I have trained Neil for a number of years now.

During this time we have developed a close friendship, I look at Neil like my Big Brother.

I have seen him at his worst and I have seen him at his best. Neil is an absolute driven individual but the thing I love the most is his gentle heart and kindness.

Below is Neil`s journey in his own words

You've been training with Coach Gab for nearly 7 years now. How did you stumble upon him and what do you remember of your first sessions together?

We met following a massage session with Kristy. I asked her if she knew of a good PT, the rest is history. 

I remember my first session well, I could not do 5 push ups and lasted about 2 minutes on boxing as I was totally gassed. 

ab always remains positive and has tried to teach me the right way from the start. Less about weight on the bar and all about technique. This has never wavered.

In some ways, you were an entirely different person when you started training with Gab. You were a (former) smoker who wanted to forge some healthier habits. What sparked the change and how did training help change your life and achieve your goals?

Yes I was a smoker. I got sick of being sick, sore throats and many bouts of feeling run down. I had enough feeling like crap and new I had to make a change. On the 5th December 2010 I threw the cigarettes in the bin cold turkey and started my first session on the 6th and haven't looked back. Being able to breathe during exercise was enough motivation. Gab also helped with mindset and pushed me though when I thought I had nothing left or freaked out cause I couldn't breath.

There had to have been some fist-pumping times across those 7 years. Tell us a little about your proudest moments.

  • Learning how to box a little
  • My first comp at Pakenham
  • Completing my first Wod not almost completing it, actually getting it done
  • Competing in my First metal therapy throw down with Eoin and coming 3rd
  • Competing in my Second metal therapy throw down with Brent and coming 3rd
  • Team event at Allstars affiliate last year with Wil, Matt, Kristy, Belinda & Francine, we had so much fun.

Surely, in all that time, there's got to be some embarrassing stories to share too? 

No not really. I don't embarrass easily. I take most things light heartedly and enjoy a laugh. Even if if it is at my expense.
Early days I did meet spewie corner a couple of times. Not so much now just the metallic taste. (Who doesn’t love metal).
've also tripped over my own feet and a barbell or two.

Committing to something for such a long time takes a special sort of something. What's your winning recipe for training?

  • Enjoy the space you train in
  • Love and get to know the people you train with
  • Always look forward
  • Keep at it
  • Listen to your coaches and seek advise

One of the greatest things about you is that you're not afraid to put yourself out there and have been known to jump in on CrossFit comps and just give everything a go. What benefits do you think you get from doing this? 

The only boundaries we have are the ones we place on ourselves. Like most things we can be afraid of what we don't know.
Easy answer try it and find out.Have a crack, you might just surprise yourself 

You are known around the box as our resident joker with your light-hearted, dry humour. How does that humour shape you as a person? 

Humour keeps me relaxed
And when you say dry you mean smutty yeh
I believe in not taking life too seriously and just being a good human.

We know how much you love your metal music. Share a line of lyrics from one song that captures NEIL BAKER. 
Heading out to the Highway. (Judas Priest)

Well I've said it before, and I'll say it again
You get nothing for nothing: expect it when
You're backseat driving, and your hands ain't on the wheel
It's easy to go along with the crowd,
And find later on that your say ain't allowed
Oh that's the way to find what you've been missing
So I'm heading out to the highway
I got nothing to lose at all
I'm gonna do it my way
Take a chance before I fall
A chance before I fall!

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?

Metal Therapy by name. Metal Therapy by nature.
To me coming to the box is a therapy session, it clears my mind & it keeps me sane.
t also helps me burn off the sneaky cannoli that falls into my mouth from time to time.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

Most of them make me groan, it just depends on the level of groaness. Thrusters would probably take the cake.

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Back squat & Deadlift (it’s all about the grind)
Kettle bells (for the all body workout)
Rower (started out hating it then we came to terms with each other, it wouldn’t break me and I wouldn’t break it)

Now, let's get down to Baker Business so the world can know a little more about you.... 

.... if a crystal ball could tell you one thing about your future, what would you want to know and why? 

Nothing as I would not want to know.

.... if your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit and why? 

The man who had it all.
I’m loved, I love, I give, I share and I surround myself with genuine people.

... if you could be the lead singer of one band, which band would it be and why?

Tool. The energy the band gives off is awesome.

.... if you had to choose to live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up and why? 

I guess it would have to be smell.

Sight – I like to watch (haha).
Touch – Well I haven’t been arrested yet.
Hearing – Love music
Tasting – Love food

... if you could choose one fad to return to popularity, what fad would it be and why? 

70’s fashion got to love a nice pair of brown corduroy pants with a purple skivvy just cause.

….if your spirit was to be embodied as a cocktail, what ingredients would be in it and what would it be called? 

The f@#!  no! – Bourbon, dry ginger & the ice blocks would have spiders in them, so you better drink it quick before it melts.

.... if you were paid to pursue your ultimate passion, what would you do? 

Become a house flipper / renovator. I love to build and fix things.
Or become a clown and hide around corners

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year? 

My goals are simple, get fitter, stronger and lighter.

 In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 

Depends what is playing through the speakers……
Sometimes Ape, sometimes sloth it depends

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

Want to be fitter & stronger?
Want to join a network of positive people and positive energy?
Then what are you waiting for?
Play the music already. Start the WOD. Im in!

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Neil' WOD be?

"Love & Hate" 

For Time:
Buy in
400m Run

The Love /  21-15-9

Cal Row
Deadlift (60% 1RM)
Pull ups


The Hate – 3 rounds

15 Thrusters (30kg / 50kg)
9 Burpee Box jumps (20” / 24”)
3 Rope climbs

Buy Out
400m Run