Mudi has been a Metal Therapy member for almost a year now, I have seen him go through different stages, from coming to the box because he was forced by his two brothers, to actually training because he is enjoying it.
Mudi might not be the fastest at the box but his strength has no match..he is as strong as a Gorilla!
Despite his strength, Mudi is possibly one of the kindest people I have meet in my entire life.

Below his Mudi`s journey in his own words

Tell us how you came to discover CrossFit?
I came to discover CrossFit from my 2 brothers Soli and Omar they kept telling me how good it was and it wasn’t like a normal gym with all the wannabes and heroes but the opposite, everyone is down to earth and encourages each other to train hard.

You were at another box before and moved to Metal Therapy this year. Tell us how you found the transition and how you have found your journey Metal Therapy?
Yes I previously started CrossFit at Riseup, which when I started, CrossFit was very new to me as I only knew what Soli and Omar had told me about it, I wasn’t dedicated much then but once starting up at Metal Therapy training with my brothers and friends that I had made from Riseup and also making new friends which are now my Metal Therapy family, the enthusiasm and encouragement just drove me to keep going which has made training become enjoyable, a touch of competition which keeps things healthy but all in all the encouragement is awesome, “I still can’t believe I’m saying training is enjoyable”

You have undergone an incredible and inspiring transformation since you started CrossFit. Can you tell us a bit about where you started, how you've transformed and what motivated you to begin this journey?
My journey started at a low point in my life where it seemed no matter what I did I was stuck and was destined to always be fat and overweight, In May 2013 I was told I’m morbidly obese I was weighing 210kgs on the day I had lap band surgery, thinking that the lap band was a miracle weight loss invention, seeing that I’ve tried the other diets, tablets, drinks and prescription medicines that are out there for weight loss. I did a little exercise after my surgery but nothing drastic, my turning point and motivation was my brother Soli and Omar and of course my wife and kids, Soli a bit more because we shared the lows of being obese and knew exactly how it felt and how our families felt, we look back on pictures and just think How the hell did we live like that. I think the biggest transformation I have had is my mindset, and of course my body has changed a lot maybe more than I think, but my mindset is my biggest transformation, allowing me to stay motivated mentally liking my pain learning to eat clean knowing it’s all to better me and my body which I neglected for so long.

Speaking to you the other day, you mentioned that even though you've already come so far, you have an ultimate goal in mind and won't rest until you've reached it. Can you share this with us?
My goal was to lose 100kgs from 210kgs within 5 years from May 2013 to May 2018, 4 and a half years in and my last weigh in was 140kgs 2months ago, so I’ve lost 70kgs to date but also gained and retained a lot of my muscle. After training in CrossFit Metal Therapy and with all the encouragement I receive every time I train, it doesn’t matter now if I don’t reach my goal in the time frame I gave myself but knowing as long as I reach it it’s done and I can’t rest till then, there will always be another goal behind that but I have learnt to knock them down 1 by 1 and it’s easier to swallow mentally, like scaling wod’s or RXing them it shouldn’t take away from the fact that I did it, instead it’s just a tool to push myself further.

One of the things we love about you is your determination. Can you tell us what has kept you motivated over your transformation journey and what have been the key ingredients?
Being fat for most of my life, putting myself down because physically I can’t do what others can, since starting CrossFit there are things that I can now do and other things that If I push myself that little bit further I can also do, this goes inside and out of the box, this for me is a big motivation not to give up, but the MAIN ingredient is a promise I made to my brothers, my father and my wife & kids, for over 15 years me and soli have been trying to lose weight and have succeeded on giving up on ourselves to lose weight and I know this member of the month is about me and my efforts but without my brothers Soli and Omar my journey never was. So if other obese people can transform their lives why can’t I. My word to my brothers and the shadowing thoughts that if I don’t finish this journey I’ll always be fat, and I don’t want my kids to look up to an obese father nor my wife and brothers look down upon me for not trying and giving it my all.

It hasn't just been a physical transformation. Can you tell us all the other ways your life has improved with CrossFit?
Besides physically which in itself is an awesome feat seeing where I was and how I am now, but life in general has changed, most of my extra sicknesses from being obese have long gone my asthma is being controlled learning how to breathe during wod’s CrossFit has taught me not to give up that easily take everything 1 step at a time, whether it be mentally or physically it can be overcome willpower plays a big part. CrossFit has brought me and my brothers together physically and through training and Metal Therapy I have also gained a lot of new friends and learnt that a word of encouragement can bring the best out of you and get you over that wall.

There was a bit of a running joke happening there when you first started because you would always rock up late. But all jokes aside, sometimes it's not easy fitting training into your work and family life. But now you're coming regularly. How have you managed to make training a consistent part of your week?
Hahahaha Running that’s still a joke and I’m already puffed out, knowing that my job at the time I started training had no benefits for my health I had to make a change of lifestyle which in turn meant my job, my training times, and complete lifestyle had to change, no matter who tried to help me If I couldn’t help myself then nobody could and my word is my word, I promised I would train and Increase the intensity and number of times I trained which I did and I don’t plan on breaking my word, also with my family knowing how much this means to me and also to them, my health comes first till I reach my goal. 

You've got some serious strength running in your family's veins. We've seen you muscle clean epic weights. Where does that strength come from?
More heart than brains Hehehehe, I think all the extra carbs we stocked up on when we were younger, I’m not sure maybe just working physically hard jobs all our lives and not afraid to push that little extra.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours? 
BURPEES any type of burpee and whoever invented them should slap themselves a few times and ask themself why?

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
I love my Back squat. I also love any lift that is strict which is just raw power being used no technique needed.

Now, as you're still quite new to the box, we think it's time to get to know Mudi a little bit more. So tell us..... .... if time and money weren't an issue, what would you do and why?
Travel the world learn about all the different cultures and make a difference for the good at every place I visit.

.... if you were frozen in time for 100 years, what would be the first question you would ask when you wake and why?                
What’s there to eat? 100 years is a long time to go without food.

.... if you were the only human left on earth, what would you do?
I don’t know it’s very hard to live without family & friends I’d probably end up like Tom Hanks in Castaway go crazy and make friends out of coconuts and balls.

.... if your friends would say 'that is so Mudi', what would you do that would make them say it and why?
Most likely flare my nostrils coz I’d be getting angry or annoyed from something or someone.

.... if you could convince everyone in the world to do one thing at one point in time, what would it be and why?
Smile and be cautious of the words that you talk, remember why we exist, tomorrow you might not be here to ever do it again, so speak good coz the second a word leaves your mouth it can’t ever be taken back in.

.... If you had to name this current phase of life as if it were a chapter in a book, what would the chapter be called and why?
The Turning Point, everything that I’m doing now is nearly a 360 of how I lived my life before thinking that I reached a point of no return, there is always a way to return.

.... If you could speak to your '10-year-younger' self, what would you tell him and why?
Make the change now every second to come is worth it, coz every second that passes can’t be brought back so make the most of life and enjoy it.  

.... If you were given 1000 acres of land that you didn't need to pay taxes on but couldn't sell, what would you do with it and why?
I love to help where I can so I’d probably build an amazing farm that houses and feeds orphans the poor and needy, raise animals, grow fruits and vegetables make it self-contained and sustainable not relying on anyone.

Looking ahead, how would you describe the Mudi you are going to be in a year's time?
year older lol, Leaner Stronger Fitter and most likely a Mudi that has reached his goal and ready to set the next.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
Haha I probably look like a puffed out angry bear but feel like King Kong

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
Need to strengthen your mind? Want to get fit fast? Do you like to lift? Then CrossFit is for you just stfu get in we’ll take care of the rest.

CrossFit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Mudi' WOD be?


Buy in: 50 Cal Airdyne then  1' Wall Sit

Air squats
Box Jumps 20"/24"

Buy out: 1' wall sit then 50 cal bike/row