
Workouts now released!


11 Min Amrap
50 Wall Ball Shots (6/9)
10 Deadball Clean (25/45)
50 Wall Ball Shots (6/9)
10 Deadball Clean (35/55)
50 Wall Ball Shots (6/9)
Amrap of Deadball Clean (45/65)

F- Deadball 15/25/35
M - 35/45/55
Overhead Plate Hold F-10 M-20


At the count 3-2-1 Go! Partner A will kick into a handstand on the wall, only then can Partner B begin the wall ball shots. During the wall ball shots, one partner must be holding the handstand position.
Wall ball repetitions can be broken up however you like so long as the workload is spread evenly between partners.
Partners must alternate each repetition of the deadball cleans.


For Load - 4 Min Cap
1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 S2OH

Partners have four minutes to establish the heaviest load for this barbell complex. 
You are allowed as many attempts as you like but the weight is only allowed to increase.
Power clean is permitted.
Bar can`t be placed down between reps.

The final score is Partner A’s heaviest weight plus Partner B’s heaviest weight.

1’ Transition into dose 2a


10 Min Amrap/Emom
M15/F12 Cal Air Dyne
Amrap of C&J (40/60)

Scaled 30/50

At the count 3-2-1 Go! Partner A will complete the 15/12 cal air dyne then perform as many C&J as possible in the remaining time of that minute. At the start of the second minute Partner B can commence the cal air dyne and then move on to the C&J. Continue in this style for the entire workout


For Time: M-6 Min Cap / F-8 Min Cap
Axle Bar Deadlift (40/60)

(35/55), feet above hips swing

This workout is performed indian file. At the count 3-2-1 Go! Partner A will begin the deadlift. Once all 21 reps have been completed, Partner A can move on to the T2B and Partner B can begin the set of 21 deadlift.
Partner B cannot progress to the next movement unless Partner A has finished their set of T2B.
* NO MIXED GRIP allowed for this workout.


Max weighted strict pull up

Banded Pull up, lighter band will rank higher than heavier band

Body weight pull up will rank higher than banded pull up

Each partner will have 3 attempt to establish their heaviest pull up.
Must start in a hanging position with elbows locked and feet off the floor.

Athlete’s chin must finish over the bar.

Time frame for the floater to be completed will be announced on the day.


Top 5 Male and Female intermediate teams will battle it out for the top spot.
This workout will be released on the day!