Member of the month: Alex Angemi

Member of the month: Alex Angemi

The improvements I have witnessed in Alex are unbelievable, his positive attitude is highly contagious, always coming and leaving the box with a big bright smile.

Below is Alex`s journey in his own words

You have been a member at Metal Therapy for almost a year now. Can you share a little about your training at Metal Therapy during this time?

I have been here for just over 6 months and i have really enjoyed the steady growth in both physical and mental. Learning new lifts or skills and how to achieve them in a safe way thats what keeps me coming back.

You have been extremely consistent and the improvement you have made in the last few months speak for themselves. Could you tell us what is your biggest driver? Not sure i guess its the same for most people wanting to be a better me, being a roll model for my son and some eye candy for my wife hehe.

You train with your brother in law Robbie which is also a member of our community and a pretty good CrossFitter. It was Robbie that initially introduced you to CrossFit, can you tell us about training with him?

Robbie and I have been training together for quite a while now way before we found CrossFit. I first got a taste of CrossFit at RiseUp and introduced Robbie to it and the rest is history. He has always been consistent with his training so he kept it going where as i took a break. He is and has been someone that I’m inspired by his strength and skills and he’s pretty good at double under too haha. I watch him ( not in a weird way) do his thing and it gives me something to chase.

2019 is finally here, It is time to set new goals! Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit this year?
First and foremost Double Unders its my favourite CrossFit exercise I want to be able to do them all the time. I want to learn Butterfly Pull Ups and be able to cleanly snatch 60Kg.

What changes have you noticed in day to day life since starting CrossFit?
Since i started coming to CrossFit I’m happier, less fatigued at this time of the year we are really busy at work and the bulk of my day consists of carrying boxes and a lot of walking and yet i still have energy to show up at Metal Therapy almost every night.

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Alex

...tell us your favourite top 3 must watch movie?

Obviously because of my Sicilian blood “The GodFather” then because it was just Christmas “Elf” and “Rocky all of them, apart from number 3, I didn’t like Mr T”.

.... What is the craziest thing you have done so far?

Nothing that I’m prepared to put in writing haha so ill just say joining MetalTherapy

.... Fran, Isabel, Grace and many more...Which one is your favourite benchmark workout?

Well, I only did Fran so far and I really have mixed feelings about it ;-)

.... if you could freeze a moment in time, what moment would you freeze and why?

The moment i saw my son born that would be the most amazing thing i have ever seen. The beginning of life.

.... if you had one day in your life to live over, what day would you choose and why?

thats a hard one there have been so many great days, but i would like to spend a day with my Zia (auntie) Anna she passed away a few years ago. I was not able to let her know how much she meant and made me the man i am today.

.... if you had to reveal something that people didn’t know about you, what would that be?

mmm something that people wouldn’t know about me....I like to play online competitive first person shooter video games to relax.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?

Airdyne bike and wall balls

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Double Unders would be my favourite its such a great show off movement.

The mighty Snatch would be my favourite lift when its done well its like watching poetry

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

A Meerkat i like to look around and wish i was one of the other athlete that has finished haha

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “ALEX” WOD be?


500m Run

25 Power Clean (50/35)

75 Double Unders

Member of  the Month: Sam Muscara

Member of the Month: Sam Muscara

Sam has all the quality a coach could ask for in a beginner.

He is driven, consistent, persistent and always positive.

Below his Sam`s journey in his own words

When you joined Metal Therapy you were new to CrossFit. Can you tell us your initial thoughts and what made you stay?

For a long time I wanted to find something that was a good balance of weight training,

cardio and a bit of gymnastics. A little bit of everything to improve my all round functional

fitness and wellbeing. I didn’t know much about CrossFit but it was a word I kept hearing

everywhere so I gave it a shot. From the first class I knew it ticked all the boxes for

everything I wanted out of health and fitness. What really made me stay and keeps me

coming back is the sense of community and the positivity and support from

my fellow trainers at the box.

You have been extremely consistent even during winter when everything seems a lot harder,

what advice would you give to any beginner looking to join Metal Therapy?

Starting something new can be scary and intimidating, especially watching the others

seemingly doing the impossible. If you’re a low energy person like me that struggles with

fitness, the really hard bit is making the decision to turn up. It is very easy to make an excuse

at the last minute and crawl back to bed. You just need to trick yourself into getting into

your car and driving. Once you’re at the box the hardest bit is done, our coaches and the

WOD will take care of the rest. Progress always seems slow and frustrating but without

realising, you will be doing movements you never thought you were capable of. You just

need to keep turning up.

Also the warm Metal Therapy hoodie really made my winter mornings easier!

What is the biggest change you have noticed in yourself since the start of your CF Journey?

Did anyone else noticed these changes?

It had been a good 7 or 8 years since I did any serious fitness training so once I started

CrossFit it was a real struggle. But within a few weeks my mood and my confidence changed

and I was carrying myself a bit better through my day to day life. It didn’t change my life, it

just helped me become a happier, stronger version of myself. My wife and family definitely

noticed the change in me too which in itself was a real confidence boost. Also as a bonus, I

now have a good beach body in time for summer!

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?

I’ve seen too many people who don’t look after their health and how it affects their quality

of life as they age. Even the ability to simply stand straight and walk functionally can be a

struggle for those who live a sedentary lifestyle. I see CrossFit as a way to keep my body

functionally healthy for as long as possible. I don’t have to be the fittest or the strongest. I

just want be strong and healthy enough to carry myself well and do the things that I love for

as long as I can.

The WOD is about to start 3...2...1... What`s the first though comes into your mind?

At this point my anxiety levels are through the roof for the pain that is about to come.

There’s no real choice but to just clear my mind and lift the bar or throw the first wall ball.

After a few seconds my body just adjusts and I get into the zone of the workout.

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Sam

…if you could be part of any sports team, which team will it be?

I must say I never really was big on team sports, only a very casual Essendon supporter from

way back as a kid. Not long after I started training, the CrossFit games were on and I caught

a few of the team events which were very impressive. It was the first time in a long time that

I had really followed anything. Closer to home I’m starting to get a buzz from seeing our very

own Metal Therapists represent us in other competitions and I hope to follow suit soon


…if you had to write a note to your child self, what would you say to him and why?

I would say to not be so self-conscious and to explore things I might enjoy doing instead of

freaking out and procrastinating. If you throw yourself into something new you might find

you’ll enjoy it and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. I finally also started doing guitar

lessons this year after my wife bought me a guitar around 5 or 6 years ago. Loving it at the

moment. I’ve had a few stresses over the years and it’s taken a while to learn to try enjoy

myself as best I can or life will pass me by.

…if you could fulfil one thing on your bucket list tomorrow, what would you choose and why?

I’ve read a lot of Japanese history and I’ve been wanting to go to Japan for years and visit

landmarks and eat lots of sushi. Maybe next year! Not sure about the nude public hot

springs though.

…if you had to reveal something that people didn’t know about you, what would that be?

I have a martial arts background with a black belt in karate from my teens and a black belt in

grappling from my early 20’s. Also I played the trumpet in high school.

…if you were paid to pursue your ultimate passion, what would you do?

Coming from an Italian background and watching my parents and grandparents do things

from scratch, I wouldn’t mind just having space to grow my own produce and making all the

goods and preserves my family used to make. I’m also a very amateur beer brewer and wine

maker. It would be nice to make all these things and share with the community as it’s hard

to come by quality produce these days.

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours?

Clusters!! I did them once and developed an instant hatred for them. But since everyone

probably hates them I’ll also say that I still struggle with toes to bar. Give me standard pull

ups any day.

What are your other favourites and what’s to love about them?

I’ve always been decent at doing pull ups. I did them occasionally since I was young and

developed a good tolerance to them. I enjoy the feeling of being able to lift my own body

weight. Still working at muscle ups though. Also don’t mind any kettlebell work.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

I’m probably a bit like my pet greyhounds. I turn up and start the WOD enthusiastically

enough. Within 5 minutes I’m feeling stuffed and regretting it. I’ll keep pushing till I finish it

but then I collapse dramatically. I have a big sleep and repeat the next day.

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?

If you want to improve your quality of life and be stronger, fitter and happier, CrossFit is the

way to go. It’s also a good way to make friends while bonding over blood, sweat and tears.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the ‘Sam’ WOD be?

21/18 Cal Row
15 Front Squats 50/30
9 Chest to Bar Pull Up

member the Month: samantha meilak

member the Month: samantha meilak

Hard work always pays off..and Sammy is the living proof of it.

She has always a positive attitude and she never shies away from a new challenge.

A great addition to our awesome community!

Below his Samantha`s journey in her own words

You have been a member at Metal Therapy for a little while now. Can you share a little about your training during this time? and what is your proudest moment since the beginning of your CrossFit journey ?

I started at Metal Therapy in August of 2017 when my daughter was 8 weeks old. I was a regular at the 9.15am classes and honestly I think I may have lost my sanity if I didn’t have something to do for myself each day. Becoming a parent is very challenging and CrossFit gave me that balance I needed! After pregnancy it was all about just getting moving but then I started getting some real PB’s (pre-baby PB’s) and that was very motivating. I wasn’t ever able to do a T2B before I had Emilia but I can manage them now, just need to get better at linking them.

You always come to training with a smile on your face, even when thrusters and Burpees are in the program. Could you tell us what`s your secret of happiness? That’s because I love burpees! I can’t say the same about thrusters though! I’m a pretty positive person overall, life is what you make it and there is no point in dwelling over negativity.

When you first started, what was your ‘why’ or purpose for doing CrossFit and has that why/purpose changed since?
I started CrossFit back in mid 2015 at Riseup. At that point in my life I had been a regular gym junkie for years and it just wasn’t cutting it for me anymore. I need more of a challenge! I was so reluctant to try CrossFit, but finally gave in after going to watch a friend compete at the Western Weight Warriers comp. It was very inspiring! The same is true to this day, I always want and need a challenge and in CrossFit there is so many things to master.

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?
CrossFit is my outlet from a stressful job (thankfully I am in a much less stressful role now), time away from the craziness of day-to-day life and time for myself!

You have been incredibly consistent and putting in the hard yards these past months. It is clear that you've got some goals and desires. What are they and what are you doing to reach them?
I don’t know about consistent! Some days I don’t feel like coming but I force myself to because I always get that endorphin hit afterwards and feel so much better! I need to be more goal driven – I don’t have anything on the board at Metal Therapy, however a few days ago I would have said my goal would be to do a strict pull-up, but at the Double Dose comp I managed a strict pull-up and then a weighted pull-up. I would also like to get more muscles so I can get stronger haha!

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Sammy have just found the genie lamp, what would your 3 wishes be?
Hmm… cure for cancer, a self-cleaning house and to be able to spend one day with my Nana who is no longer here so that she could meet Emilia.

.... if you could were a superhero, what would your name and ability be?
I’m not much into superhero’s but who wouldn’t love to be able to mind-read? I’d use it for the greater good of the community and solve crimes.

.... if you had to choose between savoury and sweet what would that be? Also tell us your 3 must try dishes
Ooh that’s a difficult one, I was all savoury before I had Emilia, but being pregnant changed me to a sweet person, still to this day I need to have something sweet every night after dinner! 3 must try dishes that I make? I love cooking! Unfortunately Emilia doesn’t allow me to spend as much time in the kitchen, but I would give anything a go! I make a soy and ginger glazed salmon with coconut rice, a nice Hungarian goulash and at Christmas time I make a maple and bacon stuffed turkey roast – delicious!

.... if you owned your own TV show what would it be about?
Probably something food related, all about good places to eat and luxurious accommodation places- they go hand in hand! As does good wine – another one of my weaknesses!

... if you had to reveal something that people didn’t know about you, what would that be?
Nothing really interesting sorry! I’ve only ever been a bride and never a bridesmaid, however early next year I get to stand next to my sister as her matron of honour! Exciting! ....

... if you could choose one fad to return to popularity, what fad would it be and why?
I don’t like fads! As a kid though I used to love push-pops!

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
I love anything bodyweight - so burpees, box jumps, rope climbs, T2B, C2B… mostly because my weakness is weights!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
I would like to think an Impala (I’m probably dreaming here) – they are so fast and gracious through the air. Like the ballet dancers and gymnasts of the animal kingdom!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? CrossFit will teach you to believe in yourself and constantly test your limits – it’s addictive!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Sammy’ WOD be?

“Pocket rocket”
3 Rounds for time
50 Air Squats
40 Deadlifts ( 40/60)
30 Box jumps (20”/24”)
20 Burpees
10 Pull Ups

Member the Month: Priscilla Costa

Member the Month: Priscilla Costa

The hard work and incredible results that Priscilla have achieved in the last few month are obvious.
With a little help from coach Susan, Priscilla has found new strength and a whole new level of focus.
What I love the most about Priscilla is her bubbly, positivity and supportive attitude.

Below his Priscilla`s journey in her own words

In the last few months you have approached your training sessions very differently, more weight on the bar, faster in the workouts and definitely  a much more positive attitude, what has helped you make these changes?

Believing in myself ! knowing that i can do this...i tend to over-think things which is something i'm working on... 
I must also mention that if it wasn't for all the good coaches we have at the box none of us would be where we are today and the encouragement from the MT family..

Your husband Fernando is also a member of our box, how do you find training with him? do you ever get competitive?

I love training with my man, me competitive with Fernando? lol at times when he gets in my face. It's funny you ask this question at home its usually 3 against Nando..i know shock to you all...not!.

What positive changes have you noticed in your mind and body since starting CrossFit? 

Since being with MT and learning the techniques from scratch i feel a lot stronger and remembering its all about practice, the more i do it the better i can get.

Your partner in crime at the box is Susan, tell us what it is like training with a friend that is also a coach?

It's AWESOME! I love training with Suse, she is so approachable! There is no can't do with Suse, she gives me that face where i just shut up and do it..she is petite but very assertive n aggressive....

Now lets dig a little deeper and get to know a bit more about Priscilla...

... if your life could be summed up in a song, what  song would best sum it up and why?

Vivir la Vida- (live life). we all need to enjoy the little things in life and be content and happy. Life is short!

... If you were the host of a radio show, what would the name be and what would you discuss?

Chillin with Cilla! Anything health, wellbeing, food, you name it and it will be discussed.

...if you were a cocktail, what ingredients would it have and what would your cocktail be called and why?

Dulce Mamisita! (Sweet mumma) the name explains it- it would have Vodka, mint, berries, lime and a hint of spice. 

...I you could choose any city in the world to live the rest of your life, where would that be and why?

Hawaii most definitely, its so relaxing even working seems chilled. 

... if you were paid to pursue your ultimate passion, what would you do?

I would love to travel the world and advertise the touristic places like Getaway or fashion....

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

THRUSTER! I really dislike them

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Love power cleans, deadlifts......haha love that I can do them.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?  

I can start my word like a panther but mid way i can turn into a sloth especially if its a movement I don't like...

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 

Don't judge until you have tried it! Just one class will have you coming back for more, guaranteed!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would "Priscilla"`s 'WOD be?

 "Fire Bomb"

For Time:
50 Deadlift (70/50)
50 Cal Row
40 Pull ups
40 Cal Row
30 Power Cleans (60/40)
30 Cal Row
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)
20 Cal Row

Member of the Month: Matthew "The Chief" Kitchin

Member of the Month: Matthew "The Chief" Kitchin


I have trained Matthew for about 5 years. During this time, apart the professional relationship we have also become really good friends. He is a highly driven individual with the excitement of a five-year-old kid always looking for the next adventure.
I love sitting with Matt after training and hearing all his stories over a cup of hot coffee.

Below his Matthew's journey in his own words

You have recently completed something that the rest of us can only dream of. You have reached the summit of Mount Everest. Can you please tell us about this amazing freezing cold journey?

Everest from Tibet was a change of scene after attempting the peak from Nepal in 2005. My team missed out that year after a pretty tough trip, including an avalanche that killed a couple of climbers and wiped out our Camp 1 (6100m). We then languished at Camp 2 (6400m) waiting for a good weather window. We had acclimatised by sleeping at Camp 3 (7300m) and stocked Camp 4 (8000m) with oxygen cylinders ready for a summit push.

Good weather — when the jet stream winds in the Death Zone move off the summit for only a few days every May — just never arrived in our timeframe. A lot of teams missed out.
Those with logistics to last until June that year were luckier. 
Fellow (and hero) New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first to summit Everest by this route in May, 1953.

Tibet is a vastly different proposition. The countryside is barren and harsh by comparison with Nepal. And the summit day route follows a ridge with three tricky rock “steps” above the Death Zone. Climbers are exposed to danger on this ridge for a long time.

If the poop hits the fan, you’re up high for a long time before descending out of danger and that fatally catches out plenty of climbers.I teamed up with three Japanese and two Nepali fellas, who were good company. Google Translator got a massive workout.

After three weeks acclimatising and setting up our high camps, we identified May 16 as a perfect summit day. Clear skies and no wind were forecast.
Working back from that date, we needed a day in foul, cold weather for the 16km grind from Base Camp (5200m) to Advanced BC (6400m) ... following the Rombuk and East Rombuk glaciers.

Another day in pretty calm weather for the climb from ABC up an ice face to Camp 1 (7050m), then a day in nasty conditions to Camp 2 (7400m).We were using supplemental oxygen from this point. I shared a tent with Nepali climber Lhakpa, who copped frostbite on his cheek from the knifing wind. It’s dipping towards -30C at this altitude.
The next push to Camp 3 (7900m) in fine weather was a sign of great things to come.
We rested from 3pm til our summit bid launched at 10pm. It was bitterly cold — -40C — and perfectly still.
Sucking two litres a minute of gas helped, but it was an enormously hard climb. 
One step per three laboured breaths was my rhythm when I could get it humming.
The three rock faces were not so much a technical challenge as a case of grunt work and being mistake-free — difficult in big down suits  and gloves, cumbersome boots and crampons.

Around 7am, and 60m below the summit, the most incredible sliver of blue sunrise fizzed along the curved horizon. It’s here that a climber from two years ago lies frozen in a napping pose. Ten climbers were 10 minutes ahead of me, and I led a line of about eight more.
After a narrow traverse with a 3000m drop to our right, we climbed a short rock face and arrived at 8850m — on top of the world.
I stood with one foot in Nepal and one in Tibet before sitting down and chatting to mates and other climbers for half an hour.

It’s the weirdest, giddy feeling not being able to look up and see a thing. The mind and body momentarily loses its equilibrium.
Scanning the world below, every single peak, glacier, valley — anything — is dwarfed.
There were the four 6500-7000m peaks in Nepal I’d previously climbed. They seems monstrous adventures at the time, but from the Everest summit they were pimples on the landscape.
I snapped a pic of the summit pyramid’s shadow reaching the horizon.
The climb down is where many climbers come unstuck.
Our descent was largely safe and uneventful. The serious risk was in five days of mad celebrations once we’d got down and slowly head back to Kathmandu.
But those stories are only available in the Adults Only section.



Is well known that every year many people die trying to climb Everest, you are a very experienced mountaineer, can you tell us about your mindset during climbing?

Seven people died this year, and one of the Japanese from my team blew up before Camp 3 on summit day
He and his mate made the snap decision to descend before things went super bad.
I’m told 40% of climbers don’t make it.
But it’s not all cerebral oedema and loss of physical power. A woman fell into an open potato cellar on the trek to Nepal’s Everest BC, broke her leg and couldn’t climb!
One of our Sherpas was sent back to hospital in Kathmandu with severe frostbite of the ear.
The risks are often discussed but for climbers they are acknowledged, respected and to some extent blanked out.
I compartmentalise any potential anxiety and get on with the challenge — loving every section of the mountain for their own unique character.

You have been training with coach Gab for awhile now, how important was your training in order to accomplish your dream?

Without a doubt, the deadlifts and squats regimen Gab put me on made the climb a dream.
Combined with a program of stair climbing — an hour-plus three times a week in the emergency stairwell at work (535 dusty steps) with 15-20kg of rice in my backpack — it was the perfect preparation.
Long walks with a heavy pack at the weekends rounded it out.
Gab managed the workload superbly — and probably carried me the last 100m to to the top when the legs were groaning.

Do you have any other hobbies/passions besides climbing?

I love techno, gardening, my kids totally, training with Richard Tweedle, rugby, baking, rock and ice climbing ... and my dog Mack.

Now lets dig a little deeper and get to know a bit more about Matthew

... If you were a Techno DJ what would be your alias?

... If you had to drink your very last bottle of wine, which one would it be?

Super dry Riesling — to go with my Bluff oysters and Blue Cod from Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand.

... if you could choose one fad to return to popularity, what fad would it be and why? 

Aerobics. Purely for the outfits. Why don’t more people wear loud clashing Lycra in CrossFit? Bring it back people! You know you want to.

... if you could be part  part of any sports team,which team will it be?

All Blacks. A slightly stroppy halfback.

...You are stranded on a desert island...what`s your action plan?

Build a swim-up bar.

... if you were granted three wishes, which one would they be?

1. I lost 10kg on Everest. Mainly glutes and legs. I wish it only came back as pure muscle through the power of eating cheese. All types. Not fussy.
2. Wish there were 36 Earth hours in a day. I’d do more CrossFit.
3. There were no calories in ice cream. Or for that matter salami, wine, lamingtons, cheese (did I mention cheese?) ...

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours? 

Apart from getting out of bed in the morning, almost everything overhead! 

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Turkish Get Up ... all-body and fully committing.Deadlift ... technical perfection and massive gains when it clicks. Great for leg and butt power, which are critical for expedition climbing.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?  

Hyena ... gleefully laughing because we’re heading past halfway!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 

CrossFit ... give yourself the ultimate lift.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would "The Chief '’ WOD be?
" The Chief"
3km Air Dyne
30 Kettlebell Step Over (2x16/2x24)
30 Push Press (40/60)
3 Peg Board Climb

2km Row
20 Kettlebell Step Over (2x16/2x24)
20 Push Press (40/60)
2 Peg Board Climb

1km Ski Erg
0 Kettlebell Step Over (2x16/2x24)
10 Push Press (40/60)
1 Peg Board Climb

member of the month: Adele Coetzee

member of the month: Adele Coetzee

CrossFit is not just about physical strength but also mental strength. In the last few months I`ve seen Adele working really hard and overcoming her inner demons, that little voice that says you`re not good enough.
She clearly is an incredible athlete and I`m happy to say that she can finally see it with her own eyes.

Below his Adele`s journey in her own words

You moved from another box over a year ago now. Can you share a little about your time at Metal Therapy and how it has shaped your training? 

Yes, I have been with MT just over a year now. I only have one regret and it has been voiced so many times… Why didn’t I sign up with MT earlier? The culture at the box and support I receive from all the coaches can’t be match to any other gym I have ever been to. PB after PB, growing stronger, faster and fitter with all the people I love so dearly. It a pleasure to come back, every day! 

Your life is super busy, being a mum, a full time student, a personal trainer and also finding time for your own training. How do you manage all this task?

It is easy to manage if it is a priority. Even though my schedule is super busy, I always make time for the things that I have passion for, like my training. MT is my go-to place when I feel the pressure. I lift a few weights, sweat a bit and feel fantastic afterwards, ready to take on the world again. I can’t imagine not doing this for many years to come!

You have been crossfitting for a while now, how does CrossFit impact your coaching style?

Since starting with MT, I had to relearn the correct techniques and way of doing specific movements. I always thought I knew how to do everything, until I met someone with more knowledge and experience than me. Being able to coach and be coached was one of the things I have learnt at my time here at MT. It’s not always about the weight you push or the time on the clock, it’s about doing the movements correctly without risking injury. I have adapted that way of thinking too, and I teach my clients every day, the importance of quality movement over quantity. It comes easy when you have mentors like Gab and the rest of the team to look up to.

You have been hitting impressive numbers, most notably your 75kg Clean & Jerk PB during a competition. Tell us about what you have been doing to achieve this and what that achievement feels like?

When I decided to do that comp, I was very nervous as my component was the 1RM Clean and Jerk. I have hit 70kg a few months before, but have never really focused on improving on that number. I informed Gab of what needed to be done and with his help and encouragement, I managed to get more comfortable with the weights overhead, especially in the split. I practised a lot and the time, effort and consistency paid off in the end. I have to say that whilst I was warming up my clean and jerk at the comp, I couldn’t even hit 60 and I started doubting myself, what if I miss this lift in front of all these people, what if this and what if that… but I had Gab’s voice in my head, telling me that I need to go for a cry (yes, that is our thing) and come back with a clear mind. I walked over to the bar…. Looked at it, stroked it gently and said to it… “we are not going to hurt each other today, are we?” I took a deep breath, chest up and cleaned it. After hitting the first 70kg, I went 72 and after that the 75kg. I couldn’t believe it, was like a winning the lotto! I’m going to train harder to hit my ultimate 80kg goal this year.

You have been incredibly consistent and putting in the hard yards these past months. It is clear that you've got some goals and desires. What are they and what are you doing to reach them?  

So many people have asked me what I am wanting to achieve when it comes to CrossFit, but to be honest, I just want to be a better than I was the day before. I have had it in the back of my mind to become a CrossFit Coach and I aim to make this a reality in the next year. Furthermore, CrossFit helped me build confidence in who I am, what I am capable of and to trust that process. But if I can say this … if Amanda Allen can go to her 4th CrossFit Games at 47 years of age, I can surely qualify for the online qualifier (at the most) by the time I’m 47, that gives me 10 years to become better!! (only kidding!!!) 

Now it is time for the world to know a little more about Adele

Well, a little fun fact is that I am a massive gamer. I play World of Warcraft when I need time off from my studies. I play a fire mage, and her name is Infernus!  I love the colour yellow. I use to be a goth girl when I was younger, that lasted for about 15 years! I am a much happier person now!

...If your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit and why? 

My life started as the movie “Muriel’s Wedding” then progressed to all three squeals of “Bridget Jones’ Diary” and lately, it is more like “Groundhog Day…”
I was socially awkward when I was younger, (like Muriel), then went from one bad relationship to another before I met my prince, (Marcel) like in Bridget Jones’ Diary and now every day is a rinse repeat of the day before – like in Groundhog Day! Guess that is what happens if you are my age!

...If you could go back and redo any moment in your life, what would that moment be and why?

The things that happen to us in our lives are results of either poor or wise choices. I am who I am today, because of those and I had the courage and wisdom to move on and live with those consequences. If I had to undo one moment, it would be the moment I didn’t sign up with Metal Therapy first!

...If you could eliminate one thing you do each day, so you never have to do it again, what would it be and why?

Packing and unpacking the dishwasher! Do I need to say more? LoL 

...If you were invisible for a month, what would you do and why? 

Firstly, I would go to the airport, get on the next flight to South Africa and see my mum… No one will see me get on and off… It has been five years now since I last saw her. Secondly, I would like to eavesdrop on conversations and find out who my real friends are! 

...You are at the millionaire TV show, you on your way to a $million but you are stuck, you can use the phone call, whom would you call?

I would call my son’s father, Paul. He is very smart and intelligent and knows a lot about everything. I am very thankful that Jordan got his brain!

...If you could make a twenty-second phone call to yourself at any point in your life, past, present or future, when would you call and what would you say?

I would call past Adele circa ten years ago and tell her about CrossFit!

We have all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?

Running! I do not understand why people would want to run when they can just drive?

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Squat cleans – because I can go heavy on them. 

I do not mind Thrusters at all; I love the way they hurt!

Snatch has always been a favourite; there is nothing better than catching a ‘heavy, almost semi-decent’ snatch, dead centre!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

Well, if they existed, I would be a Phoenix, because I die mid-WOD, and rise again from the ashes in the last few minutes to finish strong, knowing I gave it my all.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 

We all know that CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity, but did you know its community, friendships, supportive and fun too? Combine all those aspects and you have a winning combination that will last you a lifetime. It’s never too late to be what you might have been! Try CrossFit today and be a better version of yourself now!

CrossFit Inc. decides to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Adele’ WOD be?

For Time:
1000m Row Buy-In
7 RFT:
12 Power Cleans 35kg/55kg
9  Hang Squat Cleans 35kg/55
6  Push Jerks  35kg/55kg
1000m Row Buy-Out


Metal Therapy Throwdown 2018

Metal Therapy Throwdown 2018

Wod 1 - AED (11' CAP)

2 RFT:
50 Deadlift 50Kg/70Kg
400m Run
30 Lateral BOB

This workout is performed in Indian file.
At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the deadlift. Partner A then moves onto the run and partner B can commence the deadlifts. Partner B does NOT have to wait for partner A to return before commencing the run however, if partner A returns from their run before partner B has completed the deadlifts, partner A must wait before they are able to begin their burpees.

Tap out - This will be explained on the day!

Wod 2 - The Fire Pit (7' AMRAP)

Front Squat 30kg/45kg
Air Dyne buy in each change 15cal/10cal

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin their calories on the Air Dyne. Once complete they will then move onto front squats and perform as many reps as possible. When partner A places the bar down Partner B may commence their calories on the Air Dyne before they can commence their front squats. Partners are to accumulate as many reps of front squat as they can but calories on the Air Dyne MUST be completed at each change and will NOT count towards your score.

*** This Wod will transition onto Wod 3 without break.

WOD 3 - Clean Complex (6' CAP)

For Load:
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean 

Partners must perform both movements WITHOUT putting the bar down. Power clean will be permitted.
You are allowed as many attempt as you like but the weight is only allowed to increases.

WOD 4 - The Walking Dead ( 10' CAP)

For Time:
10 to 1 BB Push Press 30/50Kg
**6 Box Jump Overs every time the reps are broken**

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin with 10 push press, partner B will complete 10 push press. Partner A will complete 9 push presses, partner B will complete 9 push presses, then 8,7...6...5 all the way down to 1. The partner that is not working must hold the bar in the front rack position. If either partner takes the bar off the front rack position, both partners must complete 6 box jump overs (these reps will NOT count towards your score) 


Top 2 Male and Female teams will battle it out for the top spot.
This workout will be released on the day!

Member of the month: jane dinh

Member of the month: jane dinh

Jane is not just one of the strongest girl I know but also one of the happiest. Her bubbly personality brings an incredible vibe to the box.
She makes heavy weights look like warm up sets but is also very humble and hard working, which is reflected in her amazing body transformation.

Below his Jane`s journey in her own words

Share with us how you came to discover CrossFit and what your initial thoughts were in those first few sessions?

After years of training with personal trainers, doing everything from lifting weights to tonnes of cardio a trainer suggested I do CrossFit and said I would enjoy it. I remember my ‘trial’ session at CrossFit RiseUp and the people were so friendly and nice. I knew I wanted to be part of this community.

Those first few CrossFit sessions can be gruelling and confronting. What advice would you give to someone who is just beginning their CrossFit journey?

The beauty of CrossFit is that no two people are the same. We are all individuals with different strengths and weaknesses. If you want to improve your fitness and strength just keep coming to CrossFit. 

When you first moved to CrossFit Metal Therapy after your previous box closed, what made you stay & decide to make this your new home?

The decision was easy. My sister Maria had already decided to join CrossFit Metal Therapy and a lot of members from the previous box were there. What I love about CrossFit Metal Therapy is that everyone has goals and what to work towards and having wonderful coaches to help get us there.

Everyone in the box has noticed the transformation you are currently undertaking! You’ve lost a lot of weight and are looking amazing. Can you tell us a little about your current journey and goals? What changes have you made & what is your secret to success? 

Aww thanks guys! Every goal should have a timeframe. And my timeframe is my wedding next month! That extra pressure has really helped to motivate me to lose weight as well as trying to fit into the dress. I never thought I was eating unhealthy foods but seeing a dietician really helped. I tried every diet there was from clean eating, to tracking macros etc. The keto diet seems to work really well for me and I never feel deprived – which is probably the key to long term success.

How has this physical transformation changed you in other aspects of your life? 

The physical transformation has taught me a lot in terms of looking after myself. It has given me a lot of confidence to attempt things I wouldn’t have normally. Such as having a family photoshoot or attempting pull ups. I definitely don’t give myself enough credit sometimes but I have noticed that I doubt myself less!

You’re known around the box for making squatting 100+ kilos look easy. Can you tell us how you approach these heavy lifts and what steps you took to get to that point?

Squatting is my strongest and most natural lift – sorry if I made it look easy! Often the fear of the unknown and the self-doubt is what holds me back. It is about knowing your body, safely pushing your limits and having the confidence to execute it.

You’ve just finished participating in the CrossFit Open. Can you tell us the biggest lessons you have learned from these past 5 weeks & what would you say to anyone else wanting to participate for the first time?

I have never been competitive by nature but I loved the CrossFit Open. The spirit of the CrossFit Open brings out the best in all of us. The atmosphere is amazing and having everyone around to support to push you through these workouts, plus it was all heaps of fun! You will look back at these moments, focus on one thing to improve over the next year and see how far you’ve come.

You’ve been crossfitting awhile now. Tell us what your ultimate fist-pumping, proud moments have been?

For years I have been struggling with pull ups. I never thought I would have got one until recently I tried pulling up and next minute my head was over the bar! I have always said if I didn’t weigh so much I could get a pull up. Then last week at the last Open workout I got my first chest to bar pull up! 

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

Snatches. That’s self-explanatory hahaha.

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 

Squats. Because that’s something I am good at. Second to that I love cleans! How impressive is it to pick up the bar off the ground?

Now, let’s find out who Jane really is.....

.... if you were bestowed Queen for a day, what would you do in that day and why? 

I would give all her money to the poor, no one needs that amount of money 

.... if you could choose one thing to be remembered by, what would that be and why?

I would hope to be remembered by my beautiful voice. Have you heard me sing? HAHAHA! Apparently I sound better when I’m drunk.

.... if you were a chocolate bar, which one would best match your personality and why?

The Picnic bars. Average in appearance but definitely delicious on the inside 

.... if you could make up your own CrossFit movement, what would that movement look like?

Yawning. If this was a movement, I would definitely be able to master it!

.... if you had to reveal something that people didn’t know about you, what would that be?

I am really bad at maths!

.... if you had to write a note to your child self, what would you say to her and why?

To put yourself first and don’t ever doubt yourself. I don’t remember when it started but when I was younger fear never got the best of me.

.... if you were stuck in the Jumanji game, what do you think would be your character’s strength and why? 

I would be Jefferson “Seaplane” McDonough. I have strengths in making margaritas 

.... if you had to name the top 5 things on your bucket list, what would they be and why?

More holidays: France for wine and cheese, Japan for the cherry blossoms, USA for Disneyland and shopping! I think this counts as 3 things. Learning to surf and turning 35 so I can qualify for the Masters League 

What’s next for mighty Jane? Share your goals for the next twelve months of your CrossFit journey.

My goal for the next twelve months is to get BIG! Well not literally – I will be focusing on getting stronger! I only have one goal written down and that is to achieve a 130kg deadlift which is one of my weaker lifts that I am eager to work on this year.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 

I would be an eagle. In the middle of a WOD which would be half way through, I can usually see the end!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 

Tired of those boring repetitive workouts?
Want to be able to lift heavy stuff?
Scared of not being able to commit?
Want to be part of a bigger community?
Want to challenge yourself?

Then CrossFit is what you need 

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Jane’ WOD be?

The ‘Jane’ WOD, I have been thinking about for a while would look something like this:

50 cal row
50 front rack lunges 35/50
50 double unders
50 deadlifts 35/50
50 burpee box jump overs
50 power cleans 35/50
50 cal row


member of the month: Noel Paguio

member of the month: Noel Paguio

Saying that Noel loves olympic lifting is an understatement but lately I have notice a different attitude and approach during workouts as well.
Getting faster every time, adding a little more weight on the bar not to mention his focus and extra gear he puts in every single workout.
Noel is not just about training he also knows how to have a good time, is positive and infectious attidute makes him a great addition to our awesome comunnity 

Below his Noel`s journey in his own words

You moved to Melbourne from interstate and found CrossFit Metal Therapy after training elsewhere. What was it that drew you to CrossFit Metal Therapy?

After doing drop-ins and free trials at numerous boxes around where I work and where I live, the thing that drew me to CrossFit Metal Therapy was definitely the people. From the first drop-in, I knew this was a place I would enjoy coming to (hopefully) every day to train. You have to want to come to training and enjoy the company you're with, sweating it out day-in-day-out.

How did you first come to get into CrossFit? Tell us about your journey from beginning to now.

My older brother got me onto CrossFit. He was dabbling in it and showed me videos of the CrossFit Games way back in 2010. I bit the bullet and signed up for my first intro class in 2013. It didn't last long. I thought it wasn't for me. I thought I wasn't fit enough and I actually thought people were laughing at me trying to do the movements.

Fast forward another year and this time I watched the 2014 CrossFit Regionals and then the Games. I signed up again, and this time I let go of all my inhibitions and just took each day as it came. I learned new terms, new movements and made some great friends.

The feeling of belonging to a community, not only locally but globally, is something I've never been a part of. It felt good knowing that you weren't going through the workouts alone.

How important was the community at Metal Therapy after moving interstate, back to Melbourne?

I had only ever done CrossFit in Queensland, so when I moved back to Melbourne, I was a little apprehensive at joining a box. How are the facilities? How are the coaches? How are the members? All the normal things that go through your mind.

It was months since I had last trained at my old box, so finding the right box with the right people was so important. It meant I could get back into a routine and to commit myself to regular training.  To call CrossFit Metal Therapy my new home was a relief.  I was still living out of unpacked boxes for weeks, so to be able to have that sense of order back in my life again was a huge help.

Everyone in the box has noticed your commitment and growth lately. What has been your main personal focus and goals and what have you been doing to achieve them?

I had never been able to stick to an exercise plan or wasted money with gym memberships. It was a waste of time, I didn't hold myself accountable and thought I wasn't going be a top athlete of any kind so why bother?

It wasn't until clothes weren't fitting, I was easily out of breath doing normal activities and I started getting sick a lot more frequently. It's this old life, the old me that I never want to see again. While those things weren't the catalyst for me starting CrossFit, they're definitely the reasons that I'm still doing it.

I always strive to be a better person, I think we all do. I want to be successful at work and I want to live a great life and CrossFit gave me a reason to keep going - and it's so cliché, but it's so true!

CrossFit is exercise. Exercise makes me happy. More exercise makes me even happier. When I'm happy, everything just seems so much easier. Who doesn't want life to be easy?

You've been particularly driven when it comes to Olympic Lifting. Tell us about that. What is it about Olympic Lifting that you love? And what do you have in mind every time you come to a class?

I had never even thought in a million years I would be so drawn to Olympic Lifting. I've seen it here and there when the Olympics were on but never took any notice.

Not until I started CrossFit that my love for lifting grew. It was mailing my first snatch with only the barbell. It felt so heavy and it felt like my shoulders were going to crumble. But I pushed and I fought so hard to stand that mother f**ker up. I did it. It felt amazing.

I love the fact that in order to succeed it is up to you to string everything you learn from foundations until now together to be able to produce a perfect lift - I use the term perfect lightly as I don't think you can ever have a perfect lift. You never stop learning with Olympic Lifting. There is always something that you can learn and improve on. The smallest cue, the slightest imbalance and the resulting lift can be drastically different to your last.

Each time I come to class, I always think Technique, Speed and Strength. They all play an important part in lifting and without one, the other two suffer. It's this balance that I'm drawn to.
To execute a lift and for a heavy bar to feel weightless for an instant - that's the feeling I love chasing.

What about the WODing? Do you approach the WODs and the Olympic Lifting differently? Do you have different goals and intentions when you step foot into a CrossFit class compared to Olympic Lifting?

I'd like to think I don't treat WODs differently, but I have to be honest and I do approach them quite differently. While I think I'm quite proficient in Olympic Lifting, the same can't be said for WODing.
My mate cardio and I have never been good friends. It's something that I want to change. I want us to be good friends. Great friends in fact.

I know my limits and I know what I'm capable of so I scale accordingly. I always thought that scaling a workout meant you were cheating yourself. I learned very quickly not to try and Rx everything - that's a huge mistake that I learned the hard way.

There are movements that I can't do which are where my goals are focused on. I want to be able to complete each CrossFit movement unassisted.

If you could identify the biggest positive change in you since you started at Metal Therapy, what would that be?

The biggest positive change I have made since joining the team would have to be making time to train. I used to use work as an excuse so even though I've been signed up to a CrossFit box since 2014, I hadn't really been training very much. It was irregular and sometimes I would go weeks without training.

Allowing myself to put aside a couple of hours for myself each day has been something I've never been able to do successfully. I guess it helps that my current job is a little bit more flexible than my last, but it's the commitment to myself and the accountability I place on myself that really drives me to keep time to do things that make me a better version of myself.

You're a vivacious guy who loves to live life to the fullest. How important is it, as an athlete, for you to have that balance?

So important! I can't express how important it is. The need to have balance in my life is what lead me to leave my career as a chef behind. Don't get me wrong, the chef in me still loves to cook and eat.

Part of the reason I train hard is that I love food. A little too much. I want to be able to eat what I want when I want. I don't want to ever restrict myself because I know if I do, that's when I fail. But by having a balance, I'm not putting boundaries on myself.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?

If you can call running a movement, it's definitely running! Enough said. Ha ha.

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Double unders. Annie was the first "Girl" that I completed Rx. Double unders were the one movement I could master early on.

Shoulder to overhead. When you get the touch and go right, it feels like you could go all day.

Snatch. It's a movement that is so difficult to do and requires every bit of your body working to keep that damn bar above your head while in a full depth squat. When you get it, if feels fricken amazing!

Time to dig into that vivacious character of yours, Noel........

.... if you could design your own sort of Utopia, what would that Utopia look like and why?

Where eating chocolate isn't bad for you and not having to stretch so much before a workout.

.... if money were no limit, what changes would you make to your life and why?
I would experience all the world has to offer. Culture, experiences and food. Oh, and have a home gym so I could train when the box was closed.

.... if you were a superhero, what would your costume be and why?
I would have a suit of armour that was as light as a feather but as strong as titanium. And a cape - just because.

.... if your life could be summed up in a movie, what movie would best sum it up and why?

The Fifth Element. The underlying fact that good always prevails. As long as you have the right people around you, you can always succeed.

.... if you could create a TV channel that doesn't exist but should, what would that TV channel be and why?

Food P*rn. Food that is so mouth-watering and so amazing that you just can't take your eyes off the TV.

.... if you could pick one age to permanently be, what age would that be and why?

27. Young enough to know, but old enough to know better.

.... if you had to write a 10 am note to yourself after a Saturday night, what would that note say and why?

"I told you so!"

.... if you had to give a 40-minute presentation on something without any preparation at all, what topic could you do it on and why?

A beginners guide to Olympic lifting. It's something that I'm passionate about and can talk to anyone about it who'll listen.

You can see into the future, what does the future version of NOEL look like?

A little bit more endurance. More Stamina. A lot more Strength. A little bit bigger and a lot more toned. More of a beachbod than a dadbod.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

Cheetah. Fast through the gates but run out of gas halfway through. So the last half is a big struggle to get done.
I need a new animal :(

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?

Don't judge it before you try it. Give CrossFit a genuine go without any preconceptions of what you've heard what it might be or what it could be. Then once and only once you've given it that chance, then you can then be the judge for yourself.

CrossFit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Noel' WOD be?

50 Double Unders
50 Ab-mat Sit Ups
6 Clean and Jerks** (40/60 kg)
6 Snatches** (40/60 kg)
40 Double Unders
40 Ab-mat Sit Ups
6 Clean and Jerks** (40/60 kg)
6 Snatches** (40/60 kg)
30 Double Unders
30 Ab-mat Sit Ups
6 Clean and Jerks** (40/60 kg)
6 Snatches** (40/60 kg)
20 Double Unders
20 Ab-mat Sit Ups
6 Clean and Jerks** (40/60 kg)
6 Snatches** (40/60 kg)
10 Double Unders
10 Ab-mat Sit Ups
6 Clean and Jerks** (40/60 kg)
6 Snatches** (40/60 kg)


**Can be Power or Squat


Member of the Mont: Logan Ford

Member of the Mont: Logan Ford

Logan is by far one of the most driven teenagers I`ve ever seen.
He's dedicated, passionate and hard working. Every time I see him working out it reminds why I have fallen in love with CrossFit, the biggest fun with the greatest sense of achievement.

Below his Logan`s journey in his own words

You've been CrossFitting for a few years now, starting out real young with your Mum. Can you tell us about the beginning of your CrossFit journey?
My Mum started CrossFit a few months before I had even tried it out. She would come home from CrossFit exhausted but satisfied with how hard she had worked. I wasn't sure about starting CrossFit but mum finally convinced me to come on a Saturday, from then on I was hooked. I starting 5 days a week.

Your average teenager isn’t out doing CrossFit at such a young age. What did your friends think about you and your CrossFitting?
My friends dont even know what CrossFit is, so we dont really talk about it because they aren't really interested in going to the gym at the moment.

When you first started, what was your ‘why’ or purpose for doing CrossFit and has that why/purpose changed since?
When I first started CrossFit I enjoyed it a lot but now my real purpose for CrossFit is I love it and I always want to be improving my mental and physical strength and maybe also to look a little better.

You’ve been training at CrossFit Metal Therapy for nearly a year now. What have you been working on with the coaches?
Me and my coaches have been working on my technique for weightlifting and getting stronger.

You have been kicking some serious goals lately & hitting impressive numbers, most notably your 70kg snatch PB. Tell us about what you have been doing to achieve this and what that achievement feels like?
To get to my goal I have been doing the weightlifting classes to work on technique and I've been focusing on getting stronger by eating more and listening to all of coach Gab's advise. He has impacted my life so much. He told me not allow the negative thoughts in and this aspect has made me happier. When I achieved my goals I feel really satisfied with all the hard work I have put in, looking from where I started to where I am now, I’ve been improving everyday even when it seems that I’m not going anywhere

You’re a quiet achiever and Metal Therapy’s youngest member. Tell us about the support you get from other members?
The support I get from CrossFit Metal Therapy just make all the pain in the workouts bearable and make the weight feel lighter than it is. I remember in last years open, workout 17.4, I struggled with the heavy deadlifts and people like Shannon motivating me every lift.

Given how young you are, you’re a serious contender for the teenage division at the Games. Have you thought about your future as a CrossFitter? What are your thoughts? 
I have thought about my future as a crossfitter. Recently, I thought yep I can make it to the games but I need to work on my weaknesses in order to do it.So I have started coming in earlier and working on those weaknesses.

Now, CrossFitting as a teen may not be common but there must be other typical teenager things you do? What are they?
Well I like to go out with my mates and play basketball and when I’m free and just hanging out with my mates

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
The movement I struggle the most on at the moment is probably thrusters or even rowing

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
I love handstand push-ups probably because I’m good at them and ring muscle-ups because they are a hard movement but I also like running and air assault bike because it is so painful.

Now let’s see if we can crack the quiet Logan shell with a little get to know you.... 

 .... if you had to choose one thing to do everyday for the rest of your life, what would that be and why?
if I had to choose one thing to do every day for the rest of my life it would be CrossFit but besides that it would probably be basketball, because I enjoy playing basketball with my mates.

 .... if you were a cartoon character, which one would you be and why? 
I don’t know to be honest because I don’t really watch cartoons

.... if you had to choose between having a photographic memory or an extra 40 IQ points, which would you choose and why?
I would choose photographic memory because I feel like memories are more important than having a high IQ and having a high IQ doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to be successful.

 .... if you were given the opportunity to cook dinner for your idol, who would that idol be and what would you cook for them?
My Idol would be most likely be Matt Fraser and I would cook a steak because that’s just about everything I know how to cook.

 .... if you were given a guaranteed wish for one of your dream’s to become a reality, what dream would you make a reality and why?
My dream would be to win the CrossFit games because I want to be the fittest person in the world.

 .... if you had an opportunity to meet your future self, what would you want to tell him about this phase of your life and why?
I would tell my future self that I need to work hard for what I want and to keep trying my best at everything I do.

 .... if you were given a million dollars to spend on anything you like, what would you spend it on and why?
I would by a house and rent it out until I need my own house to live in and I would like to support my family.

Looking ahead, how would you describe the Logan you are going to be in a year's time? 
In a year’s time I want to be a lot more confident and a lot stronger then I am now. By the end of the year I would like to weigh 75kgs.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
I would be a tiger because tigers stalk and chase what they want. I like to have someone to chase, that motivates me to go faster.

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Logan' WOD be?

1000m run
90 double unders
80 air squats
70 sit-ups
60 KB swings 16/24kg
50 box jumps 20/24
40 toes to bar
30 hand stand push-ups
20 cal assault bike/row
10 ring muscle ups

member of the month: fernando costa

member of the month: fernando costa

Fernando has been a member of MT for nearly 2 years, in this time he has made noticeable improvements, he is passionate about CrossFit and he's always looking for a new challenge.
He trains hard but also  knows how to keep it fun.

Below his Fernando`s journey in his own words

You've been CrossFitting for a little while now. Tell us about your journey from beginning until now. 

got introduced to CrossFit by a couple of  personal trainers at my old gym (these two blokes are now well known in the CrossFit community).  One of them made me do a work out know as FRAN…I said to myself that looks easy , tried it and it took me 21 minutes to complete.  I fell in love with CrossFit right there an then.  I trained hard at the local gym, however I found it to be monotonous.  I needed a challenge along with feeling the sense of accomplishment.  It was not a hard decision when PJ and Luke Anderson invited me to try out CrossFit for a week.  Never looked back.  This coming February will be my 4th year doing CrossFit and perhaps my 4th Open (depending how the body feels).

You moved from another box nearly two years ago now. Can you share a little about your time at Metal Therapy and how it has shaped your training? 

he elements which I learned at my previous box were just sufficient for me to get a workout and get stronger,  however the lack of proper technique made me plateau and not progress in achieving heavier lifts in the Olympic Lifting elements.  Not focusing in proper technique, lead to a serious of injuries (specially on my shoulders, wrists and lower back).  Since meeting Gab this  changed dramatically.  I still remember the first time he saw me do a back squat and a snatch…he made me start from scratch, and even though I felt frustrated I knew that he was right.  Now my lifting techniques, strength and mobility have improved enormously.  The re-occurring injuries also stopped.

You have been incredibly consistent and putting in the hard yards these past months. It is clear that you've got some goals and desires. What are they and what are you doing to reach them? 

umber one goal is to attend at least 5 sessions of CrossFit a week! By doing this I know that in return it will help me achieve my 85 KG Snatch, 110KG OHS and (my main focus) C2B Butterfly P/Ups. 

85 KG Snatch – working on my snatch balance has helped me drop under the bar quicker.  I know I have the strength to do it, this is why working on my technique is my number one priority.

110 KG OHS – my PB is 100kg right now…working on my core strength and keeping the body firm while doing the movement has helped me increase the weight.  To improve the below the knee squat (better than parallel) I have practiced the movement with a lighter weight usually 60kg.

CB2 Butterfly pull ups-  After 2 years of practice I learner the butterfly movement, now is just more practice before or after the session to get this movement.

You have shown incredible growth too. Focusing on your technique and consistently working on feedback. Your hard work is paying off. Can you tell us what feedback you've been given to help you grow and how this feedback has helped you get closer to your goals? 

Don’t get frustrated, focus on the steps of technique, keep the core nice and tight and best of all enjoy the lift and it will happen.  Some of the most successful sports personalities are good at what they do because they enjoy every moment of it!!

There are so many of your lifts that are reaping the benefits, but noticeably it has been your Olympic Lifts. Can you tell us a bit about your approach to Olympic lifting?   

One of the main aspects is making sure my body is really warmed up, ask questions to the coach on how to better improve a particular movement.

You lead a busy life with a demanding job and sometimes you can't make it into the usual class slots, but you've made sure you still get to training and do what needs to be done. Even if it means training on your own. How do you juggle it all? Where do you get the motivation from to go in and train by yourself? 

I need to make sure I can attend the classes including the Olympic lifting classes.  So  I have committed to schedule my week in advance to make sure work does not interfere, along with my kids sports commitments.  It’s amazing how many things you can get done in one day!  At times I will do a CrossFit session, have a shower at the box and head to do my work appointment in the evenings. I guess the right type of music when working out by yourself is important, this is a great motivator plus looking at my gut in the morning also helps J

You are, without doubt, one of the funniest, cheekiest blokes in the box. Let us in on some of the cheekiest moments you've had in the box....?! 

I forgot my short’s once and I had to wod Alex Fresta Style J  (I love you Alex)…

Now, we know you love your music and need some wicked tunes pumping with your iron. Can you share with us your ultimate lifting soundtrack? 


We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

Back Squatting and or Front Squatting

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them

Thrusters -  I love this movement, it is a total body workout and I decided is either this movement or burpees.   I love Thrusters to death!

Now for those that don't know you, we are going to be thrown into the wicked world of Fernando.... 

.... if you only had to get out of bed in the morning for one thing, what would that thing be and why? 
Go to the toilet so I don’t wet the bed

.... if you could go back and redo any moment in your life, what would that moment be and why? 
I don’t live with no regrets.  I will still do the same things all over again!

.... if you were a cocktail, what ingredients would it have and what would your cocktail be called and why? 
THE FC (it does not stand for Fu!!!%%% Cu**&&^^) A large & Full glass of Ice Cubes, two shots of Gin,  Lemon Cest (skin ) inside the glass plus with tonic.  

.... if you were given the luxury of unlearning one thing you'd learnt in your life, what would it be and why?
Burpees – Hate them – make me puke

.... if you had the opportunity to join any band, which band would it be and why? 
Kings of Leon – I love their southern slang

.... if you were invisible for a month, what would you do and why? 
Smack everyone in the throat that has done wrong by me

.... if you could fulfil one thing on your bucket list tomorrow, what would you choose and why? 
Re new my wedding vows and have another wedding celebration with all new and long life friends

Looking ahead, how would you describe the Fernando you are going to be in a year's time? 

I will still be the same Fernando, except with a 6 pack instead of a two pack

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 


You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

The feeling of a new challenge everyday! This is CrossFit

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Fernando' WOD be?

1 RFT; Sec A
10 OHS 40/60KG
50 D/Unders
150 Metre Run
50 D/unders
150 Metre Run
50 D/Unders
150 Metre Run
50 D/Unders
150 Metre Run

2 min Break

6 min Cap: Sec B

Find your 1 RM Snatch

Member of the month : MUDI ELSAMAD

Member of the month : MUDI ELSAMAD

Mudi has been a Metal Therapy member for almost a year now, I have seen him go through different stages, from coming to the box because he was forced by his two brothers, to actually training because he is enjoying it.
Mudi might not be the fastest at the box but his strength has no match..he is as strong as a Gorilla!
Despite his strength, Mudi is possibly one of the kindest people I have meet in my entire life.

Below his Mudi`s journey in his own words

Tell us how you came to discover CrossFit?
I came to discover CrossFit from my 2 brothers Soli and Omar they kept telling me how good it was and it wasn’t like a normal gym with all the wannabes and heroes but the opposite, everyone is down to earth and encourages each other to train hard.

You were at another box before and moved to Metal Therapy this year. Tell us how you found the transition and how you have found your journey Metal Therapy?
Yes I previously started CrossFit at Riseup, which when I started, CrossFit was very new to me as I only knew what Soli and Omar had told me about it, I wasn’t dedicated much then but once starting up at Metal Therapy training with my brothers and friends that I had made from Riseup and also making new friends which are now my Metal Therapy family, the enthusiasm and encouragement just drove me to keep going which has made training become enjoyable, a touch of competition which keeps things healthy but all in all the encouragement is awesome, “I still can’t believe I’m saying training is enjoyable”

You have undergone an incredible and inspiring transformation since you started CrossFit. Can you tell us a bit about where you started, how you've transformed and what motivated you to begin this journey?
My journey started at a low point in my life where it seemed no matter what I did I was stuck and was destined to always be fat and overweight, In May 2013 I was told I’m morbidly obese I was weighing 210kgs on the day I had lap band surgery, thinking that the lap band was a miracle weight loss invention, seeing that I’ve tried the other diets, tablets, drinks and prescription medicines that are out there for weight loss. I did a little exercise after my surgery but nothing drastic, my turning point and motivation was my brother Soli and Omar and of course my wife and kids, Soli a bit more because we shared the lows of being obese and knew exactly how it felt and how our families felt, we look back on pictures and just think How the hell did we live like that. I think the biggest transformation I have had is my mindset, and of course my body has changed a lot maybe more than I think, but my mindset is my biggest transformation, allowing me to stay motivated mentally liking my pain learning to eat clean knowing it’s all to better me and my body which I neglected for so long.

Speaking to you the other day, you mentioned that even though you've already come so far, you have an ultimate goal in mind and won't rest until you've reached it. Can you share this with us?
My goal was to lose 100kgs from 210kgs within 5 years from May 2013 to May 2018, 4 and a half years in and my last weigh in was 140kgs 2months ago, so I’ve lost 70kgs to date but also gained and retained a lot of my muscle. After training in CrossFit Metal Therapy and with all the encouragement I receive every time I train, it doesn’t matter now if I don’t reach my goal in the time frame I gave myself but knowing as long as I reach it it’s done and I can’t rest till then, there will always be another goal behind that but I have learnt to knock them down 1 by 1 and it’s easier to swallow mentally, like scaling wod’s or RXing them it shouldn’t take away from the fact that I did it, instead it’s just a tool to push myself further.

One of the things we love about you is your determination. Can you tell us what has kept you motivated over your transformation journey and what have been the key ingredients?
Being fat for most of my life, putting myself down because physically I can’t do what others can, since starting CrossFit there are things that I can now do and other things that If I push myself that little bit further I can also do, this goes inside and out of the box, this for me is a big motivation not to give up, but the MAIN ingredient is a promise I made to my brothers, my father and my wife & kids, for over 15 years me and soli have been trying to lose weight and have succeeded on giving up on ourselves to lose weight and I know this member of the month is about me and my efforts but without my brothers Soli and Omar my journey never was. So if other obese people can transform their lives why can’t I. My word to my brothers and the shadowing thoughts that if I don’t finish this journey I’ll always be fat, and I don’t want my kids to look up to an obese father nor my wife and brothers look down upon me for not trying and giving it my all.

It hasn't just been a physical transformation. Can you tell us all the other ways your life has improved with CrossFit?
Besides physically which in itself is an awesome feat seeing where I was and how I am now, but life in general has changed, most of my extra sicknesses from being obese have long gone my asthma is being controlled learning how to breathe during wod’s CrossFit has taught me not to give up that easily take everything 1 step at a time, whether it be mentally or physically it can be overcome willpower plays a big part. CrossFit has brought me and my brothers together physically and through training and Metal Therapy I have also gained a lot of new friends and learnt that a word of encouragement can bring the best out of you and get you over that wall.

There was a bit of a running joke happening there when you first started because you would always rock up late. But all jokes aside, sometimes it's not easy fitting training into your work and family life. But now you're coming regularly. How have you managed to make training a consistent part of your week?
Hahahaha Running that’s still a joke and I’m already puffed out, knowing that my job at the time I started training had no benefits for my health I had to make a change of lifestyle which in turn meant my job, my training times, and complete lifestyle had to change, no matter who tried to help me If I couldn’t help myself then nobody could and my word is my word, I promised I would train and Increase the intensity and number of times I trained which I did and I don’t plan on breaking my word, also with my family knowing how much this means to me and also to them, my health comes first till I reach my goal. 

You've got some serious strength running in your family's veins. We've seen you muscle clean epic weights. Where does that strength come from?
More heart than brains Hehehehe, I think all the extra carbs we stocked up on when we were younger, I’m not sure maybe just working physically hard jobs all our lives and not afraid to push that little extra.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours? 
BURPEES any type of burpee and whoever invented them should slap themselves a few times and ask themself why?

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
I love my Back squat. I also love any lift that is strict which is just raw power being used no technique needed.

Now, as you're still quite new to the box, we think it's time to get to know Mudi a little bit more. So tell us..... .... if time and money weren't an issue, what would you do and why?
Travel the world learn about all the different cultures and make a difference for the good at every place I visit.

.... if you were frozen in time for 100 years, what would be the first question you would ask when you wake and why?                
What’s there to eat? 100 years is a long time to go without food.

.... if you were the only human left on earth, what would you do?
I don’t know it’s very hard to live without family & friends I’d probably end up like Tom Hanks in Castaway go crazy and make friends out of coconuts and balls.

.... if your friends would say 'that is so Mudi', what would you do that would make them say it and why?
Most likely flare my nostrils coz I’d be getting angry or annoyed from something or someone.

.... if you could convince everyone in the world to do one thing at one point in time, what would it be and why?
Smile and be cautious of the words that you talk, remember why we exist, tomorrow you might not be here to ever do it again, so speak good coz the second a word leaves your mouth it can’t ever be taken back in.

.... If you had to name this current phase of life as if it were a chapter in a book, what would the chapter be called and why?
The Turning Point, everything that I’m doing now is nearly a 360 of how I lived my life before thinking that I reached a point of no return, there is always a way to return.

.... If you could speak to your '10-year-younger' self, what would you tell him and why?
Make the change now every second to come is worth it, coz every second that passes can’t be brought back so make the most of life and enjoy it.  

.... If you were given 1000 acres of land that you didn't need to pay taxes on but couldn't sell, what would you do with it and why?
I love to help where I can so I’d probably build an amazing farm that houses and feeds orphans the poor and needy, raise animals, grow fruits and vegetables make it self-contained and sustainable not relying on anyone.

Looking ahead, how would you describe the Mudi you are going to be in a year's time?
year older lol, Leaner Stronger Fitter and most likely a Mudi that has reached his goal and ready to set the next.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
Haha I probably look like a puffed out angry bear but feel like King Kong

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
Need to strengthen your mind? Want to get fit fast? Do you like to lift? Then CrossFit is for you just stfu get in we’ll take care of the rest.

CrossFit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Mudi' WOD be?


Buy in: 50 Cal Airdyne then  1' Wall Sit

Air squats
Box Jumps 20"/24"

Buy out: 1' wall sit then 50 cal bike/row


Member of the Month: Neil Baker

Member of the Month: Neil Baker

I have trained Neil for a number of years now.

During this time we have developed a close friendship, I look at Neil like my Big Brother.

I have seen him at his worst and I have seen him at his best. Neil is an absolute driven individual but the thing I love the most is his gentle heart and kindness.

Below is Neil`s journey in his own words

You've been training with Coach Gab for nearly 7 years now. How did you stumble upon him and what do you remember of your first sessions together?

We met following a massage session with Kristy. I asked her if she knew of a good PT, the rest is history. 

I remember my first session well, I could not do 5 push ups and lasted about 2 minutes on boxing as I was totally gassed. 

ab always remains positive and has tried to teach me the right way from the start. Less about weight on the bar and all about technique. This has never wavered.

In some ways, you were an entirely different person when you started training with Gab. You were a (former) smoker who wanted to forge some healthier habits. What sparked the change and how did training help change your life and achieve your goals?

Yes I was a smoker. I got sick of being sick, sore throats and many bouts of feeling run down. I had enough feeling like crap and new I had to make a change. On the 5th December 2010 I threw the cigarettes in the bin cold turkey and started my first session on the 6th and haven't looked back. Being able to breathe during exercise was enough motivation. Gab also helped with mindset and pushed me though when I thought I had nothing left or freaked out cause I couldn't breath.

There had to have been some fist-pumping times across those 7 years. Tell us a little about your proudest moments.

  • Learning how to box a little
  • My first comp at Pakenham
  • Completing my first Wod not almost completing it, actually getting it done
  • Competing in my First metal therapy throw down with Eoin and coming 3rd
  • Competing in my Second metal therapy throw down with Brent and coming 3rd
  • Team event at Allstars affiliate last year with Wil, Matt, Kristy, Belinda & Francine, we had so much fun.

Surely, in all that time, there's got to be some embarrassing stories to share too? 

No not really. I don't embarrass easily. I take most things light heartedly and enjoy a laugh. Even if if it is at my expense.
Early days I did meet spewie corner a couple of times. Not so much now just the metallic taste. (Who doesn’t love metal).
've also tripped over my own feet and a barbell or two.

Committing to something for such a long time takes a special sort of something. What's your winning recipe for training?

  • Enjoy the space you train in
  • Love and get to know the people you train with
  • Always look forward
  • Keep at it
  • Listen to your coaches and seek advise

One of the greatest things about you is that you're not afraid to put yourself out there and have been known to jump in on CrossFit comps and just give everything a go. What benefits do you think you get from doing this? 

The only boundaries we have are the ones we place on ourselves. Like most things we can be afraid of what we don't know.
Easy answer try it and find out.Have a crack, you might just surprise yourself 

You are known around the box as our resident joker with your light-hearted, dry humour. How does that humour shape you as a person? 

Humour keeps me relaxed
And when you say dry you mean smutty yeh
I believe in not taking life too seriously and just being a good human.

We know how much you love your metal music. Share a line of lyrics from one song that captures NEIL BAKER. 
Heading out to the Highway. (Judas Priest)

Well I've said it before, and I'll say it again
You get nothing for nothing: expect it when
You're backseat driving, and your hands ain't on the wheel
It's easy to go along with the crowd,
And find later on that your say ain't allowed
Oh that's the way to find what you've been missing
So I'm heading out to the highway
I got nothing to lose at all
I'm gonna do it my way
Take a chance before I fall
A chance before I fall!

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?

Metal Therapy by name. Metal Therapy by nature.
To me coming to the box is a therapy session, it clears my mind & it keeps me sane.
t also helps me burn off the sneaky cannoli that falls into my mouth from time to time.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

Most of them make me groan, it just depends on the level of groaness. Thrusters would probably take the cake.

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Back squat & Deadlift (it’s all about the grind)
Kettle bells (for the all body workout)
Rower (started out hating it then we came to terms with each other, it wouldn’t break me and I wouldn’t break it)

Now, let's get down to Baker Business so the world can know a little more about you.... 

.... if a crystal ball could tell you one thing about your future, what would you want to know and why? 

Nothing as I would not want to know.

.... if your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit and why? 

The man who had it all.
I’m loved, I love, I give, I share and I surround myself with genuine people.

... if you could be the lead singer of one band, which band would it be and why?

Tool. The energy the band gives off is awesome.

.... if you had to choose to live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up and why? 

I guess it would have to be smell.

Sight – I like to watch (haha).
Touch – Well I haven’t been arrested yet.
Hearing – Love music
Tasting – Love food

... if you could choose one fad to return to popularity, what fad would it be and why? 

70’s fashion got to love a nice pair of brown corduroy pants with a purple skivvy just cause.

….if your spirit was to be embodied as a cocktail, what ingredients would be in it and what would it be called? 

The f@#!  no! – Bourbon, dry ginger & the ice blocks would have spiders in them, so you better drink it quick before it melts.

.... if you were paid to pursue your ultimate passion, what would you do? 

Become a house flipper / renovator. I love to build and fix things.
Or become a clown and hide around corners

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year? 

My goals are simple, get fitter, stronger and lighter.

 In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 

Depends what is playing through the speakers……
Sometimes Ape, sometimes sloth it depends

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

Want to be fitter & stronger?
Want to join a network of positive people and positive energy?
Then what are you waiting for?
Play the music already. Start the WOD. Im in!

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Neil' WOD be?

"Love & Hate" 

For Time:
Buy in
400m Run

The Love /  21-15-9

Cal Row
Deadlift (60% 1RM)
Pull ups


The Hate – 3 rounds

15 Thrusters (30kg / 50kg)
9 Burpee Box jumps (20” / 24”)
3 Rope climbs

Buy Out
400m Run


Member Of The Month: Caitlin White

Member Of The Month: Caitlin White

The key of becoming a good Crossfitter is consistency and Caitlin is a perfect example.
Along with Consistency Caitlin is also absolutely determined, passionate but most important, really supportive to other members.

Below is Caitlin`s journey in her own words

Let's start from the beginning. How did you first get into CrossFit and what was it about the sport that snared you in the beginning? 
I was training at Goodlife in Point Cook with Loren Lauder who was very much into CrossFit at the time and after many months of convincing me, I finally decided to join her and give it a go.  I was hooked from the get go and very quickly became an avid “CrossFitter”. I absolutely loved the adrenaline rush that each WOD gave me and the constant strive to become better.

You've been CrossFitting for a number of years now. What is it that has kept you motivated across those years? 
My biggest motivator has been the sense of accomplishment I get from achieving something new, from PB’s to mastering a new movement.  And the best part of that is that there will always be a new PB to achieve or a new movement to learn, the possibilities are endless.

You did have a little break from CrossFit for a while and tried out F45. What were the similarities and differences in the two training styles and what did you miss about CrossFit that drew you back after a few months? 
I wouldn’t say there are too many similarities (apart from the rowers…) but there are definitely a whole lot of differences.  F45 gave me the opportunity to really build on my conditioning but the lack of access to challenging weights, being witness to the questionable lifting techniques in the room and exercising in isolation was enough to drive me away.  F45 certainly has its place in the fitness industry and is a fantastic franchise that has opened up opportunities for busy people who want to get in and out without talking to a single person, it just wasn’t for me.  Something that definitely drew me back to CrossFit was the comradery and support that you get from everyone who walks through the doors at Metal Therapy, an aspect you don’t find anywhere else.

How did having a break reignite your love for CrossFit? 
The break certainly gave my body the opportunity to really recover from the heavy lifting aspect of CrossFit and the improvement in my conditioning I achieved has certainly transferred to the WOD’s.  It meant that I was able to finally accomplish goals that always seemed just out of reach.

You have been so motivated and consistent lately and have seen such steady and strong results in both your engine and strength. You're smashing your times and WODs and lifting heavier. What do you believe is the ingredient to your success? What has shifted for you to make way for this growth? 
I think my competitive nature with myself is what has kept me striving to reach PB’s and RX WOD’s.  My constant self-doubt in the past has definitely held me back and I think being able to see past that and be confident in what I am doing rather than being afraid of failure has pushed me to keep achieving my goals.

Lately, you've been getting right into the lifting. You've returned to Olympic Class too. What do you feel when you are lifting? What's to love about it? What are your aspirations? 
I’m constantly trying to think about what else there is that I need to fix while lifting.  I feel that if I can start pin pointing exactly where or what it is that’s holding me back and get a real feel for the movement, I will be able to address those issues and lift heavier.  I love the sense of achievement you get when everything finally feels like it’s falling into place and something you’ve been trying to correct for months just happens. I really want to keep working on my snatch, I know it is one of my weaker lifts which just means I’m more motivated to master it.

On top of that, you've nailed some tricky movements recently - like handstand push ups and even some handstand walks. Can you share a little of what that feeling and sense of achievement feels like when you've nailed something hard and achieved something you may never have thought possible? 
I think everyone has a pretty good idea of that feeling, a sense elation and excitement and then thinking towards the next goal and achievement.  Now that I have a couple of steps in my handstand walk and reps in handstand push ups, I find myself getting frustrated when I can’t already do more, that extra 2 steps or 3 or 4 reps.  That’s when I need to remind myself to be patient and not rush things for the sake of an extra rep.

As a school teacher, you expend so much energy. How does CrossFit counterbalance that expenditure? 
School can be really stressful in my role.  I’m a Year Level Coordinator which means I work really closely with kids who are at risk at school and at home and deal with some pretty horrendous situations.  It can be quite emotionally draining which is why CrossFit is a necessary part of my life, it gives me the opportunity to forget some of the emotional burdens and allows me to process each day appropriately and let out some of that anger and frustration.

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?
CrossFit to me is a challenge, an aspect that I constantly require to keep me motivated to achieve more.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
I find that this changes for me all the time, at the moment I would definitely say it’s rope climbs.  I get so frustrated because I know it’s purely a mental game for me and I psych myself out with self-doubt about not being able to support myself and falling, which I know won’t happen.


What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
I’m a pretty big fan of burpees, being a shorty, it doesn’t take long to drop to the ground as there isn’t very far to go.  I also really enjoy overhead squats as it was a movement I never thought I would be able to lift more than the bar in.

Now it's time.... will the real 'Caitlin' please stand up.... please stand up... 

.... if you could freeze a moment in time, what moment would you freeze and why? 
Meeting my nieces and nephew for the first time, I just absolutely adore them and never thought I could love a couple of little humans so much

.... if you were given the choice to plan a weekend and live that weekend every weekend for the rest of eternity, what would that weekend look like? 
A day spent with friends eating and drinking good food and wine, the next day with family and then also some time spent cuddling up with my sausage dogs. And of course a WOD thrown in there for good measure.

.... if you could eliminate one thing you do each day so you never have to do it again, what would it be and why? 
Having to do my hair, it would be awesome if it looked like I just came from the hairdressers every morning and it would certainly eliminate bad hair days and save a lot of time

.... if you knew you could not fail, what would you do and why? 
Become a speech pathologist and open up my own practice working with children.

.... if you could be any animal in the world for 24 hours, what animal would you choose and why?
A bird, I would love to be able to go to so many places in one day

.... if you could have one super human power, what would it be and why? 
Teleportation, that way I’m never late

.... if there was a whole different concept of reality (like the Matrix), what would you want it to be and why? 
Beach weather every day of the year and no responsibilities

.... if you were a professional wrestler, what would your ring name be and why? 
The Peacekeeper, I hatet conflict and confrontation so I'd be there trying to make everyone like each other. I have a feeling I wouldn't make a very good pro wrestler…,

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year? 
I really want to continue hitting more PB’s, particularly with movements that I struggle with like snatch and back squats.  I would also love to be moving towards achieving a ring muscle up, something that’s definitely going to take more than 12 months to achieve.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
It definitely depends on the day, sometimes I feel like I can move like a jaguar, on an off day I feel like a clumsy panda that you see in those viral videos on Facebook.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

CrossFit: the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in your determination.

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Caitlin' WOD be?

For Time:

Deadlift 50/70
Box jumps 20"/24
150m Run



Member Of The Month: Marc Duncan

Member Of The Month: Marc Duncan

Marc is not just an exceptional athlete with absolutely "no ego" but he is also a very genuine and supportive, his happy nature is infectious to everyone around him.
Marc is a strong athlete but always with his feet on the ground, I cannot wait to see what the future holds for  him.

Below his Marc`s journey in his own words

You recently joined CrossFit Metal Therapy. You trialled the box and decided to sign up. Can you tell us about this decision and how the box "fitted" you?
I have a lot of very good friends at the box and i was being constantly told how fantastic the place and coaching was. Hearing all the stories i decided to come down and check it out. The vibe there was great and i could see the Gab had a lot of passion for coaching. What really got my attention was that everyone there was treated equal no matter what level you were at and to me that was fantastic. 

Coach Gab remembers you from when he first started CrossFit. He remembers you being an amazing athlete with lots of fire. When you joined Metal Therapy, he noticed that fire and competitive edge was gone for some reason, but now it is back! Can you share your journey and the ebbs and flows of your CrossFit training? 
I have been doing crossfit for about 5 years. It has been a pretty normal journey. Ive dealt with a lot of highs and lows just like anyone eles. I had a pretty bad injury about 2 years ago where i felt like stopping all together because i was afraid of what the injury had done to me. Since coming back to it i hadn't really gotten my passion back for until i come to MT. i know that may sound corny but its the truth. Since being coached the right way i feel better doing it and i cant wait to see what the future holds for me in CF   

On that note, your times in workouts are getting faster and faster. What is your mindset during WODs and what is your approach to your training?
I just try to stay calm right before a WOD and not think about it to much and just enjoy myself. I do talk to myself during WODs just telling myself to keep going and to push through the pain. My approach is to just try and better myself. I want to just be as good as i can be and have fun with it all.

One of the things the coaches notice most about you is your willingness to take on board feedback and that you never let any ego get in the way of your progress. How important is it for an athlete to take this approach and listen to the feedback of the coaches?
I feel it is important not to let ego get in the way because i believe you cant do everything yourself wether that be in CF or life. Even the top athletes in any sport have coaches to make them better. So if you dont take on board what your being told by your coach, it is pointless to expect to progress with what you do. 

What's the best piece of advice or feedback you have been given on your CrossFit journey and how has it shaped you? 
I don't really think I have been given any advice along the way. It has sort of been a journey just for me, I have just looked at bettering myself. Im always just looking to learn and improve.

Recently, you shared a motivational quote in the box that helps inspire you. What is it and why does it motivate/inspire you? 
I heard this quote a while back and i shared with Gab one day, the quote was from Vince Lombardi saying " fatigue can turn the strongest man into a coward" it inspires me because i want to see just how far I am able to push myself and test my mental strength which has been hard for me to do.

Lately, you've been tackling some CrossFit competitions. Can you tell us how competing feels and how it adds to your training?
When I first started competing I used to get so nervous that I would waste all my energy before the comp even started worrying about how well or bad im going to do rather than just enjoying the experience.  But as I have improved and grown I understand that when it comes to competing its all about finding out how far you've come and finding out new things about yourself in hard situations. Best part is that other people are there to support you wether they are competing themselves or just there to watch.       

You have been CrossFitting for awhile. What has been the biggest motivators and the biggest lessons you have learned on your CrossFit journey? 
The biggest motivation is setting out goals and doing your best to achieve them. A lesson I have learnt and learnt the hard way is to not over train and don't do anything your not comfortable with, be smart with how you train.. I had a major injury which made me look at CF and training differently.      

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
Ring Muscle Ups. I'm not sure what it is but I just love the momement.

Now it's time to dig a little deeper into 'Marc'. 


.... if you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a medal for and why?
I dont know what id turn into a sport, but id love to play golf at the Olympics. Im a big golfer 

.... if you just woke up after being cryogenically frozen for a 100 years, what would your first question be and why?
Have Liverpool won the premier league yet?    

.... if you could sum up your life in one movie title, what would it be and why?
The good, The bad and the Ugly 

.... if life is a game, like people say, what would the rules of it be and why?
Every man\ women for themselves!! Survival of the fittest

.... if you had a clock that would countdown to any one event of your choosing, what event would you want it to countdown to and why?
The event for me would be watching Liverpool play at Anfield. That is my dream 

.... if you could name one thing that makes you feel truly alive, what would it be and why? 
Dont particularly have anything, but walking round the golf course on a nice day just makes me feel so good 

.... if you could make a twenty second phone call to yourself at any point in your life, present or future, when would you call and what would you say?
Dont rush into decisions! stay calm and think!

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year?
To improve my lifting and get bigger numbers

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it?

If you`re bored of the usual routine CrossFit is definitely for you ! With challenging workouts and support from the best community in the fitness industry, results are guaranteed.

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Mark' WOD be?


750m Row
150 DU
15 G2OH 45/70
30 Muscle Ups
15 G2OH 45/70
150 DU
750m Row


The Empire of the Mind

The Empire of the Mind

Do you feel that you’re stuck at a crossroad on your CrossFit journey? Unable
to advance that particular skill you’ve been craving to conquer for months or
even years? Finding it hard to up the ante? Desperate to get out of a rut
you’ve found yourself in with your training? Training all day, every day but not
quite hitting your goals? Found yourself repeating the same mistakes, or just
doing the same thing, over and over again? Do you yourself getting beaten up
and squashed by limiting, negative self-talk? Or do you simply want to work
toward harnessing the best version of yourself but not quite sure how? If any
of these scenarios are sounding a little familiar, let me ask you one more
question… when was the last time you checked your mindset?
As an athlete you can train until the world ends, have the latest and greatest
CrossFit training gadgets, the best coach on the planet and be the strongest
in your box, but you could also be missing the most crucial weapon in your
CrossFit arsenal that may well be the one thing truly holding you back.
That weapon is a growth mindset, and it could be the difference between
realising your fullest potential or staying stuck in the vortex of safety and
mediocrity, in and outside the box.

Growth what?
Growth Mindset is a term coined by American Professor of Psychology, Carol
Dweck. Through her extensive studies of thousands of children’s behaviours,
she ascertained that mindset is a self-perception we hold about ourselves. For
example, in the case of children, she noticed that many believed they were
either intelligent or unintelligent, skilled or unskilled, and lacked the knowledge
and understanding that they could grow their intelligence or skills through
effort, persistence and their responses to failure.
Dweck’s work led her to differentiate between fixed mindset and growth
mindset. Fixed mindset, she believed, was when people thought their
intelligence or talents were fixed traits, unchangeable and unable to be
developed further. Whereas a growth mindset was where people saw that the
most basic of abilities were a starting point, malleable attributes that could be
developed through hard work.
While Dweck’s research began with children, and has been adopted in the
education sphere worldwide, growth mindset is not limited to young people.
As adults, our neuroplasticity may not be the same as when we were children,
but we still have the capability to grow our brains and our skills. The attributes
of growth mindset can be seen everywhere, all around us. It’s visible in the
everyday people we meet and exampled in people who have achieved
greatness at professional levels.
In the world of CrossFit, we only need to take a look at the attributes of the
Regional and Games-level athletes to see great examples of people who
adopt a growth mindset. Look at the story of Alea Helmick, who made attempt
after attempt, year after year, to qualify for the Games at Regionals. It

woud’ve been easy for her to give up after a while, but she didn’t and in 2016
she finally made it to Carson. There are so many stories like hers.
But you don’t need to be a professional athlete to adopt this mindset, nor do
you need to have aspirations to become a professional athlete. Harnessing
your mindset from wherever you are and with whatever your personal desires
are, can change your life, both in and outside of the box. So let’s take a look
at the traits of growth and fixed mindset and what they look like inside our

Mat Fraser - Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Games Facebook Page 2017. Mat Fraser was second in his rookie year of 2014 and again in 2015. After his 2015 season, he didn't want to be second again. He spent time specifically working his weak…

Mat Fraser - Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Games Facebook Page 2017. Mat Fraser was second in his rookie year of 2014 and again in 2015. After his 2015 season, he didn't want to be second again. He spent time specifically working his weaknesses like short-distance running to make sure that 2016 would see him on top of the podium


How do you see yourself?
Do you prance around the box with a loud or secret belief that you’re the
fastest, strongest and best athlete there and let that belief prevent you from
growing further? Do you shy away in the box and think you’re the weakest,
slowest or worst athlete there and let that belief hinder you from getting
better? Whether you think you’re the fastest, strongest and best or the
slowest, weakest and worst, you’re probably holding on to a fixed mindset.
Ego can be just as limiting as lack of self-confidence.
There’s nothing wrong with confidence and knowing our strengths, or realising
what our weaknesses are, but the key to having a growth mindset is how we
let this knowledge, mindset and belief impact our performance in the box.
One of the key attributes of growth mindset is the realisation that we all have
different starting points and that no matter where we are on the spectrum of
skill level, we can grow and develop if we challenge ourselves and go to our
own places of discomfort, put in effort and dedication and work on both our
strengths and weaknesses. CrossFit is a naturally competitive sport, but
comparing yourself to someone else whose journey may be unlike yours,
whose backstory could be entirely polar opposite to yours and whose goals
may be nowhere near the same as yours, is only going to lead you to a
deflating dead end.
So instead of looking at yourself as the fastest, strongest and best, or the
weakest, slowest and worst, next time those thoughts cross your mind,
reframe them. Instead, think about: where am I at on my journey and where
do I need to go to next?

Tia-Clair Toomey - Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Games Facebook Page 2017. Tia-Clair Toomey is another athlete familiar with second place after finishing second in her rookie year of 2015 and again in 2016. In the CrossFit Game's document…

Tia-Clair Toomey - Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Games Facebook Page 2017. Tia-Clair Toomey is another athlete familiar with second place after finishing second in her rookie year of 2015 and again in 2016. In the CrossFit Game's documentary, Tia-Clair admitted that she lacked self-belief and many people believed this is what lost her the Games win in 2016. But 2017 was an entirely different Tia. She had worked solidly on her mindset, and her fierce approach saw her stand on top of the podium. 

What conversations do you have with yourself?
This one is inseparable from the way we perceive ourselves. In fact, how we
see ourselves will govern the conversations we have with ourselves.
How many times have you checked in to Wodify, seen your weakest
movements in the strength, gymnastics or WOD and walked into the box
already defeated? How many times have you continually failed at something
in the box and let the thought, I’m never going to get this, consume you? Or
how many times have you looked around at other athletes in your box and
heard that tiny voice say: You’re never going to be like them? Probably a lot.

But the conversations we have with ourselves are one of the most powerful
growth mindset attributes we can possess. One of the biggest and most
powerful discussions that came from the research into mindsets was this (and
read this one out loud and let it soak in): THE POWER OF YET.
What would happen if we just changed some of those dialogues in our head?
What would happen if instead of walking into the gym defeated or telling
yourself you suck or convincing yourself that you’ll never get your first pull up
or muscle up or handstand push up or that you’ll never squat, deadlift or press
as much as those people, we change that to say: “I don’t have this YET, but if
I keep working on it I will.”
Instead of being consumed by negative thought, we may just be consumed by
the power of yet and start to pour our energy into the work required to get
where we want to be and enjoy the process.

How much effort do you actually put in?
It doesn’t matter how far into your CrossFit journey you are or what level you
are at, we all have movements that are our strengths and ones that are our
weaknesses. Of course, it’s important to continue to push our strengths along,
but putting all of our eggs into one strong basket isn’t going to make us better
at CrossFit (nor will this mentality help us succeed in any other area of life
either). CrossFit is a multifaceted sport that requires us to put just as much, if
not more, effort into the things we are not good at as we do with the things we
are good at.
One of the most important attributes of people with a growth mindset is that
they don’t shy away from doing the hard work that is required to get better at
something (especially things that may not come naturally to them). People
with a growth mindset understand that with effort, persistence and dedication,
anything can be achieved. They are also not afraid to fail, over and over
again, until they get something right and see failure as a challenge to rise to.
Putting effort into growing our weaknesses can be a vulnerable task. It means
first that we let go of any ego and acknowledge and identify what our
weaknesses are. We must not see lesser of ourselves, or others too, for the
presence of those weaknesses. Then we must work on them. There is so
much brain research on the topic of how we learn things that we could write a
whole other article just on that. But in short, every time we work on those
things we are trying to learn, our brain strengthens itself over time as you
learn that skill. Every time we work on that skill, we are forming connections
between our neurons, and the more connections that are formed the more we
learn and retain information.
So if you want those DUs, handstand push ups, muscle ups or whatever it is
you’ve dreamed of snaring…. If you want it bad enough, work for it. Put effort
into it. Consistently. Every day if you can. Your brain doesn’t need to be
overloaded. Short and sharp, distributed practice sessions with your utmost
effort will do the trick.

Ricky Garard- Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Games Facebook Page 2017. After winning the Cyclocross event at the 2017 CrossFit Games, Ricky Garard revealed that he had visualised winning; a classic trait of Growth Mindset.

Ricky Garard- Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Games Facebook Page 2017. After winning the Cyclocross event at the 2017 CrossFit Games, Ricky Garard revealed that he had visualised winning; a classic trait of Growth Mindset.


But while you’re doing that, remember what your coach said…
Before we move on from effort, it’s important to mention this one critical thing.
Without this one thing, no matter how much time you commit or how
dedicated you are, all of your efforts could be wasted.
The most critical thing you can do before, during and after you pour your effort
into learning a new skill in the box is to seek feedback from your coach. That’s
right, they are there for a reason. They talk to you and give you advice for a
reason, but the question is… how well do you take on board their feedback?
No one can grow without feedback. It’s like a lifeline to success in any of life’s
domains. Your ability to seek feedback and take it on board will be your
greatest weapon. Don’t see it as criticism, see it as a growth point; a key
ingredient you need to be a better version of yourself.
Which is why feedback and effort go hand in hand. Who wants to waste their
time working on the wrong work? When you’re going in for a new skill, ask
your coach for their advice and pointers. But most importantly, act on their
feedback. And when you’ve tried, if you failed, ask for more feedback and
then put that into place.
Failure is like effort in that way. It’s great to make mistakes. If you make
mistakes it means that you are taking risks and being brave. It shows you’re
prepared to find a new pathway. But if you keep making the same mistakes,
over and over again, that means you’re not learning from them or processing
the feedback.

Will you rise to the challenge?
For people with a growth mindset, rising to challenges is constitutional. They
inherently know that doing the same things all the time, even when you’re
good at them, is a place where comfort grows, not necessarily you. In fact,
people with a growth mindset will seek challenges at every given opportunity.
They’ll find them in the darkest of places, push any fear to the side and take
them on, regularly pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone.
Which is what you should be doing too, if you want to grow.
There can be a lot to fear in CrossFit. It’s a sport that has a way of dredging
up your deepest, darkest fears in the weirdest of places and moments. We
are constantly pushing, hauling and pulling our bodies and heavy things and
that can be both exhilarating and scary. Sometimes there’s that doubt, too,
where we aren’t quite yet sure what our bodies are capable of, and so we
stick to the same things – the same movements, the same weights, the same
pace, all of the time. Going to that dark place, that scary place, that place so
far removed from what we know and what we are comfortable with, can be a
truly icky experience. So icky, that avoiding it seems like the best and safest

But our growth is on the other side of that.

Brent Fikowski- Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Games Facebook Page 2017. This quote by Canadian athlete, and second place finished in the 2017 Games, is illustrative of a Growth Mindset. Instead of focusing in on what other people are doin…

Brent Fikowski- Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Games Facebook Page 2017. This quote by Canadian athlete, and second place finished in the 2017 Games, is illustrative of a Growth Mindset. Instead of focusing in on what other people are doing, or concentrating too much on Mat Fraser being Mat Fraser, he zooms in on his own game. 


And when you rise to the challenge, are you willing to make friends with

One of the reasons why people with a growth mindset inherently seek to
challenge themselves is because they’re not afraid to fail and make mistakes.
That doesn’t mean they’re not scared, it just means they see failure in a
different light, and like many of the other attributes of growth mindset, they
see failure and mistakes as learning and growth points. Failure takes us out of
our comfort zone. It humbles us and helps us see exactly what we need to
work on. Failure is not catastrophic. It’s not a sign that we aren’t good enough,
or that we’ll never get there. Remember, the POWER OF YET.
Failure can mean many things and take on many masks in CrossFit. It can
mean missing a lift after we’ve attempted a new weight, trying a new move
and not quite getting it, or adding on a little more weight in a WOD or having a
go at a movement we tend to avoid at the sacrifice of a faster score. It can
mean stripping back the weights to improve our technique, and it can look like
scaling back when we have to and not being able to tick that RX box on
Wodify. It also means trying things that we may be fearful of.
All of these things can be diminishing. But whatever it looks like, and whatever
it is, imagine how much more powerful failure would be if we saw it as a
lesson on our road to be where we want to be?

Value the process.
Like our sport of CrossFit, harnessing a growth mindset is something we need
to work at. Just like our growth, it is not something that happens overnight.
We all know what it is like… on some days, those good ones, we could be
growth mindset gurus, while on other days – the worse ones – we might be
that fixed mindset person in the corner beating up on ourselves. That’s
normal. But the more we learn to shift from fixed mindset to growth mindset,
the more we will flourish. Not just in the box, but outside of it too.
But it’s a process not a destination. It’s changing those conversations with
ourselves whenever we see that negativity rising. It’s reinforcing the POWER
OF YET every time we are feeling like we are not where we want to be. It’s
being a little braver and more determined every time we walk into the box,
even just a smidgen. It’s showing up and putting in the work and challenging
ourselves. It’s working on the good, the bad and the ugly. And most of all, it’s
valuing the journey, because that’s another thing people with a growth
mindset do… they value the process.



I have had the opportunity to train Belinda for a very long time. During this period we have developed an amazing friendship and seen each grow on many levels.
From a kickboxing fanatic to an avid Crossfitter, Belinda is one of the strongest mums I Know.

Below is Belinda`s journey in her own words.

You have been CrossFitting for awhile now. Share your CrossFit journey with us. 

I started CrossFit when Gab very first took on his new baby which will be 4 years this November. 

You were one of Metal Therapy's first members, and were training with Gab long before the box even opened. Tell us a little about your feelings in and toward the box and what motivates you. 

Well this is a long story, over 7 years worth in fact. Gab was a Taekwondo instructor where Beau attends and so I first started Boot camp, PT sessions and Fitness Kick boxing classes with him. I was one of his Kettle bell students and when Gab decided to open his box It was another chapter in our training together. I guess what motivates me the most is that constant strive to keep getting fitter, stronger and lose weight again.

Many people have the misconception that they can't do CrossFit because of many deciding factors and a big one is "age". As a strong, fit, mature athlete, you completely debunk that myth. Can you share your thoughts on being a mature CrossFitter?

I believe everybody can do CF as every movement is scalable. I was a total newbie and some days still feel like a total newbie, but you I just don't give up. There are some days where I've actually gone to class and literally couldn't squat or lift my arms, but I have had to learn to listen to my body in order to train long term.   

It is not all roses, all the time though. What challenges have you faced in your journey? 

Oh gosh its been far from a bed of roses. I remember entering for the first time in the CrossFit open and the very first workout had Overhead Squats, by far one of biggest weakness.
I had an emotional meltdown and thought I would never go back. 
Well I`m a lier! I`m still here and I have conquered the overhead squats.

Over the years, you would've undergone many changes to your body, mind and strength. Can you tell us a little bit about your transformation in these areas and how this has impacted positively on your life?

I've always battled with my weight and body shape. When I was Showing and Eventing horses I was at my strongest and smallest but its a different type of fitness to anything you ever do, I guess CF is a lot like it hence I love the challenges. I lost a lot of size over my CF journey, but then I gave up smoking June last year, got sick, winter hit and so my weight increased. But I know I'm stronger and feel like I'm slowly getting back on track which I think is because I am quietly quite determined. 

Every time you hit a PB, we often say the words: "She is one strong mama!" What's your advice to other mum's out there wanting to get into CrossFit or strength training?

I always say to any new person or any body that says I couldn't do what you do whether they be a mum or not "that we ALL start somewhere and if you persist it will get better"  

On the note of being a strong mama... your strength is mighty impressive. Tell us about your proudest achievement on your journey so far?

Probably just my constant PB's, but particully my front and back squats. They are my best lifts by far.   

Sticking with CrossFit year after year, and constantly pursuing new goals, takes a certain kind of mindset. What is your approach and mindset?

I do have my days just like everyone else, but as I said before I'm a very quietly determined person which came from my days of competing with the horses. I believe that the way I was brought up and the self discipline i had to have competing at the level I did has made me train the way I train.  

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

Definitely Thrusters. It doesn't matter whether they are 15kg or 40kg they still hurt. 

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 

Deadlift, I still remember the first time I PB'd. I was so excited lol. I also really enjoy Clean andJerk and Push Jerk, they are my fun lifts. 

Now it's time to dig a little deeper into 'Belinda'. 

.... if you could choose one song to capture the essence of 'Belinda', what would it be and why? Ha-ha Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi

.... if you could program your brain to do one thing, what would it be and why? 
Oh lordy the list is never ending. I finally had Box jumps but then took both shins out so I really want to get over my box jump phobia.  

.... if you could go back in time and tell your teenage self one thing, what piece of advice would it be and why?
Look after your body better because your going to suffer when you get older. 

.... if you could wake up tomorrow and have the freedom and disposition to do absolutely anything, what would be the first thing you would do and why?
Travel the world because there is so much out there to see and learn.  

.... if you could enjoy eating one food item daily without any consequences, what would you eat and why? 
Rock Salt Potato chips cause they are my really bad weakness.  

.... if you had the opportunity to overcome one fear, what would it be and why? 
Probably Bungee Jumping as it's a weakness of mine 

.... if you could relieve one of the craziest things you've ever done, what would it be and why? Ha-ha I have plenty but probably Skydiving, that was awesome 

.... if you could have the answer to any question, what would the question be? 
Where will my life be in 20 years? 

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year? 

o keep improving on all movements, but most of all keep enjoying what I do.   

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 

Oh dear that would be an Elephant that struggles to breath. 

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

If I can do it then any body can do it and trust me You'll never be bored but you may just become addicted. But most of all you're surrounded by awesome coaches and fabulous people while becoming fit and strong.  

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Belinda' WOD be?

1 Km Run
50 DU
50 Deadlift 40/60
50 DU
30 Hang Power Clean 40/60
50 DU
20 Push Jerks 40/60
50 DU
1 Km Run

Member of the Month: Sally Reynolds

Member of the Month: Sally Reynolds

Sally is by far one of the smartest girls I know, apart from knowing so many facts, she's always ready to myth bust any experiment I bring to her. Her continuous commitment definitely shows in her improvements, smashing PB after PB.
Sally is  a hard worker, humbled and takes on every piece of advice that has been given to her.

Below is Sally`s journey in her own words.

You're in the thick of your second year of CrossFit. Tell us about your journey so far. 
I’ve gone from total newbie to box regular, and seen steady improvements in all my lifts. I’m really loving training with the other metal therapists (we can all just agree our box is fantastic, yeah?).

You moved from interstate to Melbourne and stumbled across Metal Therapy. Can you tell us what made you choose the box and become a part of the community? 
I had decided to give CrossFit a go and was checking out a few boxes online, when one day, I saw a sign. Literally. I drove past the sandwich board on Princes Hwy on my way home from work. From there I got in touch with Gab and he invited me in to check the place out. Once you’ve been doing CrossFit for a little while you forget just how nerve-racking it is to walk in the door the first time, but I felt like I was instantly part of the family. I know how lucky I am to have found such a great community, almost completely by accident.

Tell us a little bit about how the community at Metal Therapy helped you settle into Melbourne life?
I moved here from Wollongong to start a new job, and knew basically no one in Melbourne. Having a little community to be part of certainly helped me find my feet and became a good way to let go of the day when my new job was challenging. I’m not sure the CrossFit crew know just how much they helped me settle in in those early days when I didn’t have many familiar faces around!

You recently moved from the Westside, but decided to stay at the box and commit to the 6AM class before heading to work as an Engineer. What motivates you to get to the box before work? How does starting your day in that way impact on the rest of your day? 

I would attribute this less to motivation than a strong internal auto-pilot. Most days I don’t even understand why I am driving to the box before dawn, I just am, and once I’m there it’s too late. As well as this, I backed myself into a corner last year when I somehow convinced my work colleagues (who are largely not CrossFit people) that I am the strongest woman alive. Now I'm worried that if I turn up to work without my gym bag and a fresh-off- the-gym- floor hairstyle they will grow suspicious and think I made the whole thing up. In all seriousness, I would say it’s easier to develop a routine than to find genuine motivation every single morning. I’m starting to quite enjoy my morning routine. I want people to think of me as someone who is dedicated, disciplined and consistent, and so I need my actions to reflect those values, which sadly means my alarm snoozing days are over.

Lately, your name has been splashed all over Wodify with gold star after gold star showing up next to it. You're hitting so many PBs. Tell us a little about how that feels? What have you been most proud of? 

The most satisfying thing is to reflect on where I was a year ago. I remember Gab coaxing me into a 50kg deadlift when I was still fairly new. I was thinking “I dunno Gab, this is pretty heavy!” It seemed impossible at the time. These days I can lift a fair bit more without thinking twice about it, and recently,
Matt helped me get a 90kg PB Deadlift. I’m probably most proud of that because I felt like I’d somehow summoned some strength I didn’t even know I had just to get that bar off the ground! It’s also pretty exciting to think about how much further I’ve still got to go (and what I might get next time…). It’s a cliché’, but I’m really enjoying the journey.

Have you felt a shift in your mindset or the way you have approached your training lately? 

Lately, I’ve been trying to turn up as often as possible, take on as much advice from the coaches as I possibly can and work on the things I know I could improve at. I’ve picked a few key things I’d like to get better at and I keep them in my mind while I’m training.

It's not all roses at times. Tell us how you work through the challenges that CrossFit has a habit at throwing at us? 
I think this is what I was alluding to when I talked about being on auto-pilot. Some days I’m on Wodify the second I wake up getting keen for the workout, other times I don’t really find the motivation, or once I’m in class, every lift feels heavy and I’m worn out. I think the key is momentum – just keep turning up and working your way through the class, even on a bad day.

You've battled through some niggling injuries on your CrossFit journey. How did you manage those injuries whilst still maintaining your training? 
It was frustrating at the time, but I've benefited from fantastic coaches who are great when it comes to training around and recovering injuries. Besides, my bad elbow gave me a chance to work on my lower body strength and my knee gave me the chance to work on my upper body strength. I’d say this has worked out pretty well. For the second time this year, I’ve gone to work with the work clothes I packed the night before and found that my biceps no longer fit in my sleeves. I’ve had to take to my clothes with a pair of scissors at my desk in an impromptu tailoring session, which I cover up by wearing a blazer all day and hoping no one notices (this is actually not a joke. It’s a real thing that can happen if you shower at work and have fantastic arms). For most of you, this is probably an aspirational level of gains, but I am beginning to think it might be calling into question my credibility as a young professional.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
| Burpees.

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
Deadlifts are cool. I also really like cleans, I think because I learned the movement relatively quickly and so enjoyed practicing them. I won’t lie though, one time I checked Wodify at 2am and saw the workout had 60 cleans in it. Then I fell back asleep and had a really bad dream about cleans, which has somewhat damaged my relationship with the lift.

We've had a few dark horses come through the box and you're definitely one of them, with some killer funny stories that have revealed themselves over time from your nickname "Potty Mouth Reynolds" to us finding you hungover and asleep in the grandstands at Regionals.

So it's time for the rest of the box and the CrossFit world to find out who the real Sally Reynolds is.... 

.... If you could have an unlimited storage of anything, what would it be and why? 
Strapping tape, for practical reasons. I’m quite accident prone, and I’ve used it for everything including band-aids and wrapping presents.

.... If you could love in any period of history, what would it be and why? 
A time in which I could thrive – so nothing which predates Netflix, Uber and googling your symptoms on Web MD.

.... If you could read one person's mind, who would it be and why? 
I would forego that superpower… there are things I don’t really want to know.

.... If your name went in the dictionary, what would the definition be and why? 
Sally: a lifting machine who’s secret skills include calculating percentages in her head and convincing herself that running is really not that bad.

.... If you could do one thing in life with the certainty that you would not fail, what would it be and why? 
Pick the lotto numbers!

.... if you had to sum your life up in five words, what words would you choose and why? 
Always sleep-deprived, somehow manages.

.... if you could come back as someone or something else, what would you choose and why? 
I would choose to be someone completely different to myself in as many ways as possible – just for something different (love of CrossFit would still be non-negotiable).

.... if you had one day in your life to live over, what day would you choose and why? 
So many to choose from, but maybe the day I climbed Mt Batur in Indonesia so I could experience the rush of finally reaching the top, followed by doing a better job of protecting my knees on the way down.

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year? 
I’d love to master pull ups and snatches. I’m also working toward a body weight back squat, and am getting pretty close.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
An elephant, because they are incredibly slow-moving. But also because they eat 200kg of food per day.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 
Give it a go, even just once. I wasn’t convinced til I walked through the door, but after I did I was sold.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the Sally`s WOD be?
For time:
10 Dead Ball Cleans 35/55
20 T2B
30 Box jumps 20"/24"
40 Alternating KB Snatch
50 Sit-ups
60” Hand Stand Hold
50 Sit-ups
40 Alternating KB Snatch
30 Box Jumps 20"/24"
20 T2B
10 Dead Ball Cleans 35/55