Sarah is extremely dedicated, hard working and always striving to become better.
She never shies away from a challenge and always ready to get head to head with the boys!

Below is Sarah’s journey in her own words.

You have been doing CrossFit for quite a while now and you are definitely one of the most experienced athletes in the gym. I’m sure many people look up to you in the gym. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to lift their game?
Show up, put in the work, and focus on your weaknesses. When I started CrossFit, it was drilled into me; Technique, Consistency, Intensity. If you move well, often, you’ll naturally see improvements in speed, cardiovascular capacity, muscular endurance, strength and skill. And it never stops. As soon as you think it’s getting easier, bump up the intensity; that is, advance the movement, go heavier, or faster. Choose a stimulus for each workout and go for it. It’s often a ‘one step back, two steps forward’ situation.

You have a really fast “Grace” time! Anyone who has done this workout knows that it is short but incredibly tough. Can you tell us a bit of your mind game approaching this workout?
Go hard – it’s only 2 minutes of work. Grace becomes a mental game for me. I set a target for a big set initially and then it’s all about how hard I can hurt.

The 2024 CrossFit Open is fast approaching. Do you have a specific target in mind?
I would like to crack the top 500 in Australia. It’s the last year before I am officially old and enter the Masters division.

Just last week you PB’d your clean, a massive 80Kg? What’s next on the board for Sarah?
This year I focused on getting stronger legs. I committed to a 14-week squat program which improved most of my lifts, as well as my muscular endurance during wods. My 2023 goals were actually to improve my gymnastics; bar/ring muscle ups and handstand walks, specifically, however I’ve had a wrist injury for 5 months, so it’s on the board for 2024!

Finish the sentence
Next Halloween Party I … will finish the night on two feet.

My most memorable moment in the gym is... a close one between beating Charith on DT and representing the girls in this year’s in house comp, placing 3 rd with Fionn and subsequently proclaiming ourselves as ‘The Peoples Champ!’

If I had a superpower it would be... I already have one – I don’t get bitten by mosquitoes.

If I could choose only one piece of equipment to train with it would be... a set of dumbbells because...they are so versatile.

The last country I visited was....Bali. The best thing I liked about it was.. the Mt Batur hike. Even with a bad bout of Bali belly, the sunrise was worth it. I highly recommend putting your fitness to good use on your next trip to Bali.

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours?

Pushups. As soon as they are programmed in a workout, I hate them.

What are your other favorites and what’s to love about them?

We all know my love for cleans, and barbell cycling in general – it’s my best chance at beating the boys!
I also enjoy wall balls, dumbbell snatch, rowing and doubleunders – they’re simple and effective.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

I have no idea – what animal is most competitive?

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it?

CrossFit is literally for anyone and everyone! It’s scalable to any fitness level and adaptable to [dis]ability or injury. You’ll come for the exercise, but you’ll stay for the community. Trust me, I’m a Physio.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the Sarah’s WOD be?


6 minutes to find 1RM power clean

Partner YGIG, 10 rounds each or 23 mins AMRAP

8 cal row
10 wall balls 12/9
12 dumbbell snatch 22.5/15

6 mins to find 1RM squat clean