with coconut rice, a nice Hungarian goulash and at Christmas time I make a maple and bacon stuffed turkey roast – delicious!

.... if you owned your own TV show what would it be about?
Probably something food related, all about good places to eat and luxurious accommodation places- they go hand in hand! As does good wine – another one of my weaknesses!

... if you had to reveal something that people didn’t know about you, what would that be?
Nothing really interesting sorry! I’ve only ever been a bride and never a bridesmaid, however early next year I get to stand next to my sister as her matron of honour! Exciting! ....

... if you could choose one fad to return to popularity, what fad would it be and why?
I don’t like fads! As a kid though I used to love push-pops!

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
I love anything bodyweight - so burpees, box jumps, rope climbs, T2B, C2B… mostly because my weakness is weights!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
I would like to think an Impala (I’m probably dreaming here) – they are so fast and gracious through the air. Like the ballet dancers and gymnasts of the animal kingdom!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? CrossFit will teach you to believe in yourself and constantly test your limits – it’s addictive!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Sammy’ WOD be?

“Pocket rocket”
3 Rounds for time
50 Air Squats
40 Deadlifts ( 40/60)
30 Box jumps (20”/24”)
20 Burpees
10 Pull Ups