Mark has been constantly pushing himself since day one, he is hard working and motivates others to do the same, making him a valuable asset to our CrossFit Community.

Below is Mark’s journey in his own words!

What has brought you to CrossFit Metal Therapy, and how has it impacted your life since then?
I had a few friends that have trained at MT for quite a while, and I had always heard good things. I had been training solo for quite a while and needed a change. I wanted to train with a group again. After many invites, I came down for a session. I came to a Saturday partner WOD and I was hooked.
It has been an incredibly positive thing in my life since I started. From the moment I walked in I was made to feel welcome, I absolutely love being part of a community, and my body has never felt so good. There is something about doing really hard things with a group of likeminded people, that feels really good.

What's the most challenging CrossFit workout you have done so far?
There have been many, and most of them were the Saturday classes! I would say that the most challenging was the first round of the CrossFit open this year. I don’t think I have been in so much pain as I was by the end of the cleans.

If you had to create a new CrossFit movement, what would it be called and what would it entail?
I think I would bring the Yolk walk into CrossFit. I would call it the STOMPER. I loved doing that back in the strongman training days.

What's the biggest misconception about CrossFit that you would like to debunk?
That CrossFit is just going to get you injured. Everyone and his dog told me that when I was starting. Mainly from people who don’t do it. I think as long as you listen to your body, and don’t compare your performance to others, it will be okay.
Or that CrossFit is for the super fit. I think that people don’t realise there is a way to change everything to suit where you need to start.

If you could work out with any celebrity, who would that be and why?
I overthought this question much more than I should have. The pressure! Not a big one for Celebrity, but it would have to be someone fun. Probably Jason Momoa. Train hard but have fun after.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Every year, I hike up a mountain, draw a circle and sit there for 3 days, no food, no tent, no electronics, no nothing. Just time re connect. The first time I did it, people looked at me like I was cracked in the head. It continues to be the best thing that I do for myself every year.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Thruster, Thruster, thruster. I think that the devil invented that movement!

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
think like most I like what I am good at. I love anything hanging from a bar, but especially toes to bar.
I love the barbell too. I love to clean, deadlift and snatch. They feel so good when you get a good one! (I remember the one!)

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
I would say a giraffe. Tall and all long limbs flailing about.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
Why should you do CrossFit? Because it works, REALLY WELL. You will feel better mentally physically, and you will do it in an incredibly fun and supportive environment.
You will not recognise yourself in a year. Just turn up, do what your body allows and sweat.

CrossFit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Mark' WOD be?
For Time
800m Run
21 T2B
21 Handstand Push Ups
21 Power Snatches 30/42.5
600m Run
15 T2B
15 Handstand Push Ups
15 Power Snatches 30/42.5
400m Run
9 T2B
9 Handstand Push Ups
9 Power Snatches 30/42.5