The hard work and incredible results that Priscilla have achieved in the last few month are obvious.
With a little help from coach Susan, Priscilla has found new strength and a whole new level of focus.
What I love the most about Priscilla is her bubbly, positivity and supportive attitude.

Below his Priscilla`s journey in her own words

In the last few months you have approached your training sessions very differently, more weight on the bar, faster in the workouts and definitely  a much more positive attitude, what has helped you make these changes?

Believing in myself ! knowing that i can do this...i tend to over-think things which is something i'm working on... 
I must also mention that if it wasn't for all the good coaches we have at the box none of us would be where we are today and the encouragement from the MT family..

Your husband Fernando is also a member of our box, how do you find training with him? do you ever get competitive?

I love training with my man, me competitive with Fernando? lol at times when he gets in my face. It's funny you ask this question at home its usually 3 against Nando..i know shock to you all...not!.

What positive changes have you noticed in your mind and body since starting CrossFit? 

Since being with MT and learning the techniques from scratch i feel a lot stronger and remembering its all about practice, the more i do it the better i can get.

Your partner in crime at the box is Susan, tell us what it is like training with a friend that is also a coach?

It's AWESOME! I love training with Suse, she is so approachable! There is no can't do with Suse, she gives me that face where i just shut up and do it..she is petite but very assertive n aggressive....

Now lets dig a little deeper and get to know a bit more about Priscilla...

... if your life could be summed up in a song, what  song would best sum it up and why?

Vivir la Vida- (live life). we all need to enjoy the little things in life and be content and happy. Life is short!

... If you were the host of a radio show, what would the name be and what would you discuss?

Chillin with Cilla! Anything health, wellbeing, food, you name it and it will be discussed.

...if you were a cocktail, what ingredients would it have and what would your cocktail be called and why?

Dulce Mamisita! (Sweet mumma) the name explains it- it would have Vodka, mint, berries, lime and a hint of spice. 

...I you could choose any city in the world to live the rest of your life, where would that be and why?

Hawaii most definitely, its so relaxing even working seems chilled. 

... if you were paid to pursue your ultimate passion, what would you do?

I would love to travel the world and advertise the touristic places like Getaway or fashion....

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

THRUSTER! I really dislike them

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Love power cleans, deadlifts......haha love that I can do them.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?  

I can start my word like a panther but mid way i can turn into a sloth especially if its a movement I don't like...

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 

Don't judge until you have tried it! Just one class will have you coming back for more, guaranteed!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would "Priscilla"`s 'WOD be?

 "Fire Bomb"

For Time:
50 Deadlift (70/50)
50 Cal Row
40 Pull ups
40 Cal Row
30 Power Cleans (60/40)
30 Cal Row
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)
20 Cal Row