I am truly amazed by Omar’s hard work and dedication, it is truly inspiring!
His commitment to better himself does’t go unnoticed. in addition to being a kick-ass CrossFitter Omar consistently demonstrates unwavering support for fellow CrossFit members.

Belows Omar’s journey is his own words!

2023 has been an incredible year for you, filled with PB and amazing progress overall. What’s your plan for 2024?
Extremely happy for my 2023, honestly, there were so many changes and personal goals achieved.
2024 is a long list of goals: firstly, I want to be officially RX and add a few more competitions to my
list; secondly, I want to be involved with more people at Metal. I found fascinating how CrossFit can
create that sense of family, community, and support for each other; there are amazing people at
Metal, so I would like to keep doing that good “push” that we need during WODs; and another
personal goal is to finally get my Permanent Residence in Aussieland by the end of the year; I have
been working hard to achieve it.

Out of all these personal best, which is the one you are most proud of?
A few weeks ago, it was really good; I got in two weeks, 4 PBs; beyond the weight, it was more the process that took each one.
Snatch! WOW!, of course still working a lot to improve, but in that one I got stuck a few months on
the same weight and was blocking my mind, so I’ll say that mentally it was challenging to keep going
and just go a few steps back in order to improve.

Recently you started doing a little extra work after class with Mark, surely it must be motivating training with someone who shares the same vision as yourself. How important is it to you to have that mental support during training?
CrossFit is about people. During my journey, I had the pleasure of meeting marvellous people. Mark is awesome! We are aligned to support each other, which is a tremendous benchmark. Excellent friend, I must say, always catching on to everyone and giving a good example of leadership. I admire that!!; he’s now on my best friend’s exclusive list.
Also, I take this opportunity to highlight every person since I’ve started in Metal. Starting with Gab
and Logan, just admiration and appreciation!!!, secondly (I won't say names because they know that
I really appreciate all of them), originally with the 6.30 pm crew, then enjoying 5.30 pm, the
exclusive 4.30 pm, and some days 6 am.
Thanks to every single one for getting to know me and sharing a high five after WODs! ��
Also a few, improving their Spanish skills, please keep going amig@s!!!

We know you have been helping a friend at the Victoria Market selling Colombian food!
Tell us the top three foods we should come and try.

Number one that you can mix with almost everything is “Arepa” (white corn bread, but better), good at any time with any topping.
Secondly, “lechona” is basically rice, pork, and some spices, slowly cooked for 8 hours. It’s just delicious!!!
Least but not least, as a dessert, “Postre tres leches con Arequipe” omg, the perfect sweet combination, three milk cakes with sweet of milk, I know!! sounds crazy but tastes so good.
In 2024, I’ll be organising something to have dinner on a Colombian restaurant with the Metal Crew.
Be ready!

Beside your love and obsession with CrossFit do you have any other hobbies you would like to share with us?
” Love and obsession” liked that!! A few of everything depends on the mode: I love camping and hiking; Victoria has plenty of good places; get a good Coffee and go walking for hours; “Gamer” some weekends playing FIFA or some roleplay games; I'm a secret Geek most of the time; I’m also really good at basketball and soccer (football!!!), so feel free to invite me if you need a player.

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours? 
Definitely, double-unders or box jumps—good at it! And when I have to do it, I put in some extra effort.

What are your other favourites and what’s to love about them? 
I’ve been falling in love with Clean and Snatch, like the complexity of them; on the other hand, I also love running, wall balls, double-unders, handstand walks, box jumps, and pretty much leg workouts.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
I hope you get the reference. I would say that a Warthog, always, while doing the WOD, mentally singing Hakuna Matata and enjoying the music around, but at the same time, determined to get the WOD done!!

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Quoting Eduardo Galeano (writer): “Many little people, in little places, doing little things, can change the world” that’s CrossFit!!!, people changing the world.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “Omar” WOD be?

Teams of two
Buy In:
10 x 100m Relay

100-80-60 Wall Ball Shots
50-40-30 Pull Ups
25-20-15 Synchronised Burpees

Buy Out:
10 x 100m Relay